November 29th

474 13 2

Mattholomule's POV

I've been in my room not asleep but listening to my parents ague, Ally left last night to go to a party and spend the night at a friends house. Unfortunately I have not a lot of friends so I'm stuck in my room until they leave, I sit at my desk and start to sketch drawing is one of my many past times I do in

my room because I hardly ever leave. I don't realize what I'm drawing till I start seeing tiny hearts surround the boy's face, I start to feel flustered and shove the drawing in my pocket. I stand up and walk to the door still hearing faint voices downstairs, I decide my best bet is the window. I walk back

to my room and slowly closing my door so I don't make a sound, I grab my bag as I walk over to the window. I pull open the window and look down its a few feet drop but I can do it I think, I throw my bag down and clime out my window once I hit the ground I take a breath of relief. I pick my bag up

from the grass and walk down the street till ii reach a park, I sigh and find a bench to set my stuff on I pull out my note book and pencil from my bag and start to draw some more. after about an hour I had a drawing of the landscape that srounded me, I shrug "its ok" I say out loud " I think it looks

great" said a voice from behind me, I roll my eyes not looking at the person "well you need to get your eyes checked, because its pretty crappy" I say and slowly turn around I see Gus up close in my face "ahh!!"I yell and fall off the bench spilling the continents of my bag on the dirt. "oh, I'm sorry Matt

here let me help" he says and starts to pick up the stuff on the floor, until I realize there's a crumbled up piece of paper that fell out of my pocket shit. but before I can get to it Gus picks it up and unwraps it "nice drawing of me but I cant tell what these smuggest are?" he said completely oblivious. I stand

up and walk over realizing that they were clearly hearts "umm.... Gus you might need to get your eyes checked, those aren't smuggest their tiny drawings" I say partly lying he laughs "wait they are? oh my I might need glasses" we laugh a little before I crumble the paper back in my pocket slightly relived. "so

matt what are you doing out here?" he asks I shrug "not much just drawing and relaxing, how about you?" he sighs "I'm trying to plan this Christmas party but I cant come up with anything good" he says I tilt my head "I'm sure what ever you come up with will be great" I say being genuine. Gus smiled

"thanks Matt that was quite nice of you to say" he says and places his hand on my shoulder, my face flushes "umm....y-yeah n-no p-problem" I say stuttering fuck "are you ok?" he asks removing his hand from my shoulder to my head turning me more red. "y-yep c-completely f-fine I umm have to go

byee" I say quickly and grab my stuff fast walking back to my house mumbling curses under my breath. I make it to the house to see all the lights off I guess they left for work I use the spare key to get in and walk up the stairs, I get taken back when I see my sister in her room packing up her stuff.

"hey sis, what are you doing?" she looked at me with tears in her eyes she quickly wiped them away "oh h-hey Matt, I didn't hear you come in" she says trying to wipe away her tears. I walk into the room and sit on the bed "what happened Ally?" I ask worried she looked at the ground "umm mom umm

left like an hour ago and uh she yelled at dad he um went out to get a drink" she paused and sat on the bed trying to gain her composer, "and dad came back a few minutes ago yelled at me slurs and um he said I should get out of this house and never come back so I'm going to go stay at my

girlfriends house until, something happens but, you have to stay here" she says I give her a sympathetic smile "I'll be ok, you go to your girlfriends house and I'll be fine here" I doubt that's true but I need my sister to be calm. she nodded and grabbed the rest of her things I gave my sister a hug

and said bye. I sigh as I walk into my room and lock my door knowing my dad he will wake up from his 'nap' and break things as well as harm anyone in the house better to be safe than sorry. I fall on the

bed, I pull out the picture of Gus I drew and look at it I chuckle "smudges" I slowly fall asleep crossing my fingers that school will be better......


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