December 4th

398 11 7

Gus's POV (fyi this has an anxiety moment this is how I experience to other people it maybe different)

my alarm beeps in my ear, I don't want to get up and go to school but I told Matt I'd be there, I drag myself out of bed and change into my hexside uniform, I plaster on a fake smile and walk downstairs. there's a note on the table. I pick it up it reads "hey sport I'm glad your up and going, I had to leave for

a big story, see you for dinner -dad I sigh and relax my face. I pull out a breakfast bar and head outside, I make it to school and place my fake smile back on my face. "Gus!" I hear a peppy voice yell I turn around and see Amity and Luz, I was crushed in a hug by Luz as Amity waved at me. "I missed you too

Luz but can you get off your crushing me" I say out of breath, she lets go "I have to deal with this every morning" Amity says Luz smirks at her "and you love it~" Luz says bopping Amity's nose. their cute together, "I'm going to head to class, I'll see you two later" I say and walk into the school building,

I see Mattholomule talking to Willow and Skara. " that's why Willow shouldn't be allowed to use plant magic in a small space" Skara says glaring playfully at Willow, Willow shrugged "ok first of all I use my magic in small spaces all the time second its your fault you distracted me" Willow says patting

Skara on the head. I walk into the group "hey guys" I say Willow smiles "I'm so glad your back, sorry I didn't come to the house yesterday I got busy hanging out with Skara and lost track of time" she says, that's when I notice their hands. "clearly" I say gesturing at there hands, they both look down and

blush "and its fine Matt stopped by yesterday" I say looking at Matt. He looks at the ground I see a smile form where no one else can see, "hey I was wondering if you could three could help me invite people to the Christmas Eve party? I don't know whos friends with who and stuff like that" the three of

them nod. "sure, I'll help I'm sad I wont be there" Willow says Skara looks at her, while Willow explains why she wont be at the party I found myself zoning out looking at Matt, I watch him run his fingers through his hair, his forest brown hair matching his eyes. Is snap out of it when he waves his hand in

front of my face. "Gus you good?" he ask I shake my head "um yeah never better" I say quickly. me and Matt walk to class while the newest love birds ague about which Witchflix show is the best, I sit next to the window, matt slides in next to me. the teacher hasn't entered the classroom yet when I

hear someone sinker from behind me, I turn around and see Bria, to recap this bitch tried to kill me and said I was useless. I roll my eyes and face the front that's when I feel a spit back hit the back of my head I turn around and see one of Bria's 'friends' was the one who shot it. "do you have a problem

Bria?" I ask nicely. she scoffs and stands up "yeah I have a problem, matty here is a big wuss and cant stand up for his pathetic self so he has his very small useless body guard this is hardly a decent illusions. and all for what because he's gay as fuck?" Bria says, something inside me raged but before I

could do something stupid Matt stood up "he's not my body guard he's my friend, and you one to speak about being Gay, how's that girlfriend of yours?" he asks the entire classes eyes were on Bria. she was stun for words either she really does have a girlfriend or she was just stunned by the way Matt

stood up to her, she didn't say anything and closed her mouth for the rest of class. Matt sat back down with a satisfied grin on her face, I smiled he's adorable when he's proud of himself, my face goes red realizing I'm calling him cute again. class final ended I waved bye to Matt and head to the court

yard, basically a big open dirt space where literally no trees will grow and no one knows why. I look out at the plain ground everyone else is in class I have a free period only because I take so many classes. "no one likes you" I jump "who said that?" I ask but the voice has disappeared, I calm back

down and get back in my thoughts "no one will except the truth" the voice is in my head "just imagine it school head lines "perfect boy comes out as bi" how will your friends react?" just block it out right? that's easy, "we don't want to be friends with a liar, only girls can be bi" my breath hitches I feel my

heart start to pick up. "I'm not going to have a son who likes guys" I look down at my hand and see it start to shake, "shut up" no one can love you for you "shut up!" Matt will never- "SHUT UP!!!!" I yell "Gus?" I see Luz standing there really concerned. that's when I broke I cried I try not to cry in front of

people but it happened. Luz bend down next to me and hugged me tight, "shh its ok your ok" she kept patting my head telling me I'm ok. after I calmed down I sat up and wiped my tears "how-how did you know what to do?" I asked her she sighed "I get anxiety attacks a lot, I haven't had as many

since I started dating Amity but she helps with them when I do get them" she says I hug her one more time "thanks" I say she smiles "no problem dude, do you want to tell me why your were having an anxiety attack I take a deep breath "um I think I'm bi wait no I know I am" I say she smiles "good for

you bro, you can be my bi buddy" she says with a chuckle. we talk for a little before I head to my next class I see matt in the hallway and avoid him or so I though I end up in an empty class room, I turn around to leave when Matt enters the room "hey Gus, are you ok?" I nod he gives me a 'don't lie to

me' look. he starts to get closer, I start to back up to avoid him, I some how end up against the class room wall with matt in front of me. I gulp fuck....

words:1186 12/7/2021

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