Chapter Twenty Two.

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"I am sorry…"



"No, oh my moon goddess, you're getting it wrong. I am sorry Jungkook because I pushed you out of the room and about our Luna, he is perfectly fine which actually is a miracle. He is absolutely okay and even awake so if you want to meet him, you can but it would be better if you didn't do it together. Less crowd, better for the patient." Hoseok said as he smiled his bright smile and walked away patting Jungkook's shoulder who cried out more loudly.

"Jimin honey, you go in first while I handle Kooks a---" Even before Yoongi could complete his sentence, Jimin dashed inside the room almost running.


"He's fine hyung, he is absolutely fine. Did you hear that? I knew he would be fine and he would come back to me." Jungkook uttered as Yoongi smiled at him. He took him in a hug and smiled for gummily.

"He is fine, Kooks. He is strong." Yoongi replied as Jungkook laughed a little and then nodded as new tears left his eyes. Their hug is still intact.

"Now you have time to do it right this time, Kooks. Take care of him right this time, protect him right this time and love him right this time. You can do it. He deserves so much love, care and appreciation in his life, Kooks and only you can provide him that correctly." Yoongi spoke fondly as Jungkook stared at him with big doe-like eyes. Yoongi smiled fondly at him, it reminded him of the first time he witnessed these doe-like orbs which hold the whole galaxy in them. So soft, so sparkly and so innocent.

"I will. This time I will do it right." Jungkook said with determination laced to his voice as Yoongi nodded and broke the hug.

"Come on, you deserve to meet him now. Let's get you in and let me ask Jin hyung to bring your food here. Is that okay?" Yoongi asked as Jungkook nodded like a kid.

"B-But J-Jimin---"

"Oh leave him to me. I know how to handle or you could say distract him pretty well by now. Get up and go fight for your love." Yoongi said with power as Jungkook giggled a little, nodding his head.

By the time Jungkook walked inside the room, he saw Taehyung in Jimin's embrace and even though he didn't want to yet a possessive growl slipped past his lips. He didn't mean to seem so possessive when he doesn't know if his Luna has forgiven him but he just couldn't help it. He is a trueblood alpha and being possessive runs in his veins. As soon as they heard the growl Jimin broke the hug but he simply rolled his eyes. No, he wasn't scared of his stupid brother who only knows how to growl.

Jungkook peeped a little from his brother's shoulder to take a glimpse of his Luna and he was frozen on his steps. Taehyung had invariably changed. The change simply radiated his beauty in ten folds more and Jungkook had trouble breathing because damn, his omega looked breathtaking.

Gone were Taehyung's black hair as they turned into flaming golden and his eyes sparkling, which were still gleaming ruby red and his lips looked more plum and moisturized than before. His face is more healthy with his bread cheeks sticking out. Yet something was missing and that was his boxy smile that could light up Jungkook's entire world. Even though it was missing, he looked ethereal. Taehyung looked ethereal, almost felt like he was just the human figure or replica of the moon goddess and Jungkook felt he was lucky. This beautiful boy, this ethereal human is his.

"Are you sure?" Black teased him as Jungkook rolled his eyes.

"Shut up, Black." Jungkook replied immediately and Black only smirked.

In his dreamy stance, Jungkook didn't even realize that Yoongi had pulled out a whiny Jimin from the room as promised.

"Hi?" Jungkook mumbled out nervously as Black burst out laughing.

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