December 1st

429 12 3

Mattholomule's POV (warring may trigger some people) (o.c.'s are Alice and Jane)

"open up this door Brat!!!!" yelled my drunk father, it has been two days since my mom left she usually kept him at bay with the drinking but since their last fight things have been ruff she did come back yesterday to grab things but it was while my dad was at work, that he got fired from this morning, she

took most of her stuff including extra cash from the safe. she barley acknowledge my exscinds, she made me a sandwich before she left, not saying a word and walked out the door. I sat a pondered why she was like this, but it didn't last long because the banging on my door continued. "get out of there

you weak piece of shit!!!!" he screamed from the other side of the door I cant stay here. I grabbed my bag and stuffed some extra clothes along with my sketch pad, I slipped on my sneakers and grabbed my school bag as well, I threw them out the window hearing them land on the dirt, I climmed

out the window and landed on the patted dirt. I picked up my stuff and started walking not sure where I was going but I cant go back there at least not for a while, Maybe a day or two. I start to walk till I reach the school, it was canceled today for a pipe busting or something of that nature so it was

completely vacant except for the grugby field, I found myself watching the team practice. Boscha passing the ball to the one I think is named Kat and landing a goal, I don't pay attention much drawing the sport at hand, until I see a shadow appear over top my drawing. "that's good, you would

make a great artist" the girl said I looked up and see Skara, one of the teams best players, from what I've hear from Gus and Willow. "you think?" I ask she nods "yep a real work of art" she says with a perky smile "I'm Skara, and I assume you Mattholomule?" she questions I nod "yeah" I mumble she

tilts her head "you seem sad or angry its hard to read, whats got you down butter cup?" she says sitting beside me "its nothing, you wouldn't even care if I told you" I said slightly snappy. she shrugs "I'm know as the listening type or like my friends like to say the therapist friend, so spill little boy" I

groan she's not going to leave until I say something "fine but do you promise to leave after?" she smiles and nods "yep, I promise" she says I shrug it cant hurt. "I'm a little angry at my father as well as my sister I mean she did nothing wrong she was just trying to protect herself which I understand, but my

father he can do better, if he didn't drink so often if he didn't depend on my mother for everything then he wouldn't act like a dick so often, I just kind of wanted to get away for a bit" I say she looks at

me and sighs "that sounds hard, though I do understand wanting to get away, Grugby is my escape when i'm on the field I don't care about what Boscha said that hurt my feelings or the fact this one girl I have a crush on wont like me back, maybe you should find something to take you mind off of it like

your drawing or just laying in the grass, also finding someone to talk to is key. just know if you want to talk again your friend Skara Blane is here to help" she said, I scoff ""friend? I only have one maybe two of those" I say she smiled "well make it three" she said with certainty. I think for a moment maybe

I could stay at her place for the night "hey Skara?" she looked at me with a smile "yes?" she says I sigh "could I possibly stay at your house tonight? I don't really want to go back to mine" she nodded "of course, just let me finish practice then we can go" I nod and continue to draw sometimes paying

attention to the grugby game. "ok lets go" Skara says holding her stuff, I follow her through the town till we come across a small white apartment building, she walks up to the door and uses a key to unlock the door. I follow her inside and see two ladies siting on the couch "hey, mom" I say both the

ladies turn around "hey baby, how was school? and whos this?" the woman with hair similar to Skara's said "school was good, and this is Mattholomule he's going to spend the night in the guest room If that's ok" and gave her mother a look. she nodded with a slight frown "ok dear, just be good, me and

your mother are going out tonight, we have a banquet with Boscha's family tonight and wont be back till late tonight" she nodded "ok, I'm going to show Matt, the guest room" she says and grabs my wrist dragging me up the stairs. we walk into a white room with a double bed in the middle of the room,

"you can stay here, the bathroom is down the hall and my room is downstairs if you need me, have fun new friend" she says and walks out of the room shutting the door behind her. I drop my stuff down and look around the room "its not my room but it still a bed" I say and walk out of the room, I stop

when I here voices at the end of the stairs. "mom, mother, I know its sudden but he seems a little hurt he told me his father was drinking and I think some other things I didn't pry for details" Skara says to her moms "Skara, we understand you want to help your friend and that's great but maybe warn us

next time, also the park family is coming over tomorrow" the red headed woman says. they continue to talk but I cant hear any of it, I walk back to the guest room and lay on the bed, a few minutes go by and I hear a knock on the door. "come in" I say the door opens reveling all three of the ladies I sit up

and tilt my head "yes?" I say politely "my moms want to talk to you" Skara said mouthing a 'sorry' I shrug "ok" both the ladies walked into the room Skara stayed by the door frame, the ladies sat on the edge of the bed the one with lighter skin as well as white and black hair smiled a kind smiles at me

similar to my mothers a few years ago, the other one wrapped an arm around the others waist she was darker and had bright ginger hair she didn't smile but looked at me with worry. "Mattholomule, I'm Alice, and this is my wife Jane, Skara said your father drinks? is that true" Jane says, me not wanting to

speak because even tho these women look kind I'm still terrified, so I just nod. the women smile "well did he ever hurt you?" Alice says "mentally or physically?" I ask they shrug as if to say either I take a deep breath "not physically, mentally is debatable" I say the women nod "well since your here, you can

stay as long as you want we can talk to your parents-" I stop Alice midsentence "no, no, please don't talk to them if you should talk to anyone it should be my sister, my father most likely is pasted out somewhere in my house and my mother hasn't been seen since yesterday" I say quickly the women

realize that I was clearly terrified of them. the women nod "ok, can you give your sister's number?" Alice says I nod and give her the number. "ok well we will be heading out, you two stay safe" Jane says walking out of the room leaving me and Skara alone "sooo you still want to be friends with me?"

I ask she nods "absolute, now lets play a game or watch tv just something" she say with a laugh. maybe having friends isn't soo bad.....


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