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Seeing Jimin standing there with flared eyes, the tip of his nose bright pink, you knew it wasn’t gonna end up good. You were eager to plead with him to calm down but a part of you didn’t agree. It wanted him to question your husband. Why was he tormenting you? Jimin marched ahead, grabbing Jin’s collar.

“What did I warn you about? A single mistake from your side and I won’t hesitate to take her away with me. Yet you had the audacity to publicly insult my sister?” Raising his fist in the air he was ready to give him a taste of his deeds. Jin’s words abruptly stopped him. “20th August, Dongsan Park, 11:15 a.m. Kim Ammu.”

Jimin’s breath hitched, taking a step backwards. His breathing turned uneven. That painful feeling was back in his chest, one that he had thought had subsided long ago. “You remember her don’t you?” Chuckling he watched his state crumble. Rushing to Jimin you held his arm. “Who is she?” Jimin shook high head shutting his eyes. His heart ached once again notwithstanding the past remembering those memories. “Answer her Jimin, tell her who Ammu is?”

“How do you know her?” Jin’s face turned stone cold. “She’s my sister. The only family that I had left in this world was her.” Jimin didn’t expect this. “She never introduced me to her brother.” Mumbling to himself he avoided Jin’s gaze. “My sister is a naive girl. She didn’t want you to ignore her or feel upset that she had nothing in her hand while her brother was soaring in the skies. But I’m sure she’s mentioned about me to you.”

His fingers shivered, nodding at Jin’s retort. “She did.” Jin loosened his tie. “Come back here tomorrow, take your sister with you for now. I won't stop you after all I didn’t leave her for money the way you abandoned her.” Being at a loss of words you looked at Jimin hoping what Jin claimed now was wrong. No way he could do something that miserable would he?

“Oppa tells me he’s lying, it’s one of his games isn’t it?” Hearing no reply from Jimin, you were trying your best to not believe Jin’s designation. “He won’t be able to answer Y/N, after all his marriage with Jessica was a deal he made so you could complete your graduation. Your Parents didn’t have enough money to pay for your education. He was in love with my sister which I highly doubt is true. After they put forward the deal he didn’t hesitate twice before breaking my sister’s heart, and leaving her for some mere 1000 dollars. Not just this he even had the audacity to question her worth, degrade her profession. Reminding her he won’t marry a beggar. My sister tried stopping him. He didn't listen to her beseeching with him. He was blinded by his love for his sister.”

Scoffing at the end he continued his inner wrath he had held in for so long. “And what did you do? After graduating? Lazed on bed all day? Because you wanted comforts and all sorts of luxury being provided to you at your feet. The day I got to know the truth I swore to take revenge on you. Remind you how it feels to be worthless. To value money and every buck you earn. Initially I wanted you to feel the exact pain of what my sister suffered through and what I am going through after watching her broken state. Her face and mature statements always stop me from doing it. You’re lucky I didn’t destroy your family.”

Tears streamed both the siblings cheeks. “I destroyed someone’s life?” Jin didn’t bother wiping the moist off your face. He walked away upstairs, halting in his steps. “Park Jimin 11:00 a.m. be here at my place tomorrow you owe her an apology I believe.”

Holding Jimin’s hand you ran out of the mansion not having the guts to be there any longer. Truth was revealed, were you able to digest it? No! You regretted all those times when you wished for him to tell his motive as to why he had married you?

“I’m sorry Y/N!” Jimin had his head held down with his face hidden in his palms. “You never told me you gave up on your love to satisfy my needs. I’ve been way too selfish all my life haven’t I?” He shook his head sitting on the side of the busy road.

“It’s a brother's duty to cater his sister’s needs, I chose to do it by my own freewill. Maybe in the journey of being a brother I forgot she was someone’s sister too.”

-NEXT DAY- (11:00 A.M.)

Jimin stood at Jin’s doorsteps with sweaty palms wiping it on his jeans. “I’m so nervous to see her after a year. Will she forgive me? I don’t hope for another chance from her.” Lost in his thoughts he failed to notice Jin standing in front of him. “Done with thinking? Let’s hurry, she must be waiting for me.” Sitting in his car, they drove away. Jin was the one driving; he had dressed himself up in a formal suit as usual. Jimin couldn’t help but wonder.

“He’s dressed in formals as always. I wonder how she doesn't get intimidated by his appearance?” Shrugging his weird notions off, he felt his body jerk forward. Gripping on his seat belt out of fear. “Get out.” Jimin was confused. Nevertheless he followed Jin. They walked in a large field.

“Hyung, why are we here?” Jimin whispered frightfully. Jin didn’t say anything and instead fastened his pace. They came across a big tree with a white stone under it. “I got him here for you.” Kneeling down he removed his hanky, wiping the sides of the tomb. Jimin couldn't believe his eyes.

“Hyung- what is this?” His eyes watered seeing your name engraved on it. He wished what he saw was a joke. “Lower your tone down Jimin, you know she hates when people question her.” Humming a song to himself Jin was busy talking to the grave.

“I’ve decided to forgive them, what do you think? Did I choose the right thing? You’ve been coming in my dreams lately. And the fact you are displeased by me taking revenge on her upset me. So I chose to acquit them. I want your soul to rest in peace. The next time you come in my dreams, you should hug Oppa ok? You’ve turned into a brat why won’t you speak to me? I’ve fulfilled your desire. I'm letting everything go. So smile for me from above ok? And say hello to the little ones too.”

Jin was gleaming in delight, speaking those locutions. The pain that was surfacing on his features wasn’t hidden. It was obvious he was breaking down. His only sister was no more. Jimin never had thought the girl he loved so dearly would die some day. The past year he spent longing to see her, cursing himself to have left her. He didn’t imagine she wasn’t in this world anymore.

Sitting beside Jin he laid his head on the now clean sepulcher bursting out in a painful cry. “I’m so damn fucking sorry.” Jin stopped his rant gazing at Jimin with hatred.

“11:15 a.m. It's 11:15 a.m. right now. The exact same time you left her. She chased after you to stop you from leaving her. You didn’t stop Jimin, you didn’t. You left her there all alone with no one to hold her and console her that you’ll return to her. You broke my sister Park Jimin. You broke her into countless fragments.”

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