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Power? Isn’t it one amazing and strong word? Kim Seokjin the CEO of Kim enterprises. There wasn’t anything he couldn’t buy with his money. A sworn cold blooded man by personality. Gigantic and dynamic with his intuitions. His principles were meant to be followed.

Whether one likes it or not. The mere mention of his name was more than sufficient to arouse fear in the hearts of netizens. The entire Seoul knew this deity in the persona of a human. Jin showered mercy to the poor, abhorrence for the rich.

And love for none. An anti romantic man indeed. His day starts with paperwork and ends on a work note. One of his greatest treasures was his conceded deeds. His company.

Jin built it on his own capabilities, from scratch to where he stood today. Ego? Doesn’t one adore having it? So did Jin, with his classed man. The class of rich and spoiled.

“Get me a drink.” He orders the waitress sitting in the VIP room of the club. All lonely and alone. None to embrace him and his sorrows. He was tired of his boring lifestyle. Jin had nothing to smile about. Handing him a glass of whiskey the waitress bowed and walked outside. Stop right there.”

The coldness in his voice sent shivers down her spine. “Yes sir?” For some odd reason she was afraid of him. She knew the power Jin held. “Why are you working in such a place?” She gulped, wondering if it was a threat or a casual query? Lack of jobs and my mismatched education forced me to join a club.”

Jin pulled out a card and passed it to her. “At sharp 9:00 A.M. show up at my office. I hate disobedience and neophytic employees.” She accepted the card with her shivering hands. Glancing at it, tears accumulated in her lids. “Thank you so much.” Bowing at him she scurried outside.

A slight beam was seen on his face. No matter how cold he was. He could differentiate between wrong and right. “I saved another woman today.” Removing a black diary from his pocket he scribbled something on the paper.


“Jimin, what are you doing? Won’t you take your fiance out for a drive?” His mother asked the same question for the nth time. The former was glancing out of the window lost in his thoughts. “Yes I will.” Tucking in his white shirt he heads downstairs. Halting his footsteps in the middle. Peeking his head in a room. “Miss Y/N are you planning to sleep the entire day?” Grumbling at his voice you cover your ears with the pillow. “Please, I’m too young to face this society.”

Jimin scoffed, entering your room. Harshly snatching the cushion from you. “Wake up lazy ass. Go and do something productive.” Jimin was that brother, who pampered you with love. His anger wasn’t a friendly emotion that you enjoyed. “Are you scolding your little sister?” He sighed at you using the innocent tag.

“Why are you so sulky these days?” Sitting on the edge of the bed, he cautiously requisitioned. The past weeks he had observed the change in your personality. “What do you mean? I’m totally fine.” Gripping on your blanket you pressure your eyes to be shut tight. “Park Y/N I’m your older brother. You either speak up the truth or I’ll find it myself.” Abruptly fluttering your lashes. You sit on the mattress. Grabbing his hand, looking at him with pleading eyes.

“Fine, I'll spill the tea.” He smiled, knowing the effect his threat had on you. Jimin hunting for truth wasn’t an ethical option. Reminiscing that one time when someone had teased you and you had returned home crying. He had approached you querying what was wrong?

When you didn’t reply honestly. He personally interrogated the matter. Let’s say the guy who had mocked you landed up in hospital for a whole week. The news of his ailment was heard by you by one of your classmates. To Jimin his sister was his angel.

“Kim Seokjin,” whispering his name, a shy grin curved up your lips. Jimin was staring at you perplexed. “Is he your classmate? Do you perhaps like him?” Seeing his sister's shy state, Jimin knew his sister was in love. Sadness plastered on your face. “Wish he was my classmate. Alas! He ain’t. I’m referring to the business giant Seokjin. Worldwide Handsome Jin.” Jimin grit his teeth standing up angrily.

“That arrogant old punk? I’m never permitting you to date him! Where did you even meet him?” Pouting at the negative impression he had built against Jin. You were mentally regretting having revealed your secret to your brother.

“Wish I was dating him. Oh how badly I wish I was. I’ve been crushing on him for the past three years. However, my first meeting was a magical one.” He could see himself in his sister. The way she acted was the same as he did.

“Is it one sided?” You give him a ‘duh!” expression. “You think I’ll be still staying in this house? If my prince charming Seokjinie had proposed to me? Oh! Please I’ll live my life marrying him.” Jimin flicked your forehead. “Get out of your imagination Miss Y/N. He’s a rich man.” Frowning at Jimin’s statement you bash the nearby pillow on his face.

“Ouch what was that for?” Grunting in pain he rubbed his nose. “Jin will fall in love with me. And even marry me. I’m sure of that.” Flipping your fresh bed hair you proudly retort. Jimin was done with you. “All the best with your non-existent prince little sister.” Throwing a glass of water on your face he rushed outside. “PARK JIMIN!” Yelling his name, you wiped your face. With your pyjama sleeve.

Jin stood near the window, glimpsing at the busy world. “Everyone’s engaged in their lives. Money is urging them to give up their daily habits. Be an ugly puppet to its apprehension.” A knock on his door alerts him. “Come in.” Without flipping his posture he grants permission.

“Good morning sir.” The female bowed her head. “You're 5 seconds late, Miss Kim.” Her heart beat increased. “I’m sorry,” He settled on his chair. Legs crossed. “It’s your first day here. So I’ll let it slide. Remember my words. If Kim Seokjin could give you something. I can easily encroach on it.” Her legs felt jelly at his aphorism. “I’m sorry sir.” Constantly bowing in apology she was seeking his forgiveness.

Jin shrugged his shoulders. “Do not repeat mistakes. I abhor blunders.” Scanning through her profile he signs a letter handing it to her. “Three months of internship and I’ll see if you're worth working here or not.”

She accepted the appointment letter, walking out of his office. Breathing heavily once she had come an untainted distance from the man’s venomous presence. “I’m grateful for this opportunity. Nevertheless he scares me a lot.” She wasn’t delegated as his personal secretary. Even then the fear Jin managed to raise in people’s hearts was tremendous.

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