December 9th

421 15 11

Gus's POV (pull the lever kronk- emperors new grove)

I stare up at my ceiling, my mind keeps going back to three days ago. I slam a pillow over my face, why did I get so flustered, ugh!! I pull off the pillow I haven't seen Matt since then and it makes me sad but not in a weird way, like I don't like him like that, I'm-I'm straight, right? I stand up. I check the

calendar "OH no!" I quickly grab my bag and run downstairs, "where you going sport?" My dad asks I take a deep breath "Luz is leavening today I said I would stop by and say bye, I got to go see you for dinner" I say quickly and run out the door, down the street, until I'm on the ground "Oh sor-" I stop

when I see whos in front of me. "oh, Augustus I um I" Matt kept stammering over his words, and so was I "uh yeah I uh me need to go, byeee" I say quickly running past him, I make it to the owl house and see Willow, Luz, Amity and Hunter Eda's now kid I don't know the dynamic there. "sorry I'm late" I

say they smile "no problem glad you made it" Luz says. "Kid, is everyone here?" Eda asks Luz nods "yep, me and Amity will see you the twenty-sixth" Luz says coming to hug me and willow. she ran to Eda and squeezed her, Eda has gotten softer with Luz here. the portal appears "well, bye guys see you

in a few weeks, Luz said holding Amity's hand they both walk into the portal "push the button, Eda!" Luz says we all give her a weird look "its from a movie, that we are so watching when I get back" Luz says, we all shrug. "have fun!!" I say waving bye to Luz and Amity as the enter the portal, the door

shuts behind them. me, Willow, Eda, hunter, and King sigh "well kids, will see you later" Eda said walking inside. "do be fouled she's probably going to go cry for the next few hours, so am I" King said and walked inside. "well, what are the two of you doing the rest of the day?" I ask. "well I'm seeing

Skara" Willow said, "Hunter?" I ask, he rolls his eyes "just because your Luz's friends doesn't mean I'm you friend, byeee" he says and hops on his staff flying away. "well he's a real ass" I say Willow looks at me surprised "you-you cursed?" Willow said. I nod "yeah? so?" I say giving her a confused looks "I um

never mind see you later Gus" she says and hops on her staff. I walk home when the words that Willow said register with me "I cursed in front of someone, I rarely if never do that. I never do that" I say frozen in my tracks. "G-gus?" I hear a voice say, I look up from the ground and see Matt, "uh hey

dude" I say he stops "I um wanted to talk about yesterday up could we just forget about what ever happened?" I nod still processing what willow had said. "yeah uh sure, I um I told my dad I would be back for dinner so I better" I say pointing behind the boy. he forms and 'oh' with his mouth "yeah of

course see you later I guess?" Matt says stepping out of the way. I start to walk when an idea pops into my head no Gus dont do it "hey matt?" I say he turns his head "yeah?" Gus no! "do you want to join me and my dad for dinner?" I ask. he smile "yeah sure" we talk as we walk back to my house.

"Dad! I'm home Matt's Joining us for dinner!" I yell, "come in the kitchen Gus, I don't want to yell" he says. I sigh as me and Matt walk in to the kitchen, "thank you, hello again Mattholomule I hope you like pasta" I my dad says eyeing me and Matt at the same time. "well me and Matt are going to be in

my room till dinner" I say and grab Matts wrist dragging him upstairs. "welcome to my room, which you've been in before" I say Matt laughs a little. "so what are you planning for this Christmas party Skara asked me to go to?" Matt asks I lay back on the bed in defeat "I don't honestly know, I've been

trying non stop for the past three days to plan something, but I keep blanking maybe I should just cancel while I still can" I say I hear Matt gasp "what? no what have you done with the Gus who doesn't give up?" Matt says I glare at him "and what have you done with grumpy 'I don't care' Mattholomule?"

I ask and lay my head back on the bed and close my eyes. I feel a weight on my stomach and open my eyes Matt is sitting on top of me with the goofiest grin I have ever seen "Augustus Porter, where is he because all I can see is a little boy who puts to much presser on himself" Matt says I roll my eyes "Get,

off, me," I say he laughs "not till you say you aren't going to give up" he says I frown and roll my eyes. "come on where's the Gus I know?" He says and starts to tickle me. "ahh! matt stop!" I say laughing. "I will as soon as you admit I'm right and that you wont give up" he say "fine!! your right and I can do

this" Matt releases me and falls off me, landing beside me on the bed. "see, there's the Gus I know" Matt says. I smile as I look at him. in that moment I realized that something is different in mine and matts friend ship with willow and Luz I've never felt this way like, like I don't know what. "Boys dinners

ready" my dad says from the other side of the door. "were coming!" I yell back, we both walk downstairs, my dad saying terrible dad jokes that make me cringe, but Matt loves them. which is kind of cute. after dinner I walk Matt to the door and wave bye to Matt. I shut the door my dad standing

next to the couch with a smirk on his face. "what?" I ask, "nothing sport just I like that boy he should come around more often" he says and leaves for his office. more often? I shake my head and head upstairs for a goodnights rest.....



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