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It was a bright sunny afternoon. I sat in the 'winter shire cafe' lazily stirring my drink. When will I get that appointment letter? Watching all these people earn is fucking frustrating. “Sir, they do not have your favourite drink here.” A huge limousine parked a few centimetres away from me. The person who got out left me awestruck.

My man Kim Seokjin. What is he doing here? Whatever it is. If this ain't fate then what actually is fate? Gawking at him I was immersed in his handsome face.

How can someone be this attractive and charming? Kim Seokjin is such an innovative man. His bodyguard held an umbrella above his head. Shielding him from the blazing sun rays.

Wow, this is how richness feels like. His aura shouts dominance and power. If only I was employed I would have had this luxury today. Maybe not to this extent. Nevertheless I'll have sufficient things that would help me in moving out of my parents house.

I was so drowned into admiring him that I failed to notice the drizzling drops falling on my shoulders. My gaze fell on people running with their hands covering their heads. Oh! Shit. Quickly slurping my juice I rush to find a shed.

Of course entering the cafe isn't an option. It was already filled, resulting in me sitting in the backyard flocked with other people. My feet hit the wet ground. Why did it have to rain on such a sunny afternoon? And especially when I was busy ogling at my future husband ugh!

Sounds of loud honks rang in my ear. Before I could react a hand pulled my arm. My frame bumped onto his chest. Lifting my gaze up, gulping at the sight of the deity who had saved me. “You shouldn't be running on a rainy day, clumsy lady.”

Clumsy? No! Don't say that Jin. “Thank you for saving me.” Taking a step backward I had returned to drenching in rain. He chortled, fluttering his lashes. Settling me under his transparent shade umbrella once again.

“Taking help when someone offers it ain't a bad thing you know? You do not have to trust me. It's my humble request for you to allow me to drop you home. As a fellow human being.” He considers himself as a human? He gotta be kidding me. With his WORLDWIDE HANDSOME FACE.

Jin is a holistic angel. Sent straight from the heavens. “Yeah sure.” Tucking my loose damp locks behind my ear I sit in his car. The drive was silent, none of us spoke a word. What will I talk about with the business tycoon? He was a role model to many people. Won't my stupid talks bore him out?

Reaching my house he waved me goodbye. Presenting me with his umbrella. “Take care of yourself. And void getting  drenched during pluvial weather.” My heartbeat had fastened. Thanking him rushing inside the house.

That umbrella was never used by me ever again. How could I? It was the only possession that I had from him. It deserves to be preserved and cherished.


Jimin had his pupils broadened. Leering his brown orbs at me. “The start of your love story is fucking insane and hilarious. I could never even in my wildest and stupidest of dreams imagine 'The Kim Seokjin' would drop you home.”

And ladies and gentlemen this is my brother Park Jimin. Who never sabotages a chance to bully me with his ineligible questions. “It was destiny to meet him. Now get out. I require my perfect beauty sleep. Jin wouldn't like a wife who appears like a ghost.”

Teasingly smirking at me he exits my room. Why is my brother always on the edge to badger me in every situation he manages to get a chance in?


Tapping my feet rapidly I was biting my nails out of panic. Are you ready to walk down the aisle?” No I'm not. I do not have a job yet. “Can Jimin walk me down the aisle?” Dad smiled at me. “Of course he can. He's been bawling his eyes out since the previous night. Disliking your decision to marry and immigrate from our house.”

Woah! Damn I should have taken a picture of him crying. My father is a generous man. Nonetheless the bond I share with my brother is immeasurable. He guided me to the door. Jimin was wiping his face with his white shirt sleeves. “You're getting married. I can barge in your room freely whenever I want. Starting today.”

He chuckled through his tears. Leading me to burst out in ugly sobs. Wailing in each other's embrace. “You won't be there to kick me out. So I won't visit your room. I'm planning to shift in your house if your husband turns out to be a douche.” Punching his chest I stare at him.

“I'll miss you. You should miss me too. And yeah I'm finally yeeting away.” He wiped my tears. “Your makeup is all smudged. Oops sorry.” Many more tears streamed down my face. “And whose fault is that?” We wept and lamented blabbering nonsense. Until my father gasped. “Jimin, your sister isn't suitable to go there. Get her in. Her face is ruined because of your sibling session.”

He rolled his eyes. “Jin Hyung has to accept her the way she is.” Locking our arms he was ready to walk on the aisle. I hastily ran inside. Terrified at the patches on my face. Mascara disproportionate and cheeks inflated. Make-up artists immediately came to my assistance. Fixing my ruined features. Jimin was groaning at their actions. “Why can't y'all understand she's pretty with or without makeup?”

None can understand my brother, not even me. The wedding was delayed due to the mini problem which occurred with me. When Jimin had walked me down the aisle. People snapped their heads in our direction applauding at my ethereal entrance. He had his head proudly held high. As if it's his marriage. Jeez, why can't he wait for the commencement of his own wedding?

“Take care of my sister and don't you dare think about hurting her. She's the most precious jewel to me.” Threatening Jin he stands with the audience. What an amazing brother I have. Vows were said, but no kiss was shared. He opted to peck my cheek instead with a notation. “We should know each other better.”

It came out shocking to me. Mainly because I was looking forward to my marriage being special and clicking photos of my groom kissing me. This was unacceptable. Jin's statement did hold a point. He was respectful and that was what mattered to me.

We wrapped up the function and went to his mansion. It was calm and peaceful with an aesthetic vibe. One that matches him. Just like his personality his house was cold like him.

“Your bedroom is upstairs. Wake up early and prepare breakfast for yourself. There ain't no maids here. I didn't feel it was necessary to appoint some. Hope you've started searching for a job? A month of our marriage and if you still didn't manage to get one. I'll have no other choice left then to divorce you.”

IS HE FUCKING SERIOUS? He's gonna divorce me for a job? Is our marriage a joke to him? Unlike every other groom I slept alone in a room I was assigned to then with my husband. Still clad in my wedding dress.

He wasn't the dream prince I had pictured him to be. Jin was different and definitely not a good difference. I regret not listening to Jimin. And agreeing for this marriage instantly. If only I had personally known him. I'd be in my old life. Happy and prosperous.

The following day, Jimin visited me. Jin had already left. Prior to me waking up. Unaware of the fact I didn't know how to cook?

“Here's your appointment letter. I got this from my friend's company. You're appointed in the marketing field. Do well. I had initially gotten this the same evening your husband put forward the condition for you to be employed. The thought of surprising you with this did cross my mind. Nevermind, you had to rest well before your marriage. Hence, I kept it safe for later on. Work hard and tell me if Jin Hyung troubles you.”

He didn't query me why my husband wasn't present with me. Guess he thought it was a good opportunity to give me this envelope in his absence. In order for him to not judge me. “Thank you for always protecting and standing by my side Jimin.” He giggled ruffling my hair. The best brother to me he is. And will forever be.

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