December 4th/5th (part 2)

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Mattholomule's POV (trigger warring and mention of suicide)

Gus starts to turn red, that's when I realized how close I was. I quickly back away and look away from the boy, "well I um I'm going to go" I say he nods. I leave the room and quickly make it to the bathroom, what was that? I know I'm gay but for Gus? its just a bromance, right? I ponder a bunch of

question before I here the bell scream for the end of school. I walk out of the bathroom and grab my stuff from my locker, I meet Skara at the front of the school. "hey Matt, do you want to come with me Christmas eve to a party Matt is throwing?" Skara asks as we walk I shrug "sure, but what is Christmas

eve? is it that human holiday Gus was talking about?" I say Skara nods "yep, and since Willow will be gone I need someone to go with me" I sigh "i'll go" I say she smiles "yay!" we make it to the house, I wave hi to Skara's Parents and head up stairs. I finish my homework and head downstairs for dinner

when I get a call from an unknow number and excuse myself from the table. "hello?" I ask on the other side of the line I hear faint voices before someone speaks to me, "Matt? its Ally we need to meet tomorrow" she says I sigh "ok, meet you outside of Hexside tomorrow in the morning ok?" I say "ok

see you then bro" she hangs up and I walk back to dinner. "who was that sweetie?" Alice asks I smile 'it was nothing just a wrong number" I say they nod and continue to eat...

Mattholomule's POV December 5th

I make it to hexside and see my sister standing there with a bunch of papers in her hands, "hey sis" I say she smiles "hey Matt, um so could we go somewhere privet?" she asked I nod and follow her to the side of the building. "so um mom, she gave up custody over us to dad, he called me yesterday and

told me that he was going to kill himself, he didn't thankfully he was sent to a mental instituted where the best physiology witches are taking care of him, but what this means is we both are homeless at the moment. I'm staying with my girlfriend at her new apartment but we don't have enough room for

anyone else. where have you been staying?" she says in a rant. I sigh "I'm staying at the Blane residence you know Skara shes one of the players on the grugby team, they said I can stay there as long as needed" I say. I saw her take a breath if relief, "thank the titan, you don't know how worry I've

been" she said and hugged me. I tense up still not use to the whole physical affection thing, "well umm I'll see you later then bro" she says letting go and heading inside. I eventually make it to class when I see Gus, and memories of yesterday pop back in my head. I decide to sit behind Gus instead, I

watch Gus tap his foot and messing with his fingers and pencils. "ok class, pop quiz" the teacher said everyone groaned. Gus handed me the stack of papers his hand lingers a little on mine before my trance is broken by another student asking for their paper. I turn around and hand them the stack

taking one for myself, "and begin" the teacher said. I look down at my paper pretty easy today, I answer the ten questions on the paper a few minutes before teacher calls it. I hand my paper to the lady and look over at Gus who is still trying to finish odd he usually finishes first, "Mr. Porter, please

give me your paper" the teacher say. Gus sighs and hands her the paper, and looks down at the ground. I sigh and get up from my desk moving forward. "Hey Gus are you ok?" I ask he sighs "umm no, I failed that test, I should know all those answers why couldn't I remember?" he says frustrated. I

place my hand on his back, "with your perfect record it wont matter, look lets go to lunch ok?" I say Gus gave me a confused look "but lunch isn't for another hour?" he says I smirk "who said were staying at the school?" I say he smiles. I pick up my stuff and walk to my locker, after stuffing my stuff

in there me and Gus headed to the café I work at or did work at, lets just say I was fired after I said something to a middle aged woman after she called me a disappointment to the boiling isles when I couldn't make her coffee like how her mom used to make it. we sit and order two boiling isles specials

"thanks Matt" Gus says I nod "no problem" we sit in silence but it wasn't awkward. small conversation here and there honestly it was really nice just to hang out with Gus, "shoot, well this was nice matt but my dad said he needs me home early, I'll see you tomorrow" Gus says and stands up giving me a side

hug, after he left the café I decide to take a walk, what's the deal with people hugging me, I end up at Skara's house, I walk inside and notice no ones home. I shrug and walk up stairs until I hear voices, I peak into Skaras room and see her and willow kissing and talking to each other. I don't want anything

to do with that so I just go to my room and fall on to the bed scrolling through penstagram, I fall asleep and have dreams with the boy in my mind......

words:1007 12/7/2021

I'm going to start skipping days otherwise this book will go on forever.....ok byeeee.....

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