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A month after our marriage, things had become far more difficult. “Y/N you’ve burnt this place down. Clean it up right now. I wanna cook my meal.” Chewing on the burnt rice and bland vegetables you lost appetite humming at him. Moving to the kitchen, starting with the ablution. “How is your work going?” This was the first time he asked something. With his arms crossed Jin was monitoring your activity.

“There’s a little dust in the right corner, wipe it properly.” Smiling at you he points his finger near the grinder. Gritting your teeth you run the cloth near the counter. “It’s good.” Referring to his question you bluntly answer. “Do you wanna have kids with me?” His question left you with shivering hands and a speechless mouth. “How many do you desire?” Turning you to face him, he raised your chin with his index finger.

“I-” he placed his finger on your lips. “Hush, listen to me completely. These things need to be pre planned.” Jin eyed you gulp nervously at the close proximity. This was the closest you had been with him since the marriage day. “Do not hope for any sort of affection from this marriage. You’re nothing but a wife for me on paper. Love is just a mere metaphor to describe the never ending abhorrence that I adhere towards you.”

His words pricked tears in your eyes. Your orbs disobeyed you, smearing them on your cheeks. “Stop crying. I haven’t even started with my game. The real reason why I married you is yet to be accomplished. You’ll suffer and regret having loved me.” Gliding his digits on your cheek he roughly wiped away the moist dampening on them. Stepping backwards. Shoving your forehead with his thumb. Expunging it on your dress.

“You disgust me. Hate? That ain’t at all the apt denotion to express my loathe. Clean up everything and concentrate on your work. I’m done with seeing your face for today.” You clutched onto the wafer. Biting on your lip suppressing a sob from erupting off your larynx. Watching him walk away to his room.

“What have I done to you Jin?” Whispering to yourself you cover your mouth. Your legs felt numb falling on your knees to the marbled ground.

Jin was viciously grinning. “Such a disobedient woman. I had warned her not to cry. What do I even hope from wimps like her?” Closing the door of his room, Jin grimaced.


“Jin, I've tidied your kitchen.” Informing him loud enough for him to hear you locked yourself in your bedroom. Yeah his kitchen, this entire mansion belonged to him. So did you. His coldness was always a mystery. As days passed by Jin's ignorance to your existence increased. Today he confessed why he behaved so ruthlessly with you. Unlike those cliche tales he wasn’t a violent man. His words were beyond the limit of any physical harm.

A knife struck against one's heart wouldn’t hurt as much as what a tongue’s encounter does. You were all along a game to him. A pawn in his plot. Once he had attained what he married you for he'd abandon you. Your conclusion was negative nevertheless meaningful. Jin’s thinking was unimaginable. Only he held puzzles to all your queries.

“I should be strong. I won’t let him weaken me. I’m not a feeble woman.” Wiping your face from the back of your hand. You get off the ground. Laying on the mattress.


Jimin eyed you staring at the knife. His nerves shook. Fearing the worst. Stretching his hand out he picked it off from your sight. “Y/N why are you so silent? Do you not want me here?” He was here at your workplace. A pen was in your hand. Your attention was garnered by the knife. Frightening your brother.

“Won’t you speak to Oppa? Is there something bothering you? You’ve changed from the day of your marriage. You know you can tell me anything , right?” Holding your hands in his he was trying to read his sister’s expression. All he could see was blankness. The cheerful persona in you was nowhere to be found. His heart clenched. Jimin had a hint it was related to Jin.

“Is he cheating on you?” Clenching his jaw he cautiously inquired. Hearing no response from you he had different assumptions. “Oh! How I wish he would have cheated on me. And forsake me. I might be the first woman praying for her husband to be a deceiver. What can I do? This loveless marriage is killing me internally bits by bits. Prince and Princess do not exist. It’s all a fantasy. I wanna run far away from here. Take me away from here Jimin.” You plead innerly.

Jimin was going restless. Receiving no reply from you. “Y/N what has happened to you?” Wrapping his arms around your shoulder he cried out. Taehyung was standing behind him. Equally traumatized as his soulmate. He was aware of your personality. That bubbly girl was nowhere to be discerned today. “Y/N do you want to leave? I won’t deduct your salary haha.” He fake chortled trying to loosen the sadistic atmosphere.

“No, I wanna work. Work diligently. Implementing all my efforts.” Jimin was bewildered. His sister enjoyed being a carefree bird. This wasn’t you. He sat in his seat. Observing your actions. “I’ll have to find out what’s wrong with her?”

-9:30 P.M.-

“That coldie is sending me into an unwanted phase of depression.” Grumbling to yourself you chew on the sandwich Jimin had brought for you. On the way home. “Shit I’ve run out of ink for my pen.” Going to shop and buying a new one. Would increase efforts. So you chose to borrow one from Jin instead. He wasn’t home. The plan was to sneak in, use it and keep it back. Opening his room door. Your breath hitched. It wasn’t at all fancy. Rather complete black. From walls to the bed. Everything spoke darkness.

“Is he a sadist or something?” This was the first time you had been to his room. “I had a belief that rich lads enjoyed boasting interiors and having their house designed? Who actually is this man?” Hastily opening a drawer you pick a pen. You were eager to usher out. Accidentally knocking off a pair of black glasses. The sound of shattering had you startled.

“WHAT THE FUCK?” Jin barged in. His eyes flared with animosity. “WHO THE FUCK GAVE YOU THE PERMISSION TO ENTER IN MY ROOM?” Banging his hand on the table he was shouting at you. “It was a mistake.” You justify yourself. “Get out.” He looks away. “Jin it was-” “I said fucking get out. Before I throw you out by myself.”

Your hands were trembling. He hadn’t raised his voice at you. Hell this man even composedly revealed his abominance a few weeks ago. Nodding your head you leave.

Jin collected the broken frame of the glasses. “I’m sorry.” Mumbling to himself he grabbed glue. It wasn’t mending. How could it? Are sunglasses glasses ever repaired? “You’ll fucking pay for this Kim Y/N.”

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