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“Why did you never tell me you had a girlfriend in the past? Was she the reason why you learnt cooking?” Seeing him go quiet the entire week, today you finally mustered up the courage to ask him.

“Ammu was the first ever girl I had fallen in love with crazily. Apart from being pretty she was really sassy too. I don't know when it happened, I ended up being fanatical for her, I still am, it was my dream to marry her. Spend the rest of my life with us together. But what did I do in the end? Be the cause of her death. We were together for 1 year and 3 months. I was planning to propose to her on her birthday. Since it was her wish for the love of her life to urge her to marry him on the day she was born. Even before I could buy her a ring or celebrate it with her everything ended between us. On the day of her birthday a few months later I didn't return home, instead I sat in a park with the ring I got for her. If only I knew she passed away that day I would have worked hard on myself. It hurt me to let her go. Insulted her despite her opening her heart to me. I lost our child, I lost her. Jin Hyung was right, I don't deserve her, I never had.” Gazing at the sky he was thrown into a spooky dark phase of his life. The only difference this time was there wasn't a way for him to be pulled out of it.

“I'll visit him tomorrow and bring the divorce papers. Set yourself free. I shouldn't have let you marry him. You had to be in a loveless marriage because of your brother's evil deeds.” For the rest of the night he sat there shedding tears, holding onto a Polaroid of him and his deceased ex. Jimin knew what to do with his life now. He was done suppressing himself and his happiness.

“If she was here today, she'd definitely not like me being a coward. I'll be a brave man and reflect on myself only for you.” Kissing the photo he buried his face in his knees. Weeping to himself.


“Can I meet Mr Kim?” Standing in formals Jimin adjusted his tie. His eyes were puffy with dark circles hindering his face glow. Cheeks dampened by the tears he had shed on his way. After the entire night of mourning he still wasn't over his guilt. It was a lifelong curse. Jin was right.

“May I know your name sir?” The receptionist questioned. “Park Jimin,” she rang up someone. And in no time he was escorted to Jin's cabin. “Come inside Jimin.” Even before he could knock on the door Jin's voice echoed from inside. Entering the cabin he felt the aesthetic vibe embellishing every corner of the room. “I know what you're thinking? She despised aesthetics in her life, while I enjoy blemishing my life with it.” Jimin gulped, not answering.

“Take a seat.” Gesturing to the leather chair in front of him he pointed with his hand. Jimin sat on it. Squeezing his thigh, out of fear. “You wanted to buy Kyans right? Since Jungkook made your sister overwork? Well Park Jimin, let me provide you with some useful information. That company belongs to my sister, it was in its domicile state the time you left her. Hence, she begged you for some time. Render her a chance  to stand independently on her feet. This was her dream company. She was keen to witness it reach unimaginable heights. After her demise I decided to fulfill her vision. She wouldn't have liked me promoting it, so I let it go with the flow monitoring it occasionally. There were many rises and falls. How I wish she was here, to attest the growth of her company. She'd be so proud and happy.”

Jimin was rooted to his place. The dam of the river he had just recovered from seems to return to his lids. “Your sister wouldn't have been employed if it wasn't for me giving a place for her in my sister's company. Not out of pity rather because I knew she had the potential. Ammu would have done the same and kept aside her complaints. You may leave now, I'm sure you're a busy person who has a fiance to look after.”

Jimin stood up bowing his head clutching onto the file. Exiting the building immediately. He was finding it extremely hard to breathe. His past was striking back so were his fears. Running away he forgot he had a car he came with. Jin watched him from the large window that he had in his office. “Hope you come on the right track soon, Park Jimin.”

Jimin found himself in front of a familiar place. He hated that he had to come here. Scurrying to the familiar tree he threw the divorce documents on the ground his body laid on the mound. “What should I do?” Whispering to himself he disclaimed to the vault? “Young man are you fine?” An old man who stood a few meters away from him greeting his late wife scurried to him, discerning his breaking state.

“No I'm not fine, I'm fucking not fine after finding out I killed my love.” He was shocked by Jimin's words. Nevertheless, being the experienced person that he was, he knew there was more to the story. “I lost her due to my mistakes. Now all I live is in remorse since the minute the truth was disclosed to me. There's no one to hold me, console me. Or assure me everything is going to be alright. Even if I have my sister, all her hardships that she's facing in her life today were caused by me. Why did she leave me? Throughout the past year I tried reliving my culpability by telling myself she was fine somewhere out there. How could I be such a heartless human?”

Rubbing Jimin's sternum he glimpsed at him pitily. This was a new case he had heard in his life and didn't actually know what exactly he should reply to the young lad wailing in front of him. “Time and empathy shall heal all your miseries. You'll seek answers to your questions and that would be the day you'll find solace and peace in yourself.” Patting his head he leaves the graveyard.

“If only that was possible.” Jimin murmured to himself.

-8:15 P.M.-

Jimin entered his house seeing his distressed sister waiting for him. “Where's your car?” He tilts his head confused. “Ha? Which car?” Sighing you hold his arm bringing him inside handing him a glass of water. “Did you pay her a visit today?” Nodding his head he gawked at everything except you. “He had warned me not to ever see her again. Nevertheless I couldn't control myself. How could I? Not after knowing I killed her. In the end I went to shamelessly demand some comfort from her grave.” Taking the glass from his hands you hand him dinner.

“Eat something you've been missing the whole day. I was so worried for you.” He smiles while chewing on the rice. “Here's the divorce papers.” Flipping through pages you instantly sign them. “Y/N do you still wanna work in Kyans?” Confused by his remark you wait for him to explain. “Kyan' is Ammu's assemblage. I was unaware of it until today. Apparently it was her dream company. Jungkook is taking care of it under her brother's guidance. I don't want you to go through more of his mockery than what you already did.”

Noticing the hesitation and fear in his eyes. You could see the pain hidden behind those concerned orbs. “I've just been employed. And everything's sorted out now. There's nothing for you to be worried about. I'm a big girl now. And guess what? I'm moving in my room, you've messed it up a lot haven't you?” Jimin gulped, taking his plate running inside his room locking the door.

“I managed to distract his thoughts away successfully, yes!” Tapping your shoulders you were satisfied with your efforts. “Tomorrow I'll meet up with him.” Huffing out you lean on the wall. Reminiscing all that had happened in the span of two days.

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