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“Y/N are your files ready?” Taehyung asked. It was an important meeting day today. “Yes I’m prepared.” Showing him the pen drive you assure. “Very well then. Take your seat.” The meeting commenced. Lympho and Co. A well known American perfume brand who had shown interest in your company had come up with the proposal for a collaboration. Everyone was excited. Branching your business abroad would mark a new milestone to every individual.

“The data entry and our schemes shall be explained by our employee Kim Y/N. She's assigned to the marketing department.” Your palms were perspiring. Standing at the front. Inserting the pendrive. The video that was played had you shook. It was Jimin pouring a glass of water on you while you were munching on pancakes unbothered. Dawdling on the couch.

“I’m sorry!” Shuffling through the folders, you were trying to find the document. There wasn’t anything. Apart from embarrassing clips of you. “What is this Mr Kim? Is this how you are planning to expand your business? Your employee isn’t even cautious enough to differentiate between her personal and professional life.” Richard the CEO of Lympho lashed out at him.

Taehyung was nervously sweating. “Y/N let me help you.” He scrolled through the drive. Only to find nothing. “Mr Kim I swear I had scrutinized my pen drive before coming here. I don’t even know when these videos were installed there?” Taehyung was exasperated. He couldn’t express himself. You have become a laughing stock to Lympho’s employees and your colleagues. They were murmuring and gossiping among themselves.

“That’s it, this deal is over.” Richard shouted, done with his patience. “May I have your attention?” He pushed open the door of the meeting room. Entering in, wearing a blue blazer a white shirt with his upper button undone and formal navy blue trousers. Their eyes struck on him. Kim Seokjin, was here.

“Mr Richard, I would like to apologize for the inconvenience. Don’t you think you’re being a little too hyped up? She hasn’t even shown you her capability. Nevermind I’ll do it on her behalf. The real pen drive is here.” Jin displayed him the red USB key.

His secretary brought out his laptop. Removing his blazer he placed it on a chair, rolling up his sleeves. “Kim Enterprises is well known for its specialization in the tech and textile world. By you opting this company not only would your reputation soar up in the western market. It would also give you a bright chance to enter the Asian market. Our benchmark is to start from the daily life of consumers. Adults and adolescents consuming your perfume would result in a good review. If you decide to sell it at a cheaper price.”

“Skim pricing at the initial stages of any new business isn’t a wise choice. From starting off with a goal of 200 perfumes, we could level it up to two million. All you need is to invest and plan it out wisely. Kim Enterprises has the best accountants. By signing this deal with us you’re in for a real good profit.” Pointing at the pricing graph he shifted the slide.

“This might be our very first time experimenting with the fragrance industry. Nonetheless, attempting something unprecedented opens windows for outstanding talents. We could hire models with our clothes and your perfume molding it together. Advertising our products excellently. This would boost up the sale. The decision is up to you now, whether you’d want to walk out of this room vexed by your time being wasted, or think wisely and ignore an accidental mistake.”

His speech had them all shook. Turning off the monitor Jin sits on the chair his blazer was settled on. His presentation was strong and egoistic at some point. After all, he was Kim Seokjin, the bigger bone in the business world. Richard didn’t dare argue with him when he volunteered to do the presentation.

“We are accepting this deal.” Shaking hands with Seokjin, he shows him the documents. Jin smirked. “Mr Richard, this company belongs to Mr Kim Taehyung. The deal is to be signed with him. I'm just a mere mediator. Helping you to sort out some minor differences.” Taehyung clenched his fists. “I don’t want this deal.” He mumbled audible enough for them to hear.

“Mr Kim, please accept it. Our company would be shamed in the market. If the word goes out.” You whisper, pleadingly. Taehyung didn’t want to accept this deal. He knew Richard agreed because of Seokjin and not their potential.

“Mr Kim it’s such an honor to see a notable personality like you stand up for smaller companies.” After Richard’s exclamation Taehyung was done with them. “Mr Richard you should be leaving. It’s obvious you aren’t interested in our company. We’d appreciate it if you wouldn't squander your time as well as ours.” Richard’s mouth was hung open.

“Mr Kim, what's wrong with you? Firstly, your employee forgets the pendrive containing the project details. Mr Seokjin came to your aid. Even then your acting so impulsive? We don’t wanna collaborate with you.” He glimpsed at Jin hopefully. Jin was wearing his coat. “Excuse me gentlemen.” Without sparing him a glance Jin forsaked the company with his secretary trailing behind him.

Richard grappled his jaw. Leaving the company with his attendants. Taehyung strides to his cabin. People gazed at you disappointedly. “I didn’t intend to do it intentionally.” Your head hung low.


“Taehyung Y/N didn’t mean it.” News had come to Jimin’s ears. He immediately came to the agency. Taehyung shot up from his seat glaring at him with reddened eyes. “Then what did she want to do? Her husband came here and performed the presentation. Are you aware how disrespectful it was? I have no other option than to fire Y/N.”

Jimin’s heart skipped a beat. “Please Tae don’t do this. Y/N needs this job.” Taehyung wasn't in his right mind. To resolve properly. Typing hastily on the computer he printed out a form. “Today is her last day. Give it to her. You’re her brother, she'll handle it easily in your presence.” Handing him the letter. Taehyung looked at the screen.

“Kim Seokjin, ruled and overpowered my years old efforts with his one presentation. One fucking presentation. It wasn’t formal, but rather a swanking one. His tone, aura, speech each and everything screamed power. He pridefully walked out. With nothing to lose. Richard was ready to give me that deal. Because of him. It’s all Y/N’S fault. She should have double checked it before arriving at the meeting. Now you may leave. I have work to do.”

Jimin sighed. Nodding his head. Staring at him for a final time. Exiting his cabin.

He saw you in your chalet writing something. “Hi Y/N.” Putting up a smile he pulled a chair sitting next to you. “I’m getting fired ain’t I?” Jimin was shocked. How did you know? “No way, what are you saying? It was a mistake, it could happen with anyone. Taehyung is my best friend. He wouldn’t do that to you.” He was convincing you and himself. Hiding the envelope in his jacket.

“I cause a lot of problems to you, don't I?” Packing a few files. You painfully chuckle. “How could you assume such a stupid thought? Siblings should trouble and bicker with each other.”

Jimin's eyes land on a box filled with your necessities. “It’s my last day here. Spending time with you would make it less bitter.” Offering him a biscuit. You stand up. “I’ve failed for the nth time today.”

He wanted to barge into Taehyung’s compartment and beseech with him to give you another chance. It wasn’t possible. Not with his current mood. “I’m sorry little sis.” Helping you carry those crates he pressed the elevator button, stepping inside with you.

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