Chapter Seven

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Early in the morning when the birds chirped and sang their melodious songs, the blue sky shining white like an expensive pearl, everyone was almost already on their feets working or at least getting ready for work and honestly there would be a group of small people who would claim that they love mornings.

Jungkook was definitely one of those. He adored early mornings because his wolf felt energetic and he would finally be able to get back to work rather than being lazy. Who doesn't love to be a little lethargic, isn't it? Well Jungkook hates it. He kind of blames his wolf, Black for this. Black is a trueblood Alpha wolf so he is supposed to be like this but Jungkook does tease his wolf by calling him, "so extra" whenever he gets an opportunity.

Yet today when the birds chirped and sang and when he could even hear the chats and laughs of his pack members while they were getting ready for their work, Jungkook just couldn't wake up. His body felt warm and he suddenly felt as if he was having difficulty in breathing. Jungkook as far as he remembers has always been extremely healthy because that boy takes care of himself the best. He stays far away from cigarettes or any kind of addiction. Drinking is also something which isn't quite liked by the boy.

Jungkook, a 25 year old trueblood Alpha boy has seen a lot in life yet he doesn't believe that any addiction can stop him or weaken him down. Well now he does have an addiction, a strong one at it and that is the addition he has for the oceanic fragrance that lingers anywhere his mate goes.

Jeon Jungkook is the eldest among his friends. Jimin comes next as he is 22 years old. Yoongi, Seokjin, Namjoon are his hyungs. Yoongi is 26, Namjoon is 26 as well and Seokjin is the oldest being 27 years old. Yet they all are attached to the hip and love each other more than anything and Jungkook is simply grateful for them.

His mate, oh his gorgeous, beautiful and absolutely breathtaking precious mate Kim Taehyung is 21 years old. He is the youngest of the slot and hence he is adored so much in the pack. The age gap between the two mates may seem so long yet it's no secret how whipped the head Alpha is for his Luna.

Thinking about his mate automatically brings a stupid smile on his lips. He inhaled a deep breath in such a way as if he could inhale his mate's calm and soothing fragrance. Once he did that, his breath staggered a bit again as he coughed roughly holding his chest, sitting up. He finally woke up yet he feels his entire energy has been drained or probably sucked out.

"Black, what's wrong? I can feel you shivering a little. Are we falling sick?" Jungkook couldn't help but communicate with his inner wolf who was shivering and whining a little.

"Jungkook, I don't feel so good. It's a weird sensation and it's new but I can guarantee you, it's not something good." Black replied as his voice quivered a little.

"It's okay, Black. Our mate is here so we're strong." Jungkook replied as he placed his palm on his chest and patted himself softly.

On the other hand, the mate Jungkook was talking about hasn't slept even a second throughout the night. He almost even forgot to blink or lie down. He felt shivers crawling up his veins, he was losing himself.

He saw how the night turned into morning. He saw how the moon light that lit up his room disappeared and soon the bright sunlight replaced it smoothly. He wasn't ready, he wasn't ready to get up or do anything. He feels weak, so weak and he feels numb.

"So after everything, just because of the simple incident last night, you're feeling this weak?" Pearl questioned. Taehyung's wolf who looked absolutely stunning like it's name.

"Pearl. You know why I feel this weak. Stop being a bitch right now because it isn't the time nor is it sweet." Taehyung replied as he was getting annoyed by his own Wolf's behavior.

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