December 2st

444 15 5

Gus's POV

"Willow aren't you friends with Skara?" I ask she nods "I am but I get all nervous around her and I cant speak right, I need you to come with me to this dinner tonight, please I'm begging you" I sigh "fine, what time?" I ask she jumps up and down "thank you, I'll pay you back I swear, its at six, my dads and I

will pick you up at around five" she says I nod. we eventually part ways, I head to class and sit in the back as per usual. "ok class today we have a student who is switching covens classes" the teacher says letting Matt in to the classroom. "be nice everyone" the teacher says before continuing the lesson, I

see his eyes scan the room before I raise my hand and see his eyes light up a small smile crosses his face before quickly turning back to his grumpy self. I smile as he walks over to me, "hello Aug- Gus" he corrects himself, I switch to the seat closer to the wall. "Hey Matt, you want to sit?" I say patting the

seat. he nods and sits next to me, I look back at the front of the class for some reason my mind kept looking back at Matt every time he would look at the front of the class I would watch his eyes and his hair and just slightly sharpen cheek bone. I had to admit he's cute but like not in that way like in a

friendly way right? that's normal right? "class dismissed" the teacher said that's when i realized I've been looking at Matt this entire time. "H-hey Matt could I copy your notes?" I ask shamefully he gave me a confused look "you didn't take notes? were you distracted by some girl?" he asks cheekily or

some boy. I clear my throat "Umm you could say that" I say he smiles a little less wide "ooo who is it?" he asks I panicked "umm n-no one I-I have to go byee" I say and stand up running out of the room. stupid Gus now you've confused your friend, tho he confused you first, stop it Gus its your fault your

confused, as questions flew around in my head I ended up outside of the building. at least I don't have to see him for the rest of the day I think before sighing in relief. I walk to the plant track I meet Willow there but don't tell her a word about what happened in illusions. a few hours go by switching classes

zoning out in healing making me preform the spell wrong and causing blood instead of stopping it, good thing Viney was around to help. I finally make it home. I have time before dinner so I fall on to my bed falling asleep within minutes, my phone rings at five. I pick it up and its willow "yes?" I say

sleepily, "me and my dads will be there in a few minutes" she says I sigh "ok see you soon" I hang up and rub my face. I swing my legs off my bed and stand up, I change into a nicer outfit, black jeans and a light blue shirt with a white collar, I brush my hair through with my fingers, I slip on a jacket and walk

out the door waiting for Willow. they pull up on two staffs, willow on hers and her dads sharing one. I hop on with willow and can I just say Willow is not a careful flyer I nearly died. we make it to Skara's House in one piece thankfully, I brush off my shirt and follow the Parks up to the door. Willow knocks

and the door swings open with Skara in a simple red dress her hair up in her signature ponytail, I looked over at Willow who seems to have dusted blush on her face. I smile and follow them inside, "oh hey Gus!" Skara say giving me a big hug, then she looks over at Willow. "Willow!" she says and

squeezes Willow, she turned red until Skara let go of her. I lean over to Willow "Skara, hun?" I say she knowing exactly what I was implying "shut up" she whisper yells at me. "oh I should probably mention Mattholomule is staying here until his, so called parents get back" Skara say causing me to do a

double take "w-what?" I say. just then Matt started walking down the stairs I bit my lip trying to keep any reaction inside, of course my little move didn't go unnoticed by willow she smirked and whispered "Mattholomule, hun?" she says I roll my eyes "shut it" I whisper back she laughs and follows Skara to

the dinning room. I stood there starring at him why do I feel like this I've always liked girls right? "Umm...hi Gus" he say crossing his arms. I get a good look at his outfit, a light brown pair of pants with a long sleeve shirt toped with a red vest, his hair was slicked down. "you look um nice" I say Matt looks

harder at the floor avoiding my gaze, "umm thanks I guess" he says. we walk in to the dinning room and siting across from willow and Skara. "well my lovely wife cooked the whole thing" the red headed woman said looking over at Jane. Jane turned red "oh stop it you" she says, they look happy "lets eat"

Skara says, one of her mothers glare scolding her. I go to take some salad when a hand touches mine, I look over and see Matt starring I quickly remove my hand from the spoon and look towards the ground Gus why are you such a mess, I stand up and leave the dinning room walking to the stairs

dsitting on the bottom step I place my head in my hands. why are you like this? why cant you be normal?.....

Willow's POV

I feel nervous and sweaty sitting next to Skara, I've liked her for a while and want to ask her out but I'm to scared to. I look over at Gus for help but he's not there, I excuses myself from the table and walk out to the front of the house I see Gus starting to walk out the door. "Gus? whats wrong?" I ask he

turns around and I can see he's been crying, "I just want to go home that's all" he says I nod not wanting to pry, I give him my staff and tell him to return it to me at school tomorrow. he nods and hugs me before walking out the door into the night, I sigh until I hear soft footsteps from behind me I

turn around and see Skara and Matt. I smile "hey" I say quietly Skara walks over to me "where's Gus?" she asks I sigh "he decide to go home early, I knew I shouldn't have pushed him to come with me" I say. Matt walks past us and up the stairs meanwhile Skara lead me to her room upstairs. I sat on her

bed looking around the room, its normal sized a single black wall with her white bed against it, fairy lights and some light spells light the ceiling. "nice room" I say she smiles "thanks" we sit on the bed not saying a word, "umm so you and Gus are you guys pretty close?" Skara says I nod "yeah we've

been friend for years, I hate to see him upset" I say and look at the ground. I feel a warm hand on my back and look beside me, Skara sighs. we talk for a bit longer before my parents call me from downstairs, I start to walk out the bedroom door when she grabs my wrist and makes me face her, I

stare into her eyes, reflecting the lights from the ceiling. "um I" she stumbles for words, I relax and smile, "don't speak" I say calmly. "Willow, hurry up!" my dad yelled from downstairs, I roll my eyes. before looking at the girl again, willow now or never, I lean in and kiss her cheek. I back away and wave

bye before running down the stairs. we make it home, I call Gus he doesn't answer the first ten times but finally picks up, "what happened Gus?" I say, and then hear him sigh "I cant keep anything

from you, come over to my house tomorrow and I'll explain what I can" before I can replay he hangs up. whats going on with him.....

Words:1451 11/27/2021

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