Decmeber 10th

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Mattholomule's POV

why did I do that? I question at lunch, I sit alone like usually do when I remembered yesterday. I sat on top of him my mind went places it shouldn't, I feel my face heat up when I hear a tray drop in front of me, "Augustus?" I say slightly startled. "you don't mind do you? Willow with Skara and I don't feel like

sitting with them, I'm happy for her but their starting to act almost exactly like Amity and Luz" he says I shake my head "nah it cool" I say still slightly flustered. "thanks" Gus says and takes a bite of his food. I slide my empty tray aside and grab my sketch book out of my bag along with a pencil, I still have

fifteen minutes before lunch ends. I start to sketch a face when I feel eyes linger over my page, I look at the only person at my table, "you draw?" Gus asks. I nod "yeah, but I'm not very good" I state, after a few minutes I hear the bell scream, "bye Gus!" I yell trying not to be late for another class today. after

school I see Gus run up to me "hey Gus? whats up?" I ask he laughs "you left your sketch book, I didn't look through it I just though you might want it" he said I grabbed the book and hugged it "thank you Gus, I didn't even know it was missing" I say, "no problem, hey so the party is going to be the 24rd, I hope you and Skara can make it" he says smiling. how can a smile be so cute, "uh um ok yeah I'll be

there I mean we'll be there, not just me" I say he laughs "great see you there" Gus walks away. I face palm myself, "idiot, stupid idiot" I say. I end up back at Skara's house, "hello Mattholomule, how was school?" Jane asks me, I shrug "it was ok, um miss Blane?" I ask she smiles "call me Jane dear" she says.

I nod "ok Jane, I had a question" she smiled and patted a spot beside her on the couch, I sigh and sit next to her. "go on" she says, I take a deep breath "um well I don't have the best of parents or did, um I wanted to ask someone, what does it feel like to love someone?" I ask she chuckles "its like all the pieces fit, no gaps, but really its when you know you both feel the same way. I though I was in love

with another girl from my school long ago but it turned out to be a silly crush, but that silly crush helped me find the love of my life, Alice the point is don't rush it but if you truly like this person tell them, now I need to go find Skara, bye sweetie" she says and heads upstairs. I sigh was that helpful?

maybe a little. I head to the back yard and see Alice tending to the garden, she looks up from the ground "oh, hello Mattholomule, how are you today?" she asks I shrug "ok" I say she sighed "I know that face, who hurt you?" she asks. I shake my head "no one hurt me I just, I feel stupid, you know Gus

Porter? right?" I ask she nods "yeah, Willows close friend, he's come over a few times, why?" she asks. I take a deep breath "I kind of like him, but I'm to scared to tell him" I say she laughs "you sound just like my wife" I tilt my head, "did she tell you she found me after her stupid relationship ended?" I nod

she laughs "that woman, she likes to seem tough but in reality, I'm the one who helped her. we were nineteen, and retaking a coven class because we both failed the midterm, me and Jane weren't friends like at all some would even go as far as call us enemies" she says. sounds like me and someone, "well,

we were half way into the year she started dating a girl named Ashley, what I realized Ashley was making Jane fail her classes with all her hang out time, now like I said we weren't friends so why should I care. a few weeks go by I'm getting better at my spells and Jane well shes getting worse, I

actually tried to talk to her about it but she didn't listen and called me a nerd for studding so much. well Ashley was caught cheating on Jane with her ex boyfriend, claiming she was just using Jane to make her ex jealous. well Jane went into a whole depressive episode, I made up my mind I was going

to try to help Jane" she said, sounds like Gus deciding to help me. "after a few weeks Jane and I became friends, and I developed a crush on her to my surprise, she also had a crush on me. it was the last day of school before we would chose covens, I hugged Jane goodbye knowing I might not see her

ever again, I decide to be bold. I turned on my heals and ran back to her but tripped half way and fell on my face, I though man I've messed up my chance to be with her but I was so wrong. I look up and see Jane standing there with red blush on her face and a goofy smile. "you need help, al?" she said to

me, I laughed I just made the biggest foul of myself and yet this beautiful girl was standing there. she pulled me to my feet, we both laughed until we locked eyes, that was the moment I knew and she knew it was love not some crappy crush but the feeling I wanted to be with this person forever, point

being you never know when it will come but if Gus really likes you, you will know, unless their extreme oblivious like Skara" Alice said. "hey I heard that!!!" yelled Skara from the top floor window. we both laughed "And Matt, Gus really like you!!!" Skara says I look up at her "how do you know?" I ask she

face palms herself "and you call me the oblivious one" I hear her window shut. "well I better tend to the weeds, bye Matt" she says and waves. I sigh and wave back, how am I going to tell that dork that I like him......

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