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“Ted talk of the day?” Sitting opposite to him on the tiled floor I ask. He was busy drawing in his sketchbook. “Jin Hyung came over in your absence and threatened me to visit a doctor. If not that, to go out of this damn house and socialize at least.”

I see that Kim Seokjin has changed. He stops by our home occasionally and warns my brother to look out for his health and well being. Three months have passed yet I've never crossed paths with him even once after the last incident. Dropping by once a week in my absence he makes sure to keep my brother sane.

“Did you eat something?” Nodding his head he points at the empty containers of the take over. “I've told you nth number of times to stop feeding on junk and concentrate on your health instead. Yet, you don't bother listening to me.” Closing his ears he grumbles annoyedly. “Fine! My adopted mother.” Oh! He didn't just say that, squeezing his ears as a comeback I smirked in victory at his painful pleading to spare him.

“Set me free, I'll introduce you to this hot lad in return. Remember the guy you crushed on during highschool? And I chased him away, he's back in town, how about meeting up with him?” With flushed cheeks I was left speechless, the grip on his lobe long forgotten. “That was your friend Taehyung I crushed on.” Looking away embarrassedly I managed to murmur.

“I know,” his lips curve upwards. “Then who are you referring to? Which guy is this?” Shrugging his shoulders he picked up his sketchbook which he was immersed into. “Someone from the past you definitely shouldn't meet.” His orbs turn dark. Low key scaring me, hindering my thoughts to wonder who this person was? The seriousness in his tone didn't fail to raise my doubts any less.

“Lock the doors and sleep early tonight and do not let anyone enter. Be it even Jin Hyung.” The drop of pitch in his voice sent goosebumps down my spine. “Stop scaring me.” Fiddling with my fingers my throat itches out of fright. “I'm off to rest now. Remember my words. Do not open the door. It's 9:05 P.M. now. ”

Why the hell is he mentioning the time to me? Let me just follow what he said. Closing all the windows and doors I breathe out of relief. How the hell can I crush on someone I have no idea about? Jeez, it still feels so weird I crushed on Taehyung. Marrying Jin is far more a better choice.

To imagine what if he found out of my little admiration towards him in those days creeps me out. Especially with his nonchalant behavior. Jimin better not spill any beans to his soulmate. “Are you still in the living room Y/N? Remind yourself of what I said earlier?” Shit! Ushering to my room I latched the bolt tightly.


“Hi there,” the warmth that radiated off his speech made me feel serene. Peeking from the kitchen to get a glimpse off his face. This idiotic brother of mine always chased me away whenever I attempted to stay back and hope to meet him. “Hyung, I have this really interesting story to share with you.” Oh! God, what is this man gonna expose now?

“So you know my best friend Kim Taehyung don't you?” His expression fell. Probably reminiscing how I was fired due to his smarty pants act. “Yes I do. Still feel sorry for your sister. She worked so hard for him and I caused problems for her.” Jimin hit his shoulder. Since when did he become so brave? Maybe this is what we call sibling bond omg, I should order something good for him later on.

“Forget your clumsy ex Hyung and listen to the real talk.” What the fuck? This ain't the sibling love it's definitely sibling rivalry. Park Jimin I'll make sure to cook an extreme appetizing meal for you. Plotting the luscious recipe to be fed for my beloved brother I continued eavesdropping.

“So apparently, during our highschool days. Y/N had this deep dead serious crush on my soulmate. She kept on insisting to hang out with us. I had a hint on why she reacted like this. One fine day I caught her blabbering in her sleep: “Taehyung, I'm so happy that you're my boyfriend.” Listening to her words I ended up wheezing and choking on the water that I was drinking. That's just not it. The water spilled off my mouth landing on her face. She woke up and ran for my ass ready to beat me up. Me being the strong man that I am, ran  to Tae's house. After all, the most safe place on this planet would definitely be his apartment at that moment. You see I won there, my presence in his house instilled a fear in her heart. What if I revealed her crush to him?”

This bitch, why the hell is he narrating all those unwanted non relevant incidents to Jin? “Why would Y/N even bother having feelings for your best friend? I'm far more handsome than him.” Is that jealousy I smell from his statement? It better be that or maybe not. Why do I want him to be jealous though? It's over between us.

“Are there any tales you have of you and Ammu?” Oh- No, why would you ask that? Jin hummed, making me ponder his next reaction. “You know her very well, she ain't the crush seeking sort of girl. All introverted and intact to herself. And the times that we fought it was verbal and in some cases we physically beat each other to the extent our parents had to separate us apart. After the demise of our parents when we had no one, the urge to fight was less and when it occurred silent treatment worked for a few hours and later we resumed our lives pretending it never occurred.”

It would be interesting to know of those tales he shared with his sister. Come on, Jimin, query more.

“I've got something to give you.” Wait, isn't that the sketchbook he was drawing on yesterday? My feet brought me to where the two men were busy gossiping. Peeking my head down to see the art in it. “Damn she's beautiful. How did you end up with such beauty?” He scoffed, hiding the portrait from me with his hands.

“Those tiny hands ain't helping to hide it completely.” Muffling my laugh I mock. “Firstly, eavesdropping is rude. Secondly, I could state the same for you. How did you end up with the worldwide handsome?” Jin squeezed himself in a corner giving me space.

“Get ready to fight!” And the very next second we were against each other. Up for each other's throats. His hairs in between my fingers while I pulled on it harshly he had mine in his grip. Kicking each other.

“Should I leave you two alone?” Jin whispered, holding onto the sketchbook. “NOOOO!!” Both of us yelped. “It's her fault isn't it Hyung?” Tugging on his locks violently I grumbled angrily. “It's the other way around, you chick pod. Why would you disclose to him a confidential sibling rant?”

From the corner of my sight I could see Jin chewing on his lips. Perhaps hoping we don't pull him in between our sibling chaos. “I better get going now. Have fun and a better day ahead of you amigos.” He had long sprinted out announcing his dismissal. While us? We were holding onto each other's weakness. Attempting to knock the other down.

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