November 28th

482 16 0

Gus's POV

as I sit at the breakfast table waiting for my dad to finish breakfast I start to let my thoughts wander, are me and Matt close friends or just friends? I start to think on it before a stack of green pancakes get

set in front of me, I look at my dad and smile. "thank you" I say and grab a pancake from the top of the stack, I finish my food and head back up to my room. since its Saturday I want to ask my friends to hang out.

Gus added Willow, Luz, Amity, and Mattholomule to weekend fun

(Gus Porter) hey everyone I was wondering if you all would want to hang out today?

I sent the text and wait for a responds which didn't take long

(Luz Noceda) me and Amity would love to

the couple is always together I roll my eyes before responding

(Gus Porter) OK Matt, Willow, what do you to say?

(Willow Park) I'm in, what time and where?

(Mattholomule) Yeah I guess i'll come

I smile everyone is coming

(Gus Porter) ok so like an hour at the market sound good?

everyone responded with a yes and went offline, I jumped out of my bed and changed into my outfit for too day, a black tee-shirt with a human rock band Luz showed me on the back of the shirt, I slip on some jeans and a leather jacket my dad got me fore Christmas apparently he wore this when he

was my age until he couldn't fit it anymore. I leave my room and walk down stairs, "bye dad I'm going to the market with my friends" I say I see him put up a thumps up and go back to rewatching the video he took on his trip, I smile and walk out of the house I stroll along the streets until I finally reach

the market I see Willow waiting by a shop and not to far behind her stood the love birds, I smile "hey girls" making them turn to look at me "hey Gus" Amity said. we waited a little longer for Matt when we see him running from a girl who looked very similar to him, "Get away Ally" he yells and runs behind

me and the girls. the girl who I assume is Ally stops and smiles "oh come on matt I just want to see what my little brother does on a day to day bases" Ally said I decided to interduce myself "hello, I'm Gus" I say sticking out my hand she smiles "oh I know who you are Matt wouldn't shut up about you,

I'm Anastasia" she says shaking my hand. a faint blush covers my cheeks "Ally!!!" Matt yells at his sister, she laughs "ok so you must be willow, If I'm correct?" willow nods "yep" Ally smile "and you two must be Amity Blight and Luz the human" the two girls nod. "that would be us" Luz says, Ally nods

"well its nice to meet you all, Matt wont tell me very much because his Short ass is always grumpy" she says glaring at her brother. I laugh a little, "well I think I'm going to head back to the house have fun with your friends Matt, and if that Bria girl shows up tell me and I'll knock her lights out, ok bye" she

says and starts back down the path. "you never told us you have a sister?" I say he rolls his eyes "that's because I hate her and also partly because she's never home" he says frown at the fact he never sees his sister. we start to walk the three girls far in front of us and me and Matt trailing behind, I look at

Matt and see something is bothering him "whats wrong Matt?" he turns and looks at me "are we friends?" he asks bluntly I look at him and shrug "if you want to be friends, I already count you as a friend" I say he smiles "then friends it is" he said and smiled. I couldn't help but love Matt's smile

maybe its because he rarely does, after about an our of walking around the sun started to set blowing a cold breeze through the air, "I'm going to head home, bye" Willow said and left the four of us together. Luz had given Amity her jacket after constantly telling her that she told her to bring one, I

look over at matt who is shivering I take off my jacket and place it on him he looks at me. "Augustus I don't need it I'm not c-cold" he says I laugh "just take it you can bring it back to me at school on Monday" I say he nods and wraps himself in the jacket. Amity and Luz waved bye and started back to

their houses while me and matt walked back to my house, "thanks for inviting me agu- Gus" he says correcting himself. I laugh "no problem, well goodnight" I say and start walk inside "goodnight Gus"

Matt said walking off the porch into the night, I smile and shut the door behind me. all the lights are off in the house so my dad is probably asleep or in his room. I walk upstairs and fall into my bed what a great day.....


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