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“Y/N we have a party to attend next weekend, prepare yourself for it.” Throwing your head backwards you raised your brow at him questioningly. “Why do I have to prepare myself for it? It’s just a party, not a venue where you’ll find yourself a second wife and get married to her in that very hall. Even if you do it’s not like I’d mind.” Murmuring the last line you lay down comfortably on the couch. Jin didn’t fail to hear it though. Gritting his teeth he loosened his tie.

“Are you planning to sleep here the entire day? If yes then I have a better job for you to complete. Come here and help me wear my tie.” He had messed it up real bad. Smirking wickedly to himself. Inhaling deeply you spoke up. “I don't know how to fix your tie. I've never done that stuff in my life. Jimin enjoyed wearing ties until last year he quit wearing them out of the blue. I don't know why?” Jin scoffed, his orbs darkened.

“I didn’t ask about your brother's clothing or habits. I remember telling you to fix my tie so hurry up. I have a meeting to attend, unlike you who’s sleeping on this couch wearing the same old pajamas for the entire week. Did you even think about bathing even once while you were laying there?”

Stomping your feet you stood up from the couch already missing the warm feeling. Jin swore the expression that was plastered on your face was really worth everything he had won effortlessly and he knew that very well. “How do I fix this shit now? You do all your stuff everyday on your own then why do you need my assistance today?”

He was watching you mess up his tie worse than what he had done. Throwing his briefcase on the couch he sheathed his right arm around your waist. Your chest bumps with him leaving you breathless at the lack of distance between you both.

“Do you plan to divorce me any time soon?” Out of nervousness you blurt out. With shaky fingers and a super squished tie in your hand. Focusing on the fabric material of his blazer instead of his face. Jin laughed in satisfaction noticing the impact he had on you.

“Are you nervous?” Moving closer to you he asked in his raspy tone. “I’m not, why would I be nervous? I’m genuinely curious as to when you’d divorce me? I mean you hate unemployed people don’t you? Being married to one wouldn’t do you any better justice haha.” Faking a chuckle, your toes curled. “What makes you assume you’d free yourself from my clutches by using my very own statements against me? You're stuck with me till your last breath whether you like it or not.”

Freeing you from his hold he fixed his tie on his own, removing any signs of creases. Grabbing his briefcase and leaving the house. “Be prepared for the party.” He yelled on his way out. While you were still processing what actually had happened with you?

“Did that mean coldie just seduced me and left just like that? WHAT THE FUCK? And why the fuck did I find it hot? The hell is wrong with you Kim Y/N? No wait, now I’ve even started to use his surname. It’s Park Y/N you coldie obsessed dumb woman. Don’t misunderstand his actions. He’s probably gonna come up with something new to torment and trouble you with. Yes he’s plotting a bigger plan to irritate me. That coldie can never be affectionate. How the hell was Jessica able to tolerate this man? A brave woman indeed to tolerate him.”

“Phew! I can never do that. Though I am doing it now. Imagine if he goes off as a huge softie someday? NOO FUCKING WAY, it’s gonna rain cats and dogs that day. I might even end up adopting one of those dogs. Kim Seokjin as a softie what a lame imagination and stupid lie is that. He can only do one thing and that is to boss people around. Preaching his perfectionist shit.”

Convincing yourself you lay once again on the warm couch. “This is real heaven, if that man divorces me I’ll demand this couch from him as part of alimony. Can’t risk losing this comfort.”



Drowned in your regular afternoon slumber, the loud voice of your phone ringing had you wake up with sleepy eyes and hands searching for the electronic device. “Hello,” you replied with your sleepy voice. “Am I speaking to Miss Kim Y/N.” The caller asked. “Yes, you are.”

“Miss Y/N we have called you to inform you that you are employed in our company after enquiring with Kim enterprises, the previous company you worked at. Our manager came up with the decision that you don’t have to interview. Kim Enterprises is quite a popular company in today’s market and you applying to work at us would boost up your company’s sales since you’ve been trained there.” Your slumber was long gone. Sitting up straight.

“When can I start working?” Ignoring his rant you asked. “From tomorrow morning at 9:00 a.m. our manager would like to meet you before you start working.” Thanking him, you hung up the call.

“Yesss I’m finally employed. My poor couch, I'll miss you a lot. In a span of a week I’ve grown so close to you. It hurts to know I’ll be apart from you throughout the day. Why now? Couldn’t the job offer come next week? Don’t worry every sunday I’ll spend my entire day with you. Fuck the hunger staying with you and sleeping in your comfortable wamrth is what I prioritize.”

Caressing the couch you continued speaking to it. Jin, who had just got out of his room, had his mouth hanging wide open. “Psycho woman.” He muttered to himself. You caught onto what he had said, getting embarrassed by your actions. Drowning yourself on the couch, with a pillow placed over your face. He jogged off to the kitchen pretending to have not seen you.

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