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Opening the door he helped you get inside, taking the files from your hand. “Jin Hyung!” He shouted for your husband. Jin walked down the stairs with his hands in his pajama pockets. “Oh Y/N you’re finally back.” Seeing no sense of worry or care for you in his tone Jimin knew his brother–in-law didn’t give a fuck about his sister. “Shouldn’t you be worrying that your wife hasn’t returned from her job even though it’s already midnight?” Jimin stressed on the word wife. Controlling his wrath from bursting out at the older male.

“Well you see Jimin, I already contacted Jungkook the CEO of the company she works for and he told me she had left with you a while ago.” Jimin scowled at his excuse. “That still doesn’t justify you not bothering your wife’s missing Mr Kim.” He raised his voice. Jin was low-key satisfied, gaining this reaction from him. “Wow, my first step did succeed.” Grabbing Jimin’s arm you plead him with your eyes to stop. He ruffled his hair frustrated.

“Let me remind you again, you might be the top businessman in Asia that doesn’t justify your actions. A single mistake that I note from your side and I’ll take her away from you forever. I’m a brother before everything. I hope you remember that.” Jin balled his fist at the word ‘brother’ scoffing at Jimin’s daring behavior.

“Take care of yourself and call me if something goes wrong. I’ll be out of the city for a week.” Directing his words at Jin as a warning, he pecked your forehead exiting your house. “I should probably sleep now in order to wake up early for work tomorrow.” Rubbing your nape you ran upstairs. Shutting the door abruptly.

“God! What the hell is wrong with my life? Jin’s void of expression behavior would end up killing me someday. Now that Jimin knows there’s something suspicious of him I don’t think he’ll calm down without finding out the truth of this framed marriage.” Freshening yourself up, you checked your phone for the last time. Seeing Jimin’s text. “Make sure to have your dinner before sleeping :)”

Your heart warmed at his message, “I’m indeed lucky to have him as my brother. Though he teases and annoys me a lot. But never fails to make it up by having my back.” Yawning and stretching your limbs you lay down on the bed. Drifting off to sleep, too tired to eat something.

The sound of the alarm clock ringing frightened you, jolting you awake from that long awaited peacefulness. “Oh no shit fuck it’s 6:30 I gotta hurry up.” Throwing the sheets of your frame hastily you rushed inside the bathroom. Taking a quick bath.

-7:30 A.M.-

“Y/N we have a party to attend today.” Jin reminded you while you were tucking in your shoes, panic written all across your face. “Yes I remember.” With the half cooked toast in your mouth you mumbled. “What a silly girl.” He shook his head, continuing to make his breakfast.

Arriving at your workplace by 7:45 you huffed out in relief. “Yes you made it Y/N, now it's time to fill this stomach.” Rubbing your belly you walked inside the cafeteria. Debating on what to eat? After seeing the different delicacies written on the menu. “A chocolate milkshake, two egg sandwiches and a bowl of ramen.” Placing your order you sat on a vacant chair.

“Finally, a really good meal after a long time.” They placed your meal on the table shortly. “Wow, they have good service.” Clapping your hands you dug into the meal. “Good Morning Miss Y/N!” Jungkook’s face appeared in front of you while he waved his hand in the air. You held yourself from choking at his uninvited appearance. “Good Morning Sir.” Bowing your head at him, you continued eating.

“Why should I compromise with my meals when it isn’t even working hours yet?” With this idea in your mind you didn’t dare to look at him again. Jungkook walked away to his cabin with a cup of coffee in his hands.

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