Chapter One

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Pants. Heavy Pants resonated throughout the forest as a lanky almost malnutritioned boy was running for his life. 

"Stop running you filthy wolf. We will anyway get you, you pathetic being." Voices echoed behind him yet nothing reached his ears as he ran for his dear life. 

The boy running didn't have the slightest idea why a wolf itself was calling him, who is also a wolf, names as if he was disgusting. That's his nature, he didn't want to be born as a wolf now did he? He just happened to be one. 

His fate was so disturbing and unacceptable for him that all he wanted now was to simply rest and run from his own fate but how could one do so? 

When you're running for your life, you will find immense energy in yourself even if you have drained out all your energy. 

But how far could you run in a deadhole anyway? His feet had to abruptly stop in front of the deep stream flowing in front of him. His breaths get deeper than usual and his hands automatically reach his knees to balance his entire self. 

No, it's not that he can't swim but if he tries to swim the dark stream of this forest, he knew he would simply welcome his death. He had to stop, there is no way of committing suicide where he has been running miles just to protect himself from the term "death".

"Well Well dear pathetic wolf, can't run anymore? Oh, I am sorry, you're scared of the dark stream like everyone else aren't you!?" The voice chuckled behind him with no humour or conscious present in it. 

The Dark stream of the forest. Everyone knows about it and never dares to even lay a finger in it for fun because till date no one has a single idea of what this dark, shimmering black water holds beneath it. Rumour has it, one who even touched the waters hasn't made it back to normal life again and obviously these wolves were not stupid. 

Fate. Truly unlucky fate of this small wolf who even shivered at the voice of the sarcastic wolves who were also known as the guards of the territory. 

"And---Caught you little disgusting wolfie. C'mon let's take you to our head Alpha! He will deal with your pathetic ass." The guard snickered as he caught the boy's arm tightly pulling him harshly. 

"N-No N-No please---please let me g-go." The stuttering fell to deaf ears as he was dragged towards the head pack house, his knees getting scratched due to mother nature's beautiful green lush on the ground. 

"So weak, tsk. I hope the head Alpha puts you in the dungeon. Wolves like you deserve to stay there, anyway." The guard uttered words carelessly which would even seem harsh to the most cruel person alive. 

It didn't take a lot to understand they had reached the head pack house when they stood in front of the huge royal blue gate which opened ever so slowly when the guards face was seen through the peephole of the gate by the guards doing their duty at the gates. 

"Is head Alpha occupied at the moment? I found this rogue dog lurking around in the forest alone. He needs to see this right at this moment." The guard who was still holding the slim figure in his hold uttered each word proudly, knowing he had done an amazing work and soon he might get rewarded as well. 

"I am sure he isn't that occupied. I'll let him know about this." The other guard smirked delightfully and ran inside to let the news flow into the head Alpha ears. 

Soon the slim figure found himself being dragged again but this time more harshly. He felt like a criminal yet he wasn't one. 

He tried thrashing a bit yet failed every time and the very last time he tried, he was thrashed and pushed harshly on the ground that made him lie straight on the ground. He knew just then, he would receive cuts in other places too now. 

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