Decmeber 31st

328 10 1

Gus's POV

i wake up and see arms wrapped around me, i look and see a sleeping Matt cuddled close to my side. i smile Matt has been spending the night alot my dad doesnt mind but Skara says she misses him all the time. tonight is new years eve and we are all meeting at the owl house to see a suprise Luz and Amity have planned I check the clock and see its twelve in the after noon and Luz told us to be there by one, "Matt" I whisper he squezzes me tighter "Matt, you

have to get up other wise we're going to be late" I say the boy groans "five more minutes" he says i shake my head "we really have to get up, baby" I say he sits up and pouts at me. "but i'm tired" he says I laugh "well you can sleep when we get back ok?" he nods and lays back down. "is my sister going to be there?" he asks i shrug "i invited her but she hasnt responed" I say taking some clothes out of my drawers, i throw an outfit and Matt "put this on" I say he

shrugs and walks to the bathroom. we leave shortly after and head to the owl house, once we arrive we see blankets on the dirt floor as well as snacks "we're here!" I shout Amity and Luz pop their heads out from behind the door "hey Gus, Hey Matt, ready for tonight?" Luz asks. we nod "yeah" I say i take Matt's hand we walk over to one of the blankets on the dirt, "Willow and Skara said they would be here in a few minutes" Amity said. "hey boys would you

mind helping us with the cookies for tonight?" Luz ask i shrug i look at Matt he looks at the ground "I dont know how to bake" he states i smirk "then I'll teach you" I say and pull him up to his feet. we walk inside and start to work on the dough "Amity, could you and Luz work on the icing?" I ask Amity nods and grabs Luz's wrist dragging her off. "So where do we start" Matt asks I smile "with... flour" I say flicking some at his face. he rubs it off and glares at me,

i laugh and pour a cup of flour into the bowl, "hey can you hand me an egg?" I ask Matt I watch is mouth turn into a smirk I look at him "what are you planning?" he chuckles "oh nothing just this" he said smashing and egg over my head, i look at him and laugh "oh your on" we start a fight with the ingredients, "Boys!!!" Luz yells we both look at her. she sighs "out, out i cant trust you two" she says pushing us into the bathroom, "clean up then go outside

and stay out of the way, me and Amity can handle this" she says and slams the door shut me and Matt burst into laughter. "I've never seen her that mad" I say I pick up two towals and hand one to Matt, "though that was fun" Matt said I laugh "it was, maybe i can actaully teach you how to bake someday" I say he chuckles "maybe" I look at Matt he smiles, "hey you still have some flour on your face" I say he looks in the mirror "i dont see it" he says looking at me i

smile its right here. I say kissing him I back away and see Matt blushing, "Love birds, your worse than me and Amity, get out!!!!" Luz yells from the otherside of the door. we laugh and leave the bathroom. while sitting on the blankets Skara and Willow show up "hey, wheres Amity and Luz?" Willow asks "oh their inside making cookies because they dont trust us the make them" I say "yeah they said we'd make a mess" Matt says smirking at me Willow

and Skara look at each other when the door bursts open. "you know thats exsacly what you did, oh hey Willow Hey Skara" Luz said and shut the door again. Willow looked at me and Matt "how did you make her that mad and she hasnt killed you yet?" Willow asks. we both shrug. fast forward to eleven thrity "ok everyone, thridy minutes till midnight, what do you want to do next year?" Luz asks "well, i want to start another coven Plants to be excat" Skara

says looking at Willow. "well i dont want anything i like where im at" Willow says "well i for one want to hang out with my girlfriend more" Luz states Amity blushes "I dont know, i i" Amity hides her face in her hands. i figure its a good time to say mine "well, i just want my boyfriend to help me plan our trip" i say Matt looks at me and smiles "ok everyone, thridy seconds till midnight" Luz says i scoot closer to  Matt, "ok 20 seconds" Luz says looking at Amity.

"I love you" I say to Matt. he blushes "I love you too" he says. "ok three two one" we all yell when i lean over and kiss Matt "best holiday celibration ever" I state before wraping my arms around Matt..........

Words:895 12/31/2021

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