November 26th

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I walk to hexside excised for the day, I arrive a little early and decide to head to the library. I walk in to the book filled space and head for the back of the library to get some quiet time, I find a table and sit scrolling through my scroll. "Augustus?" I heard a voice say I look over and see Matt with a stack of

books "oh hey Mattholomule" I say he walks over to me and places his books on the table, "I never seen you here in the library before?" he says I shrug "I got here early today decided to find a quiet place" I say and smile. "well see you around Augustus" he says and walks off, I realize he left his books

I quickly stand up and grab the books "hey Matt" I say running after him, he turns around causing me to crash into him "s-sorry, I didn't want you to forget your books" I say while siting on the ground staring at the boy across from me, "Its fine Augustus, thanks though" he says standing up picking up

the books. I nod and stand up helping him I go to grab the last book on the floor and bump heads with Matt "sorry" I say again he scoffs "its honestly fine Gus" Gus did he just call me Gus I smile he gives me a confused face "are you ok?" he asks I nod "you called me Gus" I say his face goes red "Oh

I-I meant Augustus, umm anyway bye!!!" he yells and runs out. I laugh he's not as tough as he thinks, I smile and walk to class "Hey Gus" Edric said as I entered the classroom. "Edric? aren't you suppose to be in a higher class?" he sighed "yeah apparently because I act like a child I need to be treated like

one" I tilt my head "where's Emria?" I ask he groans "she got out of it even though it was mostly her fault" I chuckle and walk to me seat, I look at my seat partner and see a boy with his hood up I decide to leave it be. "Ok class today were doing revue before the test next week" the teacher says going

back through spells, after class ended I didn't go to lunch with the girls because they all skipped today not sure why, I leave the school and decide to go out for lunch. I go to a café very close to the school that popped up a few weeks ago. the bell dings as I enter to café I look around and see the bright

colored paintings, tables and chairs line the path to the front, I walk up and look at the person working the front "matt?" I ask he goes red and pulls down his hat "this is embarrassing" he says talking about his outfit, I hold in a laugh "well I would like to order if you don't mind" I say he groans and looks back

up at me. "what would you like Augustus?" he asks in a monotone way, "umm" I look up at the menu "how about you surprise me" I say, Matt nodded "fine, um your total is ten snails" he says I hand him the money and go to sit down, a waiter comes out a second later with a white drink with whipped

cream on top. I thank them and look over at matt, I smile and take a sip "I like it" I mouth he laughed a little "good" he mouthed back, I drink my drink my dad texted me to say that he will be home soon, I smile and wave bye to Matt. this might have to become a daily visit, I start to walk towards my house.

waving at people until I see Willow, "hey Willow" I say walking up to her she frowns "whats the matter?" I ask she shrugs "my dads want to go on a varication for the winter break but I don't want to miss your Christmas party" she says well there goes my whole party "umm its fine will it wont be the

same without you but it will still be fun" I say smiling like I do. she smiles and hugs me "your the best Gus" she says after talking a little with willow I wave bye and head back to my house, I hug my dad as he tells me about his trip, I smile and nod not saying much. after dinner I head up to my room and

lock my door, "ugh what a long day" I sigh and lay on my bed grabbing my sketch book and pencil and start to draw until I fall asleep.....

words:798 11/26/2021

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