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Jungkook was sleeping soundly on the bed with slight snores leaving his mouth, his upper part of the body naked with numerous hickeys decorating his neck and shoulders. Well, his abs had more but he was sleeping on his stomach so that definitely wasn't visible.

He was having a lovely dream where he was with his Luna doing no work just sitting on the bed idly while they exchanged numerous kisses and giggles. He was leaning in to kiss his Luna some more while his arms had been tightly wrapped around his soft, curvy waist when he suddenly saw his hand slipping and him falling on the ground. He was supposed to be on the bed with his Luna but how come he was falling yet his gorgeous Luna wasn't?


Wait, wasn't this his Luna's voice but how come he wasn't seeing his Luna panicking while he was falling? Why isn't he trying to hold him? Why isn't he preventing him from falling. But you know? When you lose hope, you will find somewhat hope in some manner so here Jungkook saw he clutched the bed sheet tightly which was supposed to keep him in place and not let him fall but damn his  fate because in the next moment he was on the floor, half naked, the bed sheets tangled around his body, him almost looking like the ancient mummy.

He grumbled and then groaned and then rubbed his eyes but then immediately rubbed his head, yawning loudly because his head hurt and he couldn't stop whining. He was supposed to wake up with his Luna in his arms.

It has been two long years and that's how things are with Jungkook. There hasn't been a day when he didn't wake up to his beautiful Taehyung but today seriously is a damned day.


Jungkook finally recovered from his dream and stood up hurriedly because the screams were not from his dream. It was his breathtaking Luna who was screaming for him for what he didn't know yet.

"What was the *beep* all about?" Jungkook yawned as he walked down the steps lazily.

"Apppaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!" Jungkook expected to hear Taehyung's voice but of course how can anything beat this baby's voice.

"Hanie baby, come to appa!!" Jungkook uttered out in baby voice as he made grabby hands towards his one and half year old baby boy who was sitting on the table while Taehyung was beside him, holding him.

"DON'T YOU DARE COME FORWARD YOU STUPID ALPHA!" Taehyung yelled as Jungkook flinched evidently and he stilled on his steps.

"M-Mommy angwy?" Little Haneul asked his mother who seemed to be raging by this point.

"Oh my baby, no sweetheart but your appa needs to learn a lesson now." Taehyung replied to his baby alpha in a sweet and cute voice while Jungkook was sweating nervously.

"Now I understand why there was a beep in the sentence. Hanie baby is near you." Jungkook mumbled to himself while Taehyung fumed again.

"Yes and stupid alpha how many times have I told you that don't buy Hanie ice-cream now, it's winters for God sake! Now look, he is sneezing!" Taehyung said as he rubbed his temples with his fingers as his baby Haneul watched his mommy getting stressed about him. His eyes glossed and his lips wobbled and it seemed like soon he would bawl his eyes out.

"Hanie baby, you literally threw your appa under the bus!" Jungkook said to his little baby who screamed and bawled his eyes out.

"Look! Now you're making him cry." Taehyung gasped as he immediately picked his baby boy up in his arms and swung him lightly.

Encountering Love. (TAEKOOK) Where stories live. Discover now