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“Welcome back,” he sat on the large couch in the living room. Wearing black shorts and a red football jersey. “Hi good evening.” You tried to sound cheery. Alas! It didn't work out perfectly. “I'm jobless.” Fisting your palms your head hung low. Jin hummed. Switching on the TV.

“I know it's fine you'll get another one soon.” His voice was smooth unlike the usual one's. “I hope so.” Still shocked with his sudden personality change you excused yourself to your room. Plopping down on the bed.

“What's your next move Kim Seokjin? And what's with the sudden kindness?” Jin's empathy wasn't settling with your conscience. “Is there any company out there who would want to hire an amateur like me?” Rubbing your temples out of distress you pondered over your own thoughts. “Tomorrow's gonna be a long and tiring day, I certainly need some rest.”

Jin, who was passing by your room, shook his head in disapproval. “Look at this lady, she lost her job. And here she is lazing on bed. What a tiresome wife I have.” Seeing you sleep in your work attire his heart felt sympathetic. The man in him however refused to seek any sort of sympathy. Hence, all he did was cover you with a blanket and step out of the room. As if he never came inside.

There wasn't any way you'd assume he was the one who had been thoughtful enough to let you have a peaceful warm sleep. After all, the Kim Seokjin you were familiar with, would rather boss around even in his last breaths and come up with new resolutions to make your life a living hell than what it already is. He won't ever budge and show some care or kindness towards you.

“Quit being so damn resilient Y/N it ain't meant for you.” Swiping a strand of hair behind your ear he smirked wickedly. “The more you try, the harder will be your downfall.”


Scurrying down the stairs you checked yourself with the little pocket mirror in your hand. “What's up with you dolling yourself all up today?” Ignoring his questioning remark, you rummaged your hand through the take out you had ordered. “You know it ain't really wise of you to spend your money on take out especially now that you've got no job to rely on.”

Rolling your eyes at his mocking statement. You inhaled the mind luring smell of the Darjeeling tea you had freshly prepared. “Well that's a problem that I'll deal with. It has nothing to do with you or your business deals and terminologies. Moreover my brother's coming over today. All these preparations are specially for him.”

Jin stopped reading his newspaper, tilting his head to the side. “Well what's so interesting about his arrival? Isn't he always at our house?” Disliking his choice of words you scoffed at him. “My brother can permanently move into this mansion and you shouldn't have any problems with that. I know this house belongs to you, but now that we are married I have equal rights on it.” He didn't have any further designation, taking a bite of his toast.

“Also please be respectful and give up this grumpy expression of yours just for today. His fiance would be arriving as well. All these preparations are made specially for them. Don't go around quarterbacking on her like you do on me and every other employee of your company.”

The newspaper from his hand dropped. His face had drained of its colors. “What's wrong?” Hearing no reply from him you asked. Jin, however, had left. “This man is totally beyond my thinking.” Sighing at his obnoxious behavior you start plating the food from the containers.

-11:15 A.M.-

“Welcome,” exchanging a friendly hug with both of them. You invite them inside. What shocked you was Jin sitting there attentively. “Good Morning Jin Hyung,” Jimin greeted. He might be suspicious of him, nevertheless he wouldn't give up on his basic manners.

“Good Morning Jimin.” Jin formally spoke, switching to a more respectable approach. Then his usual informal talks. “Hyung, this is my fiance Jessica.” The lady beside Jimin broke out in a nervous sweat on seeing Jin. “Jessica Lee am I right? The daughter of Wang Lee.” All she could do was nod her head. Jin's intimidating stare was fearsome.

“WOAH! It ain't any new thing for the business tycoon to know everything. Do I still get to ask how do you know her? I mean you aren't always interested in knowing others. Or be allies with everyone.” Jin laughed, flipping through his notebook.

“That's where you got me all wrong Jimin. I'm different so are my ambitions. As for knowing Jessica, me and her share a history together, don't we Jess?” Your mouth was hung open so was Jimin's at the new found truth and the nickname he had addressed his fiancee with. Jessica wasn't pleased with the sudden revelation.

“What are you speaking about?” She pretends to be clueless. To save herself from this awkward situation. Had she known that Jimin was bringing her to Jin, she'd never have agreed for this meet up in the first place.

“Oh! Come on don't say that at least. It's such a boring notation that every ex claims. Jimin, your fiance and I happen to be past lovers. We were one amazing and wild people crazy in love.” Winking at him, he licked his lips. Jimin was in a daze. Jessica held his arm.

“Jimin, it's in the past, trust me I only love you now.” He smiled, loosening his arm from her grip. “I trust you, should we have brunch now? My sister must have put a lot of effort into arranging everything.”

Jessica glared at the older male following behind Jimin. “This tastes so good Y/N. Where did you learn to cook such delicious tea from? Are you really my sister? Because she won't ever survive in the kitchen. There isn't any chance either that she'd know how to prepare tea.” Your face turned abashed at his teasing.

“Shut up shortie, I can cook. And I do cook. It's just that I was lazy back when I stayed with you.” Jimin smiled broadly. “Ooh- so is this the nuptial effect?” Waving his chopsticks in the air, he eyes you and Jin with a mischievous leer plastered on his lips.

“NOO!!” You yelled out loudly, while Jin continued eating his piece of short cake. Jessica chortled at your reaction. Chiming in with him. “Damn- Y/N is a big girl now.”

Jimin made a cross sign disagreeing. “She's not, till this day she can't cook a normal meal, or wash her own socks. There's no way she'd be a big girl. She'll forever be my little lazy sister.” You pouted offended by his words. Jiminieeee Pabooooo.” Shouting angrily you chase him throughout the house.

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