Chapter Ten.

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The run towards the hospital room was full of chaos because they might've tripped one or twice at least. 

Taehyung had tears running down his face as Jin and Namjoon had worry etched onto his features. Jimin on the other hand had a small smile playing on his lips and Yoongi simply had a stern face. The only thing common was them running at full speed because they just can't wait to see Jungkook happily smiling at them, fully cured. 

When they finally reached the hospital door, Yoongi pushed the door slowly as he saw Jungkook calmly sitting on the bed, a face void of any expression and Hoseok talking to him with a frown on his face. 

"Why don't you underst---"

"Hobi, what's going on?" Yoongi questioned as Jungkook finally looked at them. Though his face still held no expression. 

"Yoongi, I don't know what to do with this boy. He is still recovering and now he suddenly has the urge to get up and start working as if work has stopped because he is here." Hoseok complained as his frown deepened on his face. 

"What's wrong, Kooks? Why are you behaving like this? Do you not trust my wor---"

"N-No Yoongi hyun---" Jungkook tried talking yet he couldn't complete his sentence as he started coughing hysterically. 

"Kooks, please don't try and talk at once, your throat is already sore, please don't put pressure on it at the moment." Hoseok said as he rubbed Jungkook's back a little to sooth him. 

"I want t-to g-get back t-to w-wor---"

"NO! YOU ARE NOT DOING ANY WORK, YOU NEED REST." Taehyung almost yelled at Jungkook who finally looked up at him but immediately looked away with an unreadable expression on his face. 

"Take some days off Kooks, your work is in a trustworthy person's hand." Yoongi said as Jungkook smiled a little. 

"I-I don't d-doubt it Y-Yoongi hyung b-but I-I will be b-bored without w-work." Jungkook replied with the same smile on his face. 

"Stay for some days, Kooks. Then you can get back I promise." Namjoon now answered before Yoongi could. 

"Enough of this, move aside, let me see my cousin." Jin pushed them aside as he took a seat beside Jungkook and caressed his forehead. 

"I am glad you're doing well, kook baby. We were so worried, you know?" Jin questioned as he teasingly glared at the boy, who just chuckled. 

"I am fine now hyung."

"I am so happy." Jin replied with a bright smile as happy tears left his eyes. 

"What's wrong, Jimin? Won't you meet your brother?" Jungkook asked the only person who was absolutely quiet the entire time. 

"I want to but before that I want to hand over the culprit who pois---nevermind." Jimin said but soon diverted the topic because he felt it was too sensitive at the moment. 

"The culprit who poisoned me. I am aware of it, Jimin." Jungkook replied and it left everyone speechless. 


"And I know who did it." Jungkook said as he sighed, closing his eyes. 

"Who did it? Jimin says he knows as well, he was supposed to disclose the name when we got the news of you waking up." Yoongi said as he looked in between the two brothers. 

"Who is it? Tell us now Kooks." Namjoon said impatiently. 

"Who is it?" Jungkook questioned as he chuckled dryly. 

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