Chapter Twenty Five.

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Mornings bring in hope in it's own way. Therefore when today morning the sun rays peeped into Luna's room, yes Taehyung had been shifted back to Luna's room because of Jungkook's strict order, Taehyung woke up unwillingly because he felt so tired. He squinted his eyes and sprinted up on the bed and looked around with his messy blonde hair and a big pout on his lips.

His legs scattered while the blanket half covered his beautiful, long legs and half didn't. He sighed loudly and fell on the bed backwards again wanting to sleep some more because there is no way it's more than six in the morning. But suddenly his eyes were opened wide.

He could feel his senses calming down and all he could smell was his alpha's cotton candy scent. Taehyung inhaled a deep breath and he sighed almost purring. But his eyes were wide open because how can he smell his Alpha so strongly when his Alpha is nowhere near hi----or so he thought.

Because right when he turned towards his right, he gasped inaudibly because there was his Alpha, Jungkook sleeping without any worry in his life. His body half lying on the not so comfortable couch in the room, his head smoothly placed on his hand that was placed out normally on the couch.

The alpha's posture looked anything but comfortable yet Taehyung couldn't help but stare at him with a small smile playing on his lips. Taehyung chuckled slowly as he placed his own head on his palm and stared lovingly at his Alpha. They were not so far from each other yet Taehyung was bothered. His wolf, his own body itched to be closer to his Alpha.

"Just go forward, no one is stopping us. Go on, go on!!" Pearl encouraged Taehyung as he finally inched closer to Jungkook and looked at him closely.

Jungkook looked as handsome as he looked from the maximum distance they have seen each other from. But the closer you look, you can see the imperfections on his face, the small little flaws that make him more beautiful, more fascinating. Jungkook sleeps with his mouth apart and his snores are almost inaudible and just because he's so close to him, he can hear them. His eyebrows knit together every time Taehyung's breath falls on his face. His cheeks are already rosy yet a small scar on his cheek gives him the most natural look. Jungkook is breathtaking and Jungkook is his. His Alpha, his mate and he is so proud of it.

Taehyung slowly raised his hand up and brushed the little strands of hair that fell on Jungkook's forehead. He closed his hand into a small fist but then struck his index finger out and traced Jungkook's facial features softly. From his forehead to his nose, booping it in the process a little and finally poking his plummy lips that were apart from each other.

He inched a little more closer where his nose almost touched Jungkook's nose and he stared intently on Jungkook's face. It almost felt like he was pulled into this with the help of some magical powers. Taehyung even realized that Jungkook is a heavy sleeper and this man wouldn't wake up easily.

But then something like this will happen and Taehyung won't get caught because right when he was about to place his beautiful lips on his Alpha's nose, Jungkook opened his eyes and all could see was Taehyung really close to him, almost like in his personal space but oh boy, did he love it.

"If I am dreaming, I better not wake up." Jungkook whispered in his husky, morning voice as Taehyung gulped because damn, Jungkook sounds so sexy early in the morning.

"Y-You're not." Taehyung mumbled out as Jungkook closed his eyes, his throat leaving a heavy chuckle.

"Then I wish to wake up to this every morning." Jungkook whispered out, his eyes closed, his lips adoring a beautiful smile.

"What were you doing here?" Taehyung asked as he brushed his fingers softly on Jungkook's cheeks.

Jungkook slowly opened his eyes again and inched closer placing a small peck on Taehyung's nose as Taehyung immediately looked down, his cheeks going faint pink.

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