Chapter Three

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"... And that's how I decided to decorate this garden in my own way. It was after all my mate's present to me." Jimin spoke delightfully as he walked slowly with Taehyung, the pack's luna.

"And it's splendid. I can spend my entire life here, taking in the beauty of this place. You did an amazing job, Jiminie." Taehyung replied, as he inhaled a deep breath smiling at Jimin, his new found best friend.

"I wanted Jin hyung to join as well but he was busy baking a cake for the luna." Jimin spoke up with a teasing smile, looking at Taehyung.

"He's such a darling. I am happy he has a loving mate like Namjoon hyung." Taehyung replied happily ignoring the teasing smile of Jimin.

Kim Seokjin, the beta of the pack was none other than Jungkook's cousin. His mate was Alpha Kim Namjoon who was no one but the boy's childhood best friend. It didn't take rocket science for anyone to understand that they would be mates when their childhood friendship blossomed into young love when they grew up. Namjoon is Jungkook's mind. He is the adviser of the pack and no decision is taken in the pack without consulting him. And about Seokjin, that man loves food so much that probably his second mate is food. So seeing his cousin's passion for food, Jungkook made Seokjin the chef or we could say the entire kitchen is under him but he doesn't cook everyday. Does so only when he is in the mood, other times he just supervises everyone because of strict orders from his mate, Namjoon, "No one should make my mate tired. He will be the king of whatever he does." So that's how much in love they are and that's how our Namjin couple is.

"Tae, would you mind if I want to ask you something?" Jimin suddenly questioned. One thing about Min Jimin--the boy is always curious and no he doesn't hide it.

"Absolutely not, Jiminie. You're my best friend, you can ask me anything." Taehyung replied with a bright smile on his face.

"I've always been too curious about things so you know I look up on google or even ancient books about how Alpha have red eyes and Omega's have blue eyes. Trueblood Alpha is supposed to have deeper shades of red--like ruby and male omega's should have deeper shade of blue or you know somewhat like azure eyes. I mean look at Yoongs or Namjoon hyung, they both have red eyes yet looking at you and kooks, it's so weird." Jimin voiced out his inner thoughts with a frown on his face.

"What do you mean?" Taehyung questioned with a confused gaze on his face.

"What I mean is, Kooks should have had ruby red eyes yet you have those and you should have had azure eyes whereas Kooks have those. It's kinda strange how it's opposite for you both." Jimin said as he keenly stared at Taehyung.

It made Taehyung look small under the beta's gaze.

"I don't know Jiminie, it has always been like this. Probably Moon Goddess wanted us to be unique because he is a trueblood Alpha and I am a trueblood omega as well." Taehyung said, fiddling with his fingers as Jimin hummed with a far away gaze in his eyes.

"This still doesn't feed my curiosity. We wolves have known this for years. Alpha's own red eyes, omega's have blue and beta's have yellow like the sunset. Trueblood Alpha's have ruby and Trueblood omega's have azure but you both---urgh! This hurts my head." Jimin whined out because his curiosity's hunger still wasn't fed.

"Jiminie~ let it go. It must be the Moon goddess's plan. Stop whining like a baby, you big beta." Taehyung replied with a small giggle which happily distracted Jimin from his whines and thoughts.

"I feel we should drop you to your Alpha's arms now, he must be getting restless by now." Jimin teased some more as Taehyung's cheeks and neck matched his eye colour.

"There's nothing like that, Jiminie. Stop embarrassing us like that." Taehyung whined softly as Jimin laughed loudly. He truly enjoys teasing the young omega.

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