Chapter Sixteen.

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Two weeks.

It has already been two weeks of the whole deal that has been going on between the two mates—ex-mates.

Jungkook, even though was against the entire thing, he wouldn’t ever go against Taehyung and therefore he was safe without his own knowledge.

Taehyung as promised took care of Jungkook by tasting each and every bite of anything that was prepared for him and they both made sure that no one was aware of this except them.

Even after everything Taehyung was coping up quite well because he has a will and the will is simply his love. It was helping him move forward even though his heart did hurt most of the time. He was— is sassy most of the times but that doesn’t simply mean it doesn’t hurt and especially after the rejected kiss, Jungkook has been behaving more differently—rudely with him and he knows that even though Jungkook is masking it, he is quite hurt that his omega didn’t let him kiss him. Jungkook may not know this but Taehyung knows that his wolf knows when Jungkook’s wolf is also hurt or sad. 

Hence, Taehyung is coping up well yet today is different. Today Taehyung feels weird—hot. He doesn’t know what’s happening with him because all he knows is that it’s not a fever. He doesn’t know what’s wrong but he has been sweating and feeling uneasy since he woke up. As he had no idea what’s happening to him, he thought that it would be best if he asked someone about it and who would he turn to if it’s not Jimin, his best friend.

Jimin was as usual in the garden spending some time with his beautiful plants as it was quite early in the morning. When he realized the presence of Taehyung, he simply turned around and smiled brightly but as soon as he saw Taehyung’s uneasy face he frowned. 

“Taetae, what’s wrong?” Jimin questioned as he held out a hand for Taehyung to hold it.

“I don’t know, Jim and that’s why I am here. I don’t feel so well and I feel hot and sweaty but I don’t have a fever, what do you think is wrong with me??” Taehyung cried out as Jimin immediately creased his eyebrows and then gasped loudly.

“Did you have your heat before, Taetae?” Jimin questioned as Taehyung stared at him strangely.

“No but how does this have anything to do with my heat?” Taehyung asked as Jimin stared at him blankly.

“You don’t know how a heat feels, am I right, Taetae??” Jimin asked as Taehyung turned scarlet and then shyly nodded his head.

“Oh my sweet child! Taetae you’re in your heat and I am worried.” Jimin said as his face laced with worry.

“Why Jiminie??” Taehyung questioned with wide eyes.

“Because you will need your alpha more than anything now, Taetae.” Jimin said as he sighed loudly.

But what Jimin and Taehyung completely forgot was Taehyung was rejected by Jungkook and honestly does anyone even have the idea what might happen to an omega in heat who was rejected by his own alpha?

So when Jimin left Taehyung in his room wrapping him up in small thin blankets Taehyung thought that all was going well with him and he really didn't need his Alpha or anyone for his so-called heat. 

But suddenly when a heat wave attacked him on his lower abdomen, the boy shrieked and he clutched the place tightly and closed his eyes shut tightly. 

"A-Alpha.." Taehyung yelled out yet his voice came out as a whisper because he was in pain, a pain he didn't know he might get. 

"N-Need A-Alpha.." Taehyung mumbled out again as tears left his eyes. 

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