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“Jin, I'm employed.” Scurrying to him with the employment letter in my hands I squeal. Bumping into the chair. But I didn’t care. He removed his blazer and placed it on a couch. Neat and tidily. Such a disciplined man he is. “Glad to know you managed to get employed. Start working tomorrow.” That’s it. Won’t he praise me?

“You won’t divorce me right?” He didn’t say anything. And walked away. Is he still planning to divorce me? My stomach growled in hunger. Ugh! I haven’t eaten anything since Jimin and I had a mini brunch. “Didn’t you cook anything for yourself?” He stood inside the kitchen. Dressed in a white t-shirt and grey sweatpants. This man does everything so damn quickly. How could he freshen up so fast?

“I don’t know how to cook.” Slowly whispering my head hung low. “Ok.” What’s this coldie’s problem? Won’t he cook for me like every other husband? Why did I even expect a normal marriage? Great, now I’ve started addressing him coldie. Jimin was right. He should move in with me. I’d at least be entertained unlike standing here like a dumb statue.

“Are you watching the door? I don’t remember appointing a security guard inside my house.” This man, I fucking can't with his sarcastic ass. Stomping my feet loud enough for him to hear. I stride to my room. Shutting the door.

Worldwide Handsome ain’t a prince he’s a ruthless demigod. What was I imagining on that rainy day? All that glitters isn’t gold. He’s a perfect living example to that proverb. May Lord send his mercy on this man and he tones down his coldness with me.

-1:30 P.M.-

Sneakily tip toeing to the kitchen I fill up the glass with water. I fucking had to forget my debit card at home. This shit had left me incapable to order take out. My husband wouldn’t definitely appreciate me borrowing money from him. He’ll give me a whole ass lecture with his principles and shit. Jin's exaggeration is the last thing I’d wanna hear. Opening the fridge my eyes fell on utensils deserted with food.

The sight of these delicacies was indeed mouth watering. Eating a little food from it won’t harm him right? No it wouldn’t. He’s a billionaire who could buy a wholeass five star restaurant. If he desired to. Arranging my plate with curry, rice and some side dishes. I dive into devouring the first formal meal of my day.

Drinking water rapidly a few bites after. As the grains had congested in my chest. He could open his own restaurant with such amazing skills. Jimin used to cook before. He doesn’t anymore though. During the time he did. We enjoyed eating it. He was one jovial man in that phase of him being a chef.

Jin stood in the living room, peeking his head from the wall. “Stupid woman. Has no manners.” Chortling, he shakes his head. Taking his empty water bottle he had brought to filter. Glancing at you. “She better learn cooking. I don’t plan on cooking extra everyday.”


You jolt awake from your sleep. Screaming out of fright. AAHHHHHHHH!” Jin closed his ears. “Good Morning. My morning was good. Until this moment. Listening to your screams I can no longer exclaim I’ll be having a bright day ahead of me.” You breathed heavily, sneezing as some water droplets had jammed your nostrils. “Who the fuck even wakes someone up in this manner?” Jin scoffed.

“I do, didn’t I warn you beforehand? I prefer self disciplined people! You’re my wife, you should be a mannered lady. Hurry up and get ready. You don’t want to be late on your first day do you? Be thankful, I’m gracefully accomplishing all of my husband duties.” A lovely husband would shower his wife with kisses to awake her. Jin’s technique was unique. An indifferent approach to fasten up the process.

“No one had asked you to behave like my husband.” He beamed. “You cannot deny our bond. You are married to me Kim Y/N. If you've decided to wake up late everyday. I don’t mind waking you up using the same method. In fact, I could think of improvised techniques.” You were shivering. Shrilly morning air ran on your figure.

“No thank you. I’ll wake up on time tomorrow.” With the blanket covered on your body you rush inside the bathroom. Locking the door. Jin smirked, adjusting his sleeves. “This is just the beginning of your miserable life Kim Y/N. The real fun is yet to begin.”

You rushed inside your office, signing in with your card. “I’m Y/N Jimin’s sister.” Bowing to the CEO you report. He nods, gesturing to you to take a seat. “Firstly congratulations on your marriage. I was present at the auspicious event. You might have not observed my presence in the crowded venue.”

Handing you some files he assigns today’s task to you. “Thank you for this opportunity Mr Kim.” Taehyung showed off his boxy smile. “You’re my soulmate’s sister. I had to help you. All the best on your first day.” He often visited your home during their early adulthood days. Recently his appearance was rarely seen. Perhaps due to his CEO duties.

Leaving his cabin, you find your department with utmost difficulties. “I’m Kim Y/N.” Giving them a short intro about yourself. You start checking through those documents. Finding errors and printing out those finalised sheets.

-5:00 P.M.-

“Having a job is appealing. The burden it brings along with it is no fun. How is Jin not bored while working his ass out the entire day?” Packing your stuff after submitting the files to Taehyung you murmur to yourself.

“Thinking of your prince?” Jimin’s voice led you to squeak out of fright. Clutching onto your chest. “Since when did you get scared of me Y/N?” He was trying to read your expression.

“Did that coldie do something to you?” You hastily deny his assumption. “I had a rough day. That’s all. There’s nothing for you to worry about.”

Oh how badly you wanted to rant to him, regarding Jin’s rude behaviour towards you. “You’ll get a hang of it. Tell me if Taehyung forces you to overwork.” He grinned at you. “You're using our friendship for the wrong reasons, Jimin.” Taehyung frowned at the scene, eavesdropping on the siblings' conversation. “I’m warning you. Don’t pressure her.”

He laughed, agreeing to Jimin’s condition. “How was your first day Y/N?” Taehyung queried. “Tiring.” You reply with a pout. “What did you assign her to do? She seems so drained out?” Jimin glared at his best friend. “It wasn’t much. There were three files. Whose errors had to be verified.” Jimin was gazing at you doubtfully. “Did you have your lunch?” Hearing no answer from you he understood there was more to the story.

“My card is at home. Moreover I can’t cook. You know that very well.” You hid the fact that Jin left for work before you. He didn’t bother waiting for you to drop you off at your workplace. Or consider buying you breakfast. In spite of you running late. “Y/N you could have used the cafeteria. And paid them later.” Taehyung’s retort increased Jimin’s ambiguity.

“It’s fine. I’ll return home and eat.” You assure him. “Fine, let's go.” Jimin didn’t interrogate anything further. Taehyung saw him clenching his fist as he walked out. “She better be speaking the truth. Jimin hates lies.”

On reaching home, he noticed the fear on your face. “Did he beat you?” “Why will he beat me? I do not have my card, so I’m sad.” He wasn’t convinced. Removing his wallet he hands you some cash. “This would be sufficient for you to use. I'll send your card through Taehyung tomorrow.” You stare at the money.

“I don’t need your money.” Getting out of the car you go inside with gloomy emotions. Jimin was dumbstruck. What had happened to his sister in a span of a day? He chose to investigate everything secretly.

Jin sat in his car, gripping onto the steering wheel. “Park Jimin, you won’t be able to reach the depth of my secrets. The game has already started. Revenge shall be avenged. By the time you find out what actually is going on with your sister? She’d be no more.” Covering his eyes with his sunglasses he drives off coolly in front of him.

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