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Walking through the eerie hallways a disturbing silence had you shivering in fright. Perhaps it was the fear of meeting him after so long or the fact you were related to his sister's death in one way. Whatever the reason was it surely didn't calm your wrecking nerves down.

“Kim Seokjin,” seeing Jungkook in front of you Jin's name was all you could blurt out. “Go inside, he's awaiting your presence.” Gulping at his reply you pushed open the door of his cabin.

Jin sat triumphant on his seat as usual. A sly smile was on his lips. “Hope you've got the stuff I sent over with your brother?” Handing him the divorce file you stood numb on your spot. “Your beef is with me. Leave my brother out of this. He wasn't left with any other option. What he did was all for my sake. Destroy me, not him.”

Balling his fists he chewed on his upper lips. “I hold a grudge towards your entire family and especially with that beloved brother of yours. Seeing you meeking in pain would hurt him so damn badly won't it?” Cackling as if his designation made extreme sense he harshly threw aside the items on his desk.

“I fucking forgave you both, all for her sake. That wouldn't justify what you and your monstrous family did to us. My sister won't be back alive. You fucking killed her you bloody murderer. Get the fuck out of my office right now. Before I do something both of us might regret. OUT!!”

Shook by his outburst you stumbled on your footsteps. Running out of that place. It felt suffocating way too suffocating. Breathing wasn't a problem surviving with the fact you had unknowingly killed someone was dreading you with remorse every passing second.

-8:15 P.M.-

“You must have got the wrong address. I don't want this.” It was a few minutes when the sound of the doorbell made you rush towards the door. Opening it only to find the couch you previously used to lay on at your doorstep.

“Mr Kim Seokjin strictly instructed us to send it over to you. It's part of his share of alimony to you.” Huffing out frustrated you were left with no choice then to accept it.

“Keep it in my bedroom.” Rubbing your temples tired of all the chaos going on in your life you complied with the situation.

-11:15 P.M.-

“How could someone be this shameless sending a couch over as a pay for alimony?” Staring at the couch in front of you, you were cursing at him.

“Wait- did he give me this couch to get rid of the last element of my existence in his house? Or did he take my whining seriously the other day when I was joking about me demanding this couch as alimony? Nah! It definitely can't be the second one. He surely got rid of this one. Like me.”

The last sentence wasn't something you were definitely happy with accepting.

“Ugh! I don't wanna see that couch. It'll bring back all my bad memories with that coldie. At the end of the day all I am is a murderer.”

-9:15 A.M-

“Good morning Y/N aren't you getting late for work?” Yawning with the sleep still evident in your eyes you sat beside him. “I've taken a week off.” His brows creased in displeasure. Its not even been a few days you joined that office and you're already taking leaves?”

Shrugging your shoulders, you drank your coffee. “All that's going around me isn't something easy. And to top it off, the workload won't be done by me honestly.”

Jimin finished his plate, continuing his speech. “If you're worried regarding the divorce matters rest free he's handled everything. You won't be involved in any sorts of scandals. After all, you're no longer obliged to be his wife.”

Banging the empty glass on the table you stood up angrily. “Aren't you happy? I'm finally no longer with him. If only you had acted smartly and thought over your decisions back then I'd be leading a normal life with him today.” As soon as those words slipped off your tongue you regretted immediately. “I was drunk.” Finding for the right excuse
you announced.

“Sure you were drunk.” Patting his shoulders he marched to his room with a disheartened heart. Jimin knew very well those weren't any rage said words. All that you had spewed out, held deep meaning in it. “Was it really worth it sacrificing my life and love, making mistakes that can never be undone for my sister? She probably despises me now. Who wouldn't after all I was the cause of the death of my own love and child.”

Rummaging through his cupboard he pulls out a bottle of wine. Filling the glass placed on the table at the corner of his room with the red liquid. “A toast of agony towards me for being so pathetic.” Chuckling to himself he drinks a sip in melancholy. “Now I understand why she claimed herself to be my sun. I ate away all her shine and left her with nothing but ashes to mourn and grieve over.”


“Welcome Park Y/N your arrival wasn't anything unexpected for me. You seem to have grown fond of this ex husband of yours.” Scoffing at him, you sit in the chair opposite to him. His lips curve upwards tapping his fingers on the table.

“Impressive the divorce has transformed you into a brave lady. Or wait- are you perhaps impulsive thinking I might do something with you?”

His fingers grazed along your lips. The lump in your throat made it hard for you to speak. “And indeed I was right. You're still that lady crazily in love with me. This mere proximity has you easily weak in guts. Imagine if I were to kiss these lips of yours?”

With dilated pupils your breath turned shaky with body shaking out of what was about to come next. Laughing at your state he moved backwards. “Don't worry I've always been a respectful man who won't ever touch a woman without her consent unless you want me to.” Winking at you he retracts his finger finally away from your lips.

“Now time for some business talks I guess. Or we could continue these little playful acts if you would like me to do so.” Shaking your head vigorously you denied his affirmation. “NOOOOO!!!!” A loud yelp of displeasement was heard from your mouth. Loud enough to echo through the hallways of the floor.

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