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“Any plans of working today?” Jin peeked in his head, with a straight expression plastered on his face. “Yeah!” Nervously you replied. “Then hurry up. You might miss your bus, they don't wait for late comers.” He stifles his laughter after noticing your bed hair. And the little drool at the side of your lips. “HURRY UP!” Slightly yelling he pressured you.

Ruffling your hairs, you throw the sheets of your body. Entering the bathroom. Seeing the dark eye bags underneath your eyes and those unaligned stressed creases on your forehead. In your view, stood a lady who appeared to be the ugliest.

But to Jin, he found it cute. He didn't know why? His hatred seemed to have dissipated in thin air upon getting a glimpse of this sight.

“Where the hell is your life heading towards Kim Y/N?” Highlighting your own quoted words you splashed water on your face. Inhaling in a deep breath of anxiety.


Stuffing a piece of untoasted bread in your mouth, you scurried outside with your left hand in your shoes trying to fit it in your foot. “Hurry up Y/N,” Jimin slides down the window wearing black shades on his eyes. “What are you doing here early in the morning?” Sitting in the passenger seat you query.

“Isn't it obvious? I've come here to drop my sis off to her office.” Hitting his foot on the pedestal he giggled lightly. “Yeah I know.” The ride went by with minor talks. Jimin did notice the change in your behavior. After yesterday's incident he had a hint this would be coming.

“If you aren't fine with working here. I could always find you a new job.” Halting his car in front of the building he gently spoke. “Why would you think I'm not fine? Of course I'm fine.” He sadly pressed his lips. Nodding his head.

“Take care of yourself.” Side hugging you he bades goodbye. Watching your figure interpolate inside the building. “You may hide your worries from the world, forgetting it ain't easy to conceal your pain from me little sis.”

Ushering through the busy hallways you rushed to your seat. The empty desk had you confused. “Where the hell are my necessities? Oh wait, I had packed them up and settled them back at my house yesterday.” Sound of throat clearing had you turning around frightened.

“Good Morning Miss Y/N.” He showed off his cheery boxy smile as usual. The guilt on his face was more than obvious. “Good Morning Sir.” Bowing at him you avoided eye contact.

“I'm sorry about yesterday. I had to act as a CEO, and not your brother's best friend. In fact it's super good we didn't accept that deal. Your husband had rung up later at night, revealing some extremely crucial details to me. The dealer was attempting to scam us. His main motive was to take advantage of our shares and benefit his drowning company by using our assets. It's thanks to Jin Hyung, and his unpredictable phenomenal entry. We saved ourselves from getting scammed.”

Your head snapped to see the admiration in Taehyung's eyes. “It was really irrelevant of me to make decisions based on the scenarios we had witnessed.” The corner of your lips, curled up in dismay. “I'm here to accept the resignation letter you had issued in my name the previous day. I acknowledge my mistake and henceforth, swear to never be in contact with your company or harm any of the liabilities related to Kim Corporation.”

Taehyung's expression was unreadable. “Y/N are you serious?” “Yes Mr Kim, now where do I have to sign the final papers? I'm sure you're a busy man.” He was left speechless. Unable to frame any further sentences. “Fine, if that's what you wish for.”

-4:13 P.M.-

Sitting near the crosswalk pavement with your head hung low you sarcastically chuckled. “Now I gotta find a new job. What an amazing life I had before being married. Now here I am struggling to fit in a job. Guess I'll have to start with the job hunt once again. Why did I act up so hastily and quit my current job? Maybe because I wasn't ready to accept Jin's favor and him later rubbing it on my face, I work in a company that exists due to him. Whatever, it is I'm not someone to permit people to step over me. Be it even my husband.”

Drowned in your self debating thoughts you failed to notice the shadow towering over you. “Need a drink sis?” He forwards his hands with a chocolate milkshake. “Oh hello there big brother. Did you know? I quit my job permanently. Your sister is a failure, a really big failure, to top it off I'm shameless. Adopt me and make me your daughter. These everyday burdens are killing me inch by inch. I'm finding it hard to breathe without the constant haunting contemplation I have a new trial to overcome each day. No- it's every second. You were right this marriage shouldn't have occurred. Working is fun, yeah it is. Until and unless you remember, at any given circumstance you might be fired or stay in the job all thanks to your multi billionaire husband.” 

He sat beside you listening to your rant. Not uttering a single word. “Is it possible for you not to be my brother in our next birth? I'll marry you.” He scrunched his nose making a disgusted expression. “Eww what's wrong with my little girl today?” Hearing his retort you burst out laughing.

“Jimin, did you really assume I'd marry you? No fucking way. Your ass is way more annoying than the Kardashians' never ending drama.” He pouts at the comparison. “HEY! I'm not that dramatic.”

“Hell yes you are.” Rolling your eyes at him, you poke his shoulder. Taking a sip of your drink. “When should I start with the divorce proceedings?” The air in the atmosphere turned thick. Jimin's gaze pierced at you intensely. “I've announced my decision to you already. I'm not divorcing him, not until and unless I prove my worth. I'm not a weak bud. I desire to be a self independent woman.”

He grit his teeth. “The day I find out a strong proof against your Mr Worldwide Handsome. You can't stop me Y/N.” His voice was void of any emotions. He stood on his grounds. This concerned his sister. There wasn't any power that could stop his major goal: “TO EXPOSE KIM SEOKJIN!”

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