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He had a lopsided grin curved up his lips, sitting in his lamborghini. “Kim Y/N, what a poor fate you've been rendered with. Alas! That new job is nowhere in your hands now.” Blowing on the glass panel. Jin drew a heart on his window.

“Sir, where would you like to go next?” His assistant who was driving asked. “To my house. I did such a wonderful task today after all.” Licking his dry lips. Jin threw his head back on the leather seat.

“Y/N! Y/N! What a naive and innocent woman you are. Playing with you keeps getting enchanting with everyday that passes by. Craving me to see you all wrecked and vulnerable. Kim Seokjin enjoys having a tough competitor. But with you it's another level of amusement I'm experiencing. You don't even put up a fight against me. An obedient puppy you are. Makes me eager to ruin and reckon you. Not so soon though. Let me cherish my time to see those tears in your crystal eyes. Which I abhor the most. Nevertheless, you're mine Kim Y/N. Or should I say Park Y/N?”

Wong, his personal assistant, parked the car in his driveway. “Mr Wong, thank you for driving me home. You may leave now. I've hired a cab for you.” Jin swiftly exits his car. With a briefcase in his hand. Climbing up the stairs. He twists the doorknob of his room. Falling on his knees once he had entered. Gasping for air.

Tears pricked in his orbs. Clutching onto a frame. “Why did you leave me? Why?” Wailing on top of his lungs. He searched for a bottle in his cabinet. Chugging a tablet down. Gulping water the very next second.

“Each and every individual has to pay who put me in this pain. The first one being you Park Y/N!”


Jin finished his breakfast. Gawking at you rushing to your bedroom for a shower. Waking up late as usual. He sneakily tiptoed to your room. His gaze fell on the red disc placed on the table. “Careless lady. Good for me.” Jin smirked, exchanging it with his pendrive. “Best of luck for your meeting Y/N.”


“Wasn't it amazing to be insulted in front of others? I'm sure it must have been memorable.” Laying on the cold ground he hugged the frame close to his chest. “One time for the present, and two time for the past. The only thing that would change would be pain. It shall be summoned double than what I had felt. Destroying you is my ultimate motive and goal.”

-3:15 P.M.-

Jimin took the boxes from your hand. Helping you place it in your house. “Thank you, for the help. You should head back home now. Mom must be worried.” He shook his head in denial. “Don't push me away Y/N. I know you're hurting. Want me to speak with Jin Hyung?” Jin stood in the living room with his arms crossed against his chest. “What is it you wanna talk about? My beloved brother-in-law!”

Jin mentally puked at the sugar coated words he had said. “Jin Hyung actually Y/N-” You beseeched Jimin with your eyes to not reveal the truth to him. His lips pursed in a thin line. “Y/N? And?” Jin knew you had lost your job. He was waiting to hear it from Jimin.

“Oh Hyung, I was gonna exclaim. Y/N must be tired after the meeting please look after her. I should leave. Goodbye.” Scratching his nape, he scurried out of your mansion. “Taehyung is a prideful man isn't he Y/N?” Sitting on his lavished couch he rested his palm on his chin.

“No he's not. He's a hard working CEO.” Gritting your teeth you jog to your room. “Oof- doesn't she have a lot of attitude despite being fired from her job? Impressive. Very impressive.” Chuckling hysterically, Jin tapped on the sides of the sofa. Creating ludic music with his fingers.

Staring at your reflection in the mirror. All you felt was disgust. Since when did Jin start being empathetic? He didn't mock you. Neither did he make an effort to be sarcastic or abbreviate his abhorrence. “I'll have to search for a new job before he files for a divorce.”

Divorce? If Jin had urged for it a few hours ago you'd be over the moon. Setting yourself free of this toxic relationship. The scenario wasn't the same anymore. You would never permit him to leave you by blaming you for being a useless housewife and a lazy woman.

Freshening yourself up. You sat on the bed, searching up jobs. Contacting various agencies. A smaller position in a corrupted company would work fine with you as well. This was a matter of your reputation now. Jin's cunning personality and witty brain led you to think of every possibility. And wonder what if he threatens these companies to not provide you with employment? Somewhere in your heart you had a hint he has already found out. You no longer had a job.

“Y/N what are you doing? Wanna have dinner with me?” Peeking his head, he winked at you. His sudden sweet persona confirmed your assumptions. He was indeed playing tricks. Kim Seokjin was anticipating disdaining you of your self-esteem.

“My face might make you choke on your food. One shouldn't stay closer or initiate conversations with people they resent. Have a good night.” Jin balled his fists. Running his tongue near the corner of his mouth. “Suit yourself. And it's quite satisfying for me that you're familiar with my hatred towards you.”

Crooking his neck he disappeared in the hallway. The thought of Jin messing up with your life didn't cross your mind, not even for a second. He was an ethical man who preached standards. Why would he stoop so low right?


Drool smudged on your cheeks. Sleeping in a weird position, arms sprawled out. The annoying ring from your phone, had you groan pissed off at the caller.  After a stressful night hunting for a job. You had got some sleep in the early hours of morning. Who would be calling you at this hour? It wasn't like you had many friends. Jimin would be asleep as well. Since he wasn't liable to ring you  up every morning and interrogate, how was your work going on? Any longer.

“Hello? May I know whom I'm speaking to.” With your eyes still closed you mumbled tiredly. “Miss Y/N, I see you haven't gotten out of your bed yet. To remind you again. The reporting time for every employee is 9:00 A.M.” Chortling satirically at his words you whisper weakly. “I'm a jobless human being, you're mistaken. I haven't even interviewed for a new company.” The male frowned from the other side.

“New company? Why would you interview somewhere else? When you are already working for the best company!” Done with his twisted talks you end the conversation. Not bothering to check the caller ID. Another loud ring had you riled up in anger. Throwing the sheets off your frame, grabbing your phone. Answering the call, ready to give a piece of your mind to him.

“That wasn't a very professional way to address and speak to your boss Y/N. I'm hoping to see you report in my cabin by 12:00 p.m.” Only now did you recognise the voice. “Mr K-Kim?” You stuttered. “I was fired yesterday. You must have forgotten that fact.”

Taehyung cleared his throat. “12:00 P.M. sharp, I dislike late comers.” He hung up, without answering your question. “What the fuck just happened? Have I perhaps switched portals with Alice in wonderland?”

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