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“Ever wondered why the world dislikes the scorching sun yet craves for it at the end of the day?” His eyes lingered on the bright shining moon. Clad in a pair of pajamas huffing out breaths. Rather, harshly then what an average human would do.

“Why did you demand my presence at your residence?” Without turning around he replied. “You failed to answer me this very same question the other day at my office. What makes you believe I'd do it today?” Scorning at his audacity you were ready to exit from his place. “Leaving already are you? You still haven't expressed to me your opinions on why our kind dislikes the sun?” 

For some odd reason, his calm behavior wasn't something you felt afraid of. “Let me explain it to you.” Tilting his head a little he passed a warm cheshire like grin leaving you awestruck. This was the first ever time his demeanor held tenderness and maybe warmth? Warmth and assertion that he was right here to protect you. Or! Maybe it was just a hallucination your brain was leading you to?

“The sun might suppress and tire you out with its heat and radiation. But, it's the sole reason why humans anticipate a new day. A better day to let loose and get rid of all their past day sorrows. Night might bring appeasement and rest to our body. None would choose to stay in the night permanently though. Don't we always say? After a dark night comes a bright morning! Have you ever wondered why isn't it used metaphorically in the opposite way?”

Listening to all those statements you were affirmed the smile you saw earlier wasn't a fake one. “No I haven't, isn't it a worldly accepted truth? Why bother wondering why it is that way?” His eyes blazed with disagreement balling his fists. “NO! YOU'RE WRONG!” And there he was, the stone cold Kim Seokjin back to his true colors.

“The sun is the source of all the energies. In spite of being well educated, on the sun's advantages people are ungrateful towards its kindness. They prefer this distorted weak moon over it. All for a few hours of peaceful sleep? Well isn't it ironic how the moon has no light. All that it shines with all its might is due to the sun. Despite knowing this fact the world is ignorant of what the sun has to grant us.”

Not liking where this conversation was leading to you hoped to escape from the situation. “Let's assume the sun no longer exists and people are granted the boon of experiencing their so-called pleasant moonlight everyday. Would you be happy?” His sudden witted question caught you off-guard. “No I wouldn't.” You retort.

“Why not?” Jin exclaims with his orbs shining like sea treasured pearls. Cherished and molded for years underneath the ocean. For this very day where he expressed his angelic self.

“None prefers staying in the dark for a long time. The night might definitely be a safe place for some humans. It doesn't change the reality that night brings along with it many unannounced tremors to the humans. It's at those dark hours when we are the least protected. Unarmed and vulnerable, pleading for a light to help us escape from our own griefs and afflictions.”

Clapping his hands he finally shifts himself to face you.

“I was the moon in your life Park Y/N who hindered you from the truth on why I actually had shown an interest towards you? Married you off for my own needs. Revenge was what all I saw. Yet, I couldn't bring myself to hate you to the extent I could destroy your sanity deliberately. I did play with your heart and hurt you emotionally. That was all I could do. There's this conscience in me which always pricked me to free you from my clutches. The demon that however resided in me ignored those pleas of knocking me back to senses.”

“Unleash yourself, forget me. Start a new journey where I wouldn't exist. Nor would my shadow. My sister was the sun to your brother. He ate away all her warmth and left her hollow where none remembered her except me. After all, I was once a sparkling star like her. On the verge of my inner temptations I had long forgotten humanity exists. It's time to end stuff from both sides. Go out into this world and search for your livelihood. Find who you actually are and what you desire.”

“Love is a myth filled with beautiful lies and fake promises. I happen to be a true example to such a misfortune fallacy. You were never my sun, you never can be. You're the same as me, a Moon who dwells on another star. Your brother is your strength. As much as I adhere to my resentment for him. I wouldn't deny his affection and duty towards you as a brother is remarkable. Maybe in another birth he wouldn't repeat the same mistakes. Despite that, I wouldn't permit my sister to cross paths with him again. Some mistakes can't be undone.”

He stares at the dark sky. “You may now leave Park Y/N. Don't ever look back at your past. Your past can't be changed, you could make your future different.”

Walking out of his place tears flew uncontrollably from your eyes. Lashes are damped with misery. Mouth all dried begging internally for a reason to breathe rightly. Without the remorse you were surviving for the sake of not being deemed as a loser in the end. Who gave up her life without a valid reason. “I can't I fucking can't take up this pain. Someone free me from it.” Falling down on your knees you burst out yelping for someone to acknowledge your existence.

Jin who watched this scene unfold in front of him grit his teeth, placing his phone against his ears he calls Jimin. “Your sister is here. Come and get her.” Listening to his sibling's sobs. Jimin was uneasy. He rushed out to Jin's house. Swearing at himself on the way for ruining both their lives. Upon reaching Jin's mansion his heart cracked seeing his sister on the ground clutching onto her shirt shouting and thrashing her legs around.

“Calm down Y/N I'm here. Everything would be fine. I'll help you get over it.” Wrapping his arms around your frame he voiced out. “It's so hard to breathe. Please stop all these noises lashing at me.” Jimin's pupils pricked with moisture. Watching the downfall of the once bubbly girl he has adorned. “You won't ever hear them. I'll make sure of that.” Patting your head gently he assures.

Jin chuckled, wiping his own tears. “Still the same bastard. Who won't ever see anything apart from his beloved sister. I was the same once upon a time when she was alive.”

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