Chapter Twelve.

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The next morning came too soon for the trueblood alpha yet it came too slowly for the beta who was sitting still beside their apparently ex-luna. He didn't sleep, he couldn't sleep because all he could see and feel was Taehyung's shallow breath. It was almost like the boy wasn't breathing anymore. 

"Minnie, we're coming to you, Kooks as well. He has something to announce." Yoongi mind-linked his mate who simply sighed knowing too well that it won't be something good. 

Jimin closed his eyes and hooked his hands with Taehyung's pale ones. 

"Taetae, can you hear me? W-Wake up, I think this much rest is enough. Look, even the others are coming now. W-Wake u-up." Jimin whispered as fresh tears left his eyes. 

The situation Jimin was in right now wasn't because he was sympathetic. Honestly, sympathy was there but more than that there was love, little trust and a lot of care. It doesn't mean that others didn't feel these, it's just that this particular boy had spent a lot of time with the lifeless boy and he knows for sure that the boy didn't mean any huge harm and who doesn't deserve a second chance? Jimin is extremely fond of his best friend and no one can stop him from protecting the boy till his heart wants. 

Suddenly the door opened and walked in Yoongi, Namjoon and Jungkook. Jin is busy in the kitchen preparing something for the pale boy. 

"Oh Moon Goddess! He still didn't wake up? Gosh, wake him up." Jungkook spoke up with an irritated voice as Yoongi and Namjoon sighed loudly and Jimin simply closed his eyes to control his anger. 

"Kooks, please just kee--"

"How long does a person sleep? Please it's too mu---"

"Can you shut up? Please just stop. You don't accept him as your mate, as your luna I understand but at least be a little human?" Jimin roared as Jungkook shut up immediately. 

"Calm down, honey." Yoongi immediately side-hugged his mate to calm him down and it did. 

Jungkook stood there without speaking another word and stared at the pale, lifeless boy lying down on the bed. His stare was intense, deep yet it wasn't love-filled and fond like always rather it was strange, something close to disgust reflecting in those. 

Namjoon noticed Jungkook's stare as he looked at Taehyung and suddenly he felt bad because Taehyung somewhat deserved it but then again he didn't. It was such a dicey situation. 

"Why are you behaving as if he is the victim whereas it's me? He tried to kill me, not the other way around." Jungkook said suddenly as Jimin noticed how Taehyung was breathing heavily. 

"Something's happening to him. Call Hoseok hyung, call him fast." Jimin yelled as Jungkook rolled his eyes. 

"Stop overreacting. It must be that he is waking up." Jungkook said but soon Hoseok entered the room. 

"Please move aside." Hoseok said hurriedly as he made his way to Taehyung and started panicking a little. But he was quick to take action and immediately injected him with some medicine that calmed him down. 

"W-What's wrong?" Jimin asked as Hoseok sighed. 

"Something made his wolf restless and as it is weak right now, it couldn't take it so they started breathing heavily. He seems fine though which is strange but I feel it's because Jungkook is present in this roo--" Hoseok was abruptly cut off when Jungkook scoffed loudly. 

"I am telling you, he is just acting. He is a brilliant actor. Haven't you guys understood that by now?" Jungkook questioned as he laughed a little humorlessly. 

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