November 25th

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"this is amazing Luz what is this holiday called again?" I ask while stuffing my face with turkey I've always been fascinated with human stuff specify human holidays like a few weeks ago we celebrated Halloween I dressed up as a knight. Luz handed out human candy's and we had a party it was

awesome. "Oh yeah this holiday is called Thanksgiving" she says answering my question "I love human holidays." I say they whole table smiles and laughs "we know Gus that all you ever talk about" willow says I shrug "I cant help it there so fun and entertaining" I say gaining a laugh, "hey? How about you

do the next holiday Gus" Luz says. I think for a moment it could be fun "that sound fun, I'll try my best" I say luz nods "well I hope I will be hearing good things about it" I tilt my head "hearing?" I ask she formed a 'oh' with her mouth "Right, I didn't tell you guys, um so I'm going back in two weeks to the

human realm to spend time with my mom and vee were having a big Christmas like we usually do but I'll be back before new years" I see Amity frown "you didn't tell me you were leaving" Amity said to Luz. Luz smiled "that's because I wanted to surprise you and take you with me, so surprise" Amity's

frown turned into a smiled a very big one at that "EEEEEEKKKKKK" she streaked causing my ears to hurt, she jumped up and hugged her girlfriend. we laugh and talk for the rest of the night till its time to go home, "Bye Eda, Bye Luz, Bye Amity" I say they all wave bye to me as I start to walk home I take

my time mentally thinking of ideas for Christmas when something no someone ran out of a bush "Mattholomule?!" I say surprised and confused. he turns to me and has a huge scratch on his cheek, "your bleeding? what happened?" Mattholomule looked at the ground "this doesn't concern you

Augustus" he said I tilt my head "well if someone is hurt it is my concern, now stop being stubborn" I say he groans and stands up limping a little this boy "Let me help" I wrap his arm around my shoulder and help him walk till we reach my house, I run inside leaving Matt on the steps I grab a band-aid and

run back outside. my dad is out of town covering a big story so running didn't bother anyone in the house, "here" I say placing the band-aid on his cheek. he frowns "um thanks I Guess but I didn't need it" I roll my eyes "yeah sure you didn't" I say punching his arm "jerk" I snicker seeing a small smile

creeping on to his face, he punched my arm "dork" he said I smiled "you don't have to tell me what happened but I do want to make sure you get home safe" I say he rolls his eyes "Augustus I'm fine I

can get home on my own" he says and stands up not limping anymore "see fine" he says I sigh "fine but be careful" I say I wave bye and so does he. I shut the door and lock it stupid dorky matt I think before heading to bed...

words:566 11/25/2021

first chapter yay!!!!! ok byeeeeee......

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