December 24th

390 11 4

Gus's POV

I'm freaking out, the party is tonight and everything is a mess. I wish willow was here to help, me and Skara rush to decorate, Matt would be helping us but he said he needed to do something. "Gus where are the lights for the tree?" Skara asks from across the Gym, "Umm they should be on the bleachears!" I yell. she nods i go back to hanging stremers i check my watch we have only a few minutes before everyone shows up. crap "Skara? are you almost done

with the tree?" I ask she turns around and puts a thumps up. I clime off the latter and look around the room, i smile "i think we pulled this off" i say she nods "hell yeah we did, I'm going to go call Kat and the others to ask them where they are" I nod as she walks away. i sigh and pull a small box from my pocket, its my way of telling Matt i like him tonight, i thought i might go over last night to tell him but i chickened out and now feel like this is my only

chance before i completely give up. the gym doors open, friends and schoool mates enter the room. "show time" I say quitely and hop on stage "good eveing ladys, gentalmen and mosters of all kind we are in for a fun filled night of human activeys. "while Luz is away i wanted to try to make a human holiday happen in the boiling isles, so welcome to chirstmas in the boiling isles or for other words a boiling isles chrismas enjoy" I say everyone cheers. I

smile and hop off stage, I see Skara talking to Boscha, Kat Amelia and Matt. I nod and take a deep breath you can do it gus. I start to walk towards the group and see Matt look at me he smiles, I blush and smile back. suddenly a song began to play and I was pushed onto the dance floor, people started partying. I stood up but couldnt see Matt. shit I try to push through the crowed when i run into someone in a red dress. "sorry" I say "oh? hey Gus" a female

voice says i look and see Ally and someone i've never seen in my life. "um hi Ally have you see Matt anywhere?" I say she smiles "I saw him over by the snacks a second ago, oh also how rude of me this is my partner Zee" Ally says grabing the hand of the person beside her they were whereing a red suit to match Ally's dress "Umm nice to meet you, I dont want to be rude but i really need to see Mattholomule" I say Ally smirks "go, we arent stoping you, let

love preveil" she says I blush and quickly walk away. i see a brown haired boy drinking some punch in the might i dare say it hottest suit I've ever seen on someone. I fix my tie and walk over "hey Matt" I say Matt looks at me and starts to choke "you good Matt?" I ask he nods "um yeah you just caught me by suprise, i umm like the suit" he says I look down at my outfit "yeah its nice, but not as nice as yours" I say looking at him. i kept eye contact with me. a slow

song began to play i hesite but decide to go for it, "umm may i have this dance?" I ask sticking out my hand. he turns red and nods, i take his hand and it felt cold but soft, we make it to the dance floor and stand facing each other. I place my hand on his shoulder as he places his hand on my waist, i lean into his touch. we sway back and forth to the music, "this is nice" Matt sighs I smile turning reder by the second. "yeah it is" we sway for a bit longer before he

pulls me closer and lays on my shoulder I tence up but relax when i feel his grip tighten. "Gus, if i were to ask you where your happy place was what would you say?" he says breathing on my neck, I smile "probaly with you" I said i look and see him smiling "good, because i would give the same answer" he says. Matt stands up and smiles "I want to show you something" he says and takes my hand outside leaving the loud party. "matt where are we going?" I

ask he smiles "you'll see" we turn into the grugby feild and dive under the bleachers. theres a blue blanket on the dirt floor as well as some candles next to it. "what is this?" I ask Matt smiles "come sit and I'll tell you" I move over to the blanket with him and sit in front of him facing him. "Gus Porter, we are really close friends and i really value our friend ship but i cant keep my feelings any longer, i dont know what it was maybe it was that day we were laying on the bed and we decided to travel the world together or maybe it was when i told you i didnt need help you brought me to your house anyway

and helped me get cleaned up after i had told my father that i was gay. but no matter when it happend i still feel this way, my breath hitches when i'm around you, my face heats up and i start to studder over my words I've tired to hide them, not doing a very good job of it but still, i need you to know I love you, I'm in love with you i cant exspain it but i just-" before he can ramble on more place a finger to his lips. "sssh no more words out of those lips I've

been dying to kiss all nigh, I love you too" I say he smiles. I move a stray hair out of his face, "may i?" I ask "please" he says i lean over and kiss him feeing puzzle peices conect, matt pulls himself closer to me till he's on my lap we pull away to breath. "you know i was planing on giving you a gift to tell you" I say and pull the small box from my pocket, "open it" I say handing it to him. he opens the box and sees a key chain along with a note. "the noter doesnt

matter now" I say throwing away. Matt picks up the keychain and reads what is writen on it. "I Love You and I Cant Hide It Any More" he chuckles "this is very clichey" he says I laugh "I know, but what can you do? love makes you do crazy things" I say and start to kiss him again.......

words:1161 12/26/2021

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