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“Y/N mom’s asked you to get ready, guests are coming over.” He shouts popping in my room shutting the door soon after leaving. Groaning at the thought of meeting new people. I grunt, grabbing a pair of casual wear and brushing my hair. I guess I do look presentable.

It’s not like they are gonna make me their daughter-in-law are they? Anyways they are here to boast about their kid’s success as every other proud hypocrite parents. Jeez Y/N you think a lot. Give a break to your imagination.

Inspecting myself a last time in the mirror I head downstairs, Sounds of laughter and murmuring were heard. Oops, guess they’ve already arrived. “Here is our daughter.” Gulping at their head snapping in my direction. I awkwardly stand beside my brother.

“It’s a pleasure meeting my future wife.” My brother gasped and so did I. But out of shock and happiness. He was in a state of bewilderment and displeasement.

“Mom, how could you arrange my sister's marriage without even consulting with her?” Don’t say this big bro. I love Kim Seokjin. He's finally here in our house, marrying me.

“Is something wrong with me? May I know what I lack? I have money, power and a handsome face. Everything that a girl would desire in her future husband. I’ll treat your sister like a Queen after our marriage.” That was hot. Grabbing my brother’s arm I shy away hiding behind him.

“She doesn’t like you.” And he took my diffidence in the wrong way. “I do like him, what are you saying, Oppa?” My statement shook everyone except Jin. He seemed to have already known my answer. “There it is confirmed. She doesn’t seem to have a problem with our marriage.” I definitely don’t have one Jin. Rest assured.

“Y/N I gotta speak to you.” Jimin's anger always terrified me. We moved to his room. “Y/N this is marriage not a drama where you’d find your dream prince and he’ll save you from the ugly demons and you’ll later ride a butterfly scattered unicorn with him.”

Riding a unicorn with Jin is an amazing conceptualization. “I’m sure Jin would treat me well. Perhaps if anything goes wrong you’re here for me right? Let's come to a mutual conclusion. In this upcoming one year of my marriage if I feel he isn’t the guy I’ve pictured him to be. I’ll divorce him and do as you instruct.”

He was skeptical, after all a sister’s safety is the ultimate priority to any brother. Jimin was no exception. “Ok, but tell me if he hurts you. I’ll beat him up.” Flexing his biceps he snorts evilly. Can’t believe he’s on the edge to thrash my future husband on our first meeting. We walked back to the living room.

“Are y’all done enunciating?” That cute smile on his face is worth admiring for an eternity. “Yes and I’m ready for this marriage.” He raised his brow at Jimin. I lightly elbowed him. “Me too.” He sarcastically replied. Some things don’t change so does my brother’s ego.

“Our marriage will be held this weekend. You don’t need to worry I’ll book everything as per Y/N’S liking. Is that fine with you?” I’m getting married this weekend? Gotta visit the parlours there’s no way I’m walking down the aisle with these eyebags and sleeping habits I’ve adapted.

“Y/N you’re zoned out.” Jin chuckled. I did not just embarrass myself in front of the worldwide handsome aka my future husband. “So Y/N what profession do you work in?” His question left me speechless.

Jimin wrapped his arm around my shoulder. Now I regret not working hard and trying to apply for a job. Rejection from different companies demotivated me to quit striving ahead.

“Y/N currently doesn’t have any job. Do you have any problem with her working?” His tone was strict and demanded an answer from Jin. “Why would I object to her working? In fact, I prefer to have an independent woman as my wife. Hope you are not planning to be a typical housewife?”

Jin was basically glaring at me. What’s wrong with being a housewife? Well there are countless cons. People never honour you, instead neglect the abundant sacrifices you make to please your family. I’m not ready to face this narcissist society.

“No, I won't be a housewife.” Nervously I laugh it off. “Very well then. It was nice meeting you in person and speaking out regarding necessary matters. I’m a man of self build intuitions. Please do not look forward to any sorts of favouritism regarding your job from me. Every woman should be self dependent only then shall the society respect you.”

His thoughts were quite proclaimed around the globe hearing him express them out to me confirmed my thoughts. Kim Seokjin ain’t the typical business tycoon as the world has defamed him to be one. He’s much more than a man of his rules.

“You have a month to get yourself employed after our marriage. All the best.” Buttoning his blazer he bid farewell leaving our house with his secretary. I thought he had a female secretary. That’s good he doesn’t have one. Which woman would be pleased with the idea of her husband working with a damsel like lady the entire day?

The ill thoughts of him staying loyal to her would surface in all possible cases. Well for starters there are men who avoid women. Jin is cold, and one among that category. Nevertheless I would like to stay on the safer side.

This whole relationship that I’m being tied to is new to me. Seeds of doubt would obviously dwell. A little relief from his side is better than sprouting a new root of insecurity.

-11:30 P.M.-

“Why are you not sleeping?” Sitting on the bed he glanced at my gloomy face. “Will you miss me after my marriage?” He scrunched his nose. “No I won’t. Weren’t you excited to yeet from this house by marrying this dream prince of yours? God has listened to your prayers. He knocked at our house today showing his interest in you.”

That was rude. “So you won’t miss me?” He shook his head, shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly. With a faltered expression and tiresome sigh I avert my gaze. “Why are you sad? You should be happy, Don’t tell me you’re planning to be a 60’s bride crying her heart out that she’s getting married and leaving her parents house?”

Why do I have such a bratty brother? “Everyone is so mean in this household, no one is bothered that I’m shifting houses. And how the hell will I obtain a job in a month?”

He placed my hand in his. “I never thought I’d be saying this nonetheless here I am affirming it. Your prince charming is a wise man. He supports women's integrity. Didn’t I always remind you to be serious in your life? His entrance is announcing you to take that step.”

Was I really that lazy and ignorant? Yeah I was. I don’t wanna accept it. My bed is cozy and so is my life. Time has finally come when I’d be pursuing my goals as a woman who won’t have her protective brother having her back in every stage of my journey.

“Will you stop helping me?” He grimaced. “I’m suggesting you to be earnest not enforcing my opinions on you. And to answer your question I’ll eternally trouble you. Your husband better get ready. I'll be dropping by everyday at your magnificent mansion.”

He crooked his brows teasingly. Oh My God, this brother of mine is such a huge pervert. “Shoo away, don't come to my house.” Jimin fake cried. “You’re not even married. And you’ve already confirmed the only people allowed in your household is that coldie and you?”

Chortling at his exaggerated cuteness I pinch his cheeks, Making his yelp out, A painful pinch it was. How dare he call my Jin a coldie? I know he’s cold, that doesn’t mean he’s bad. Our first meeting defines his ethereal and kind hearted aura.

“Don’t you wanna know how I fell for him?” He quickly throws his hands up in the air. “Spill the rich man tea sis.”

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