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“You should just forgive her Jin. You've played enough with her life.” He sighed, shaking his head. “You know very well what Jimin did to you. How could you still hope I'd forget everything? I did forgive them and warned her to run as far away as possible from me. This is the most I could do.” She snorted at his stubborn behavior, smiling at him.

“You're lying to me. You are still stuck up in the past. She was your wife Jin. You might have never hurt her physically but the insults you threw at her were more than enough to leave a permanent mark on her soul and are a constant reminder she'll never succeed in life.”

He smirked, placing his hand on her shoulder. “Isn't that the truth though? Y/N has always been relying on her brother which resulted in you losing everything.” Sitting down on the marbled floor the lady gazed at her brother.

“Not everyone can be like me, Jin. Didn't you wanna pamper me the same way? I refused your help due to my urge to make a name for myself. Maybe if I had agreed to you introducing yourself as my brother back then things would have been different today for the both of us.”

He violently shook his head. “There was nothing wrong with you. In fact, every girl should be like you. Independent and self dependent don't ever compare yourself with Y/N.” His heart stung at his own words.

“Do you really mean that?” Raising her brow she held a wicked grin on her lips. “I don't know.” Staring in the oblivion he averts his attention on absolutely nothing.

“I know you regret throwing those insults at her. You've watched her grow into a woman from a childish lady, one who's capable of handling stuff on her own. In spite of having Jimin beside her. She refused to disclose to him how you mistreated her. If it were me, I'd have divorced you being done with your tactics and landed a punch or two.” Chuckling loudly, her palm covered her mouth. Jin pouts at her retortion.

“Am I that bad?” Flicking the former's forehead she glared at him. “No you're not. To me you've always been the best brother in this world. Just like she's the best sister to Jimin. He's had his own reasons in the past. I'm sure after knowing the truth he's living in misery. Maybe you should try to forgive him? Not for the sake of freeing yourself from the burden residing in your conscience. I want you to genuinely mean it.” Each and every sentence she spoke started sinking in his brain.

“Isn't it too late for that? The damage I've caused her can't be healed. The scars left by my deeds can't be erased.” Thinking for a moment she replies.

“Scars can't be forgotten, nevertheless new memories can replace them and hide their existence permanently at some point of her life. All you gotta do is make sure they are beautiful memories. Start anew with her Jin. I know you like her somewhere in your heart or maybe it's love?”

Her facial expressions held mischief and teasing for the older male. Who instantly was abashed and flustered by the younger's affirmation. “You're not supposed to come to such conclusions. When did you start being so naughty?” Chortling at her brother's question she answered.

“I've always been a naughty girl when it comes to pulling your leg. Being the older brother you've overlooked my faults. Be happy for me will you?” Nodding his head he agrees. “I'm proud of you big brother.” Her sparkling face calmed his heart down.

The sound of the alarm woke Jin up. He breathes out heavily, abruptly checking his surroundings. “Where is she? Where is my sister Ammu?” Running around his house he was yelling out his deceased sister's name. Calling her out, urging her to stop hiding.

Sitting in a corner he hid his face in his knees. Reminiscing the day she passed away. How helpless he had felt watching her die in front of his eyes. Yet not being able to save her. Hoping all for that one man she loved endlessly to show up and take her in his arms. Begging with him she didn't want Jimin to abandon her.

“Why? Why did it have to be him? Why Y/N? Why couldn't your brother love my sister?” Banging his fist on the floor. He shouts out miserably. Jin never hired a maid; he barely was home. And now when he did return home the coldness in his heart and home was eating him relentlessly.

“Why is it always in my dreams you advise me? Is it too much to ask the Lord to return you back to me? My only family! I won't hurt them. Not because that's what you desire. I genuinely mean it Y/N I do.”

-10:30 P.M.-

Wearing black glasses he got out of his car. Dressed perfectly in an ash gray suit, with his hair styled and gelled effortlessly. “I'm here again.” Ringing the doorbell of the house. Jin waits patiently for it to open. On seeing Jimin's face the first thing in the morning. He wasn't caught off guard. “Hello there Park Jimin. I've got something to show you. Initially I didn't ever want you to know about it. Now I do.”

Jimin invites him inside. “Get your laptop here.” Gulping his saliva. He runs into his room and gets it for him. Inserting the pen drive in the slot. Jin plays a video. Jimin felt his throat dry. It was his love on deathbed.

“Jimin, I love you, please don't leave me. I'll be a better person for you. I'm rich too. My brother is Kim Seokjin. You must know him right?” Seeing all those scars on her face he was dying with the urge to get inside the screen and confess to her he was still madly in love with her.

“I'm sorry Jimin, I lost our child. I came in the morning to inform you we are gonna be parents. Forgive me, I couldn't protect our child. Jin keeps on calling you, please answer his call just this once.” The video ends so did his inner hidden turmoil. The laptop was thrown to the other end of the room. Breaking into pieces.

“No! No! This can't be. I'll save her. Hyung, where is she? Could you beseech her to pardon me?” His eyes were red, with dark circles overshadowing his once enchanting orbs. “I have to find her Hyung.” Grabbing his car keys he was ready to dash out. Jin held his arm pulling him inside.

“She's no longer alive, Jimin. I've not come here to make you suffer. I'm here today to put an end to every tale once and for all. My sister might have died, that doesn't change the reality that she still loves you. You were always the one for her. Don't drown yourself in guilt. That was never what she wanted.”

“What happened to him?” Throwing a fit at him you were shocked at Jimin's panicking condition on entering the living room. “What did you do to my brother?” Grabbing his collar you lash out at him. “What can I even do? All that I did cannot be undone. I lack morality and energy to restart mysteries.” Loosening your grip you step back, listening to his designation.

“Y/N I'm gonna be a dad. I gotta visit the hospital. My love is waiting for me.” Jin was dumbstruck on hearing Jimin's blabbering. Was it due to what he exposed now?

“He's been hallucinating since the past week. Sleepless nights and endless drinking has made him believe she's still alive. My brother keeps on urging me to visit the hospital to meet her. I pleaded with him to visit a doctor he denied. He isn't the same anymore. Grieve has taken over him completely.”

On acknowledging Jimin's condition Jin remembered his own incident earlier in the morning. Wasn't he the same? Hallucinating and acting crazily searching for his sister. Their reasons might be different. The person they were related to was the same. A single lie tore apart four innocent lives.

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