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9 years later Gus's POV

"I'm going to miss you two" Luz says I laugh "we'll miss you too" I say hugging Luz, "Babe, we've put this off long enough my excitment wont last forever" Matt yells from across the yard, i scoff "you can wait a few more minutes besides its only been 9 years" I say Matt scoffs. "yall are cute, but me and Amity are cuter" Luz says "speaking of where is Amity? I mean your wife" I tease Luz blushes and shrugs "first of all we got married over a year ago so no need

for teaseing and second I dont know she said something about a suprise" she says "Are we late?" yells a voice we turn around and see Willow "hey willow" I say she sighs in relif "Oh good you guys havent left yet" Willow says squezzing me, "willow, you need to let go i cant breath" I say she lets go imedently "sorry, im just really going to miss you" willow says. i sigh "I'm going to miss you too" I say. we see a purpled hair pop out from behind a tree, "Amity?" Luz

questions she pops out with  huge smile on her face we both look at her confused "Amity? why so smilely" Luz asks Amity start walks closer "I have a suprise but Skara said i cant say anything" Amity says a little lupy Skara walks up behind Amity. "she told me she wanted to tell you when she hasnt had a numming posion but i dont know if she will be able to keep it in that long" Skara says and rolls her eyes. "your pretty, do you have a girlfriend?" Amity

asks Luz. Luz just laughs "yes i do, and its you" Luz says to Amity she laughs "thats good, am i a good girlfriend?" Amity asks Luz smiles "your and Awesome wife" Luz says. "aww you two are sicking i mean that in the sweetest way possible" Skara says I feel arms wrap around my waist i turn and see Matt, "ready to go yet?" he asks I sigh "yes but first i want to know what Amitys suprise is" I say Matt nods "i kind of want to know too" Matt says I smile. "soo

Baby what is it?" Willow asks Skara she sighs "i cant tell you she said she wants-" Skara couldnt finish her sentence "my gosh that numming posion is really strong" Amity says shaking her head. "So not wanting to be pushy but what is the suprise" Luz says Amity laughs "so you know weve been talking for awhile now and I'm pregant" Amity says Luz stands there frozen me and Matt burst into laughter everyone looks at us "I'm sorry, I'm very bad in silince

but its about time jezze i though this would happen sooner" I say "well what do you think Luz?" Amity asks Luz face grows into a wide smile "im more excided than ever" Luz say. "yall are cute but me and Matt need to get going" I say. everyone nods as we walk over to the door "we'll miss you" Luz says holding Amity's hand, "well time for us to go" I say and look at Matt we walk into the door "you ready?" Matt asks I nod "ready as ever" i say before walking throught the door to the human realm for new adventures........

words:572 12/30/2021

hello this is the end of the book i dont know what i am to write next but i hope you enjoyed this book  

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