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“Do you still have feelings for Taehyung?” His sudden appearance scared the shit out of me. “And what if I do?” Placing my palms on the kitchen counter I retort.

“Good for you he'll treat you right. A bonus point is that he's Jimin's best friend and he'd definitely rest assured of his sister's safety.” Chuckling at his words I remove the apron off myself, placing it aside.

“You still haven't figured out how to understand me haven't you? If I were head over heels for him I wouldn't have beared with your dumb ass coldie.” The corner of his eyes crinkled laughing heartily.

“I was right, the divorce awoke the beast inside you. Earlier you cursed at me and mocked me as a coldie all alone in your room. Now you're speaking it out loud and clear on my face.”

Flabbergasted at his retortion, my mind rewinds into those days when I spent my nights cursing at his emotionless personality. Never would I have assumed or thought behind this hard headed man lies a heartbroken man who suffered due to the decisions my brother had to make to save my life. Would the situation have been different if we hadn't gone bankrupt back in those days? Would me and Jin have a different ending? 

“What are you thinking Park Y/N? Taehyung and your marriage+kids?” That sounded more like a mock than a tease. “Ohh shut It there's no such thing as kids that I'd prefer with him anyways.”

Bending his head down, he glared at my frame. Our noses almost touched, fastening my heartbeats. “Then what do you prefer?” Seeing that earnest expression I was assured of one thing. This man surely had a strong effect on me. Subsiding in my urge to not stare at his lips I debated with myself for a second.

“Well as far as I remember the father of my kids has claimed that he wouldn't ever have kids with me. So nope, kids are not in my picture.”

Noticing his ears turn red a low grin of triumph was sealed on my lips. “Since he's got some biological issues, maybe Taehyung could be the father? After all he's my future husband isn't he?”

“Hey I'm not impotent!” His outburst led me to slip off my feet ready to land on the floor, shrouding his arms securely around my waist with his own feet ready to lose their balance any second. He stared into my orbs.

“Oh my poor holy eyes! Did I disturb you guys? That position seems uncomfortable, not like I haven't been in that before.” Jin quickly helped me stand on the floor properly. Jimin slaps his mouth.

“Ignore my last utterance, kindly continue with whatever you are doing. I could go out to give you guys some space. And a little truth revelation Y/N there's no such person who came to the city yesterday. It was my payback for you squeezing my ear lobe. Loved the way you were ready to pee in your pants out of fear. BA-BYE!!”

Tip toeing out of the kitchen he yelled on his way. “I'm gonna be an uncle mom!” THIS BITCH! Jin rubbed his nape in embarrassment. “I'm sorry to put you into an awkward situation. I'll clarify stuff with Jimin later.”

Why is this man so clueless? He's walking away from my life yet once again. “Stop! Quit your petty callowness Jin.” He stares at me confusedly. “All those times you secretly cared for me were they only out of sympathy?”

“Y/N! Let's not remember the past. I told you to move on.” How could he speak and decide everything on my behalf?

Its my life and I'll be the one to decide what I fucking want and I don't. And I want us to be together. You've changed the cruel Kim Seokjin that I had seen since day one of meeting you in this very house. You're nowhere close to that now.” He picked up his pace rushing to the exit.

“I LOVE YOU KIM SEOKJIN ARE YOU BLIND OR DUMB? MY STUPID EX HUSBAND!” Trailing behind him I held his arm spinning him around. Isn't it the male lead who always does this in dramas? This dude is unbelievable. He legit switched roles in our lives.

“Listen to me carefully now. Staying with you I've learnt a really important lesson. If you want something snatch it whether the other person likes it or not. If it belongs to you it should be with you. And you- you belong to me. I don't care if you find me weird or not. Because I know the jealousy radiating off your eyes is more of an answer and demand for me to return to you. Didn't you advise me to start a life without you? I did experience that. Three months living without your bossy ass. Thanks to you I'm habituated to waking up early and panicking I'd be late for work. I've started to cook some appetizing food as well. You changed this lazy girl into a responsible woman. And why the fuck did you arrive late at the scene? When those nosey business men were picking at me?”

His pupils had broadened, waiting for me to finish. “I think you should sleep for a few hours. You seem to have some serious memory loss. We are divorced, you can't just command me to be your lover.” He's really slow witted isn't he?

“Win my heart there's no way I'm permitting you to invade my home and life without testing your capabilities.” Seeing his shoulders shake out of stupor I knew I had won over his further complaints. “I'll drop by tomorrow to meet your brother. See you later Kim Y/N.” Grabbing his coat he left in his car. Wait- did he just address me as Kim Y/N? AHHHHHHH!!!

Maybe this could be a new start or a new trial in our lives. Keeping aside the past and predicting a happy future. Meeting him indeed was a fortunate coincidence. At the end of the day we could see the revival of the once goofy man he was. Kim Seokjin, what a beautiful articulated lie-molded man you are. Pretending to be pleased in spite of your own insecurities. A new journey is what I'm eager to start with him.

Some love stories don't always end with the people loving each other. It requires patience and self reflection on their deeds to not repeat those very same mistakes which not only destroys the bond they've built with their loved one. It's also the major reason for the cause of their own carnage.

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