December 3rd

393 14 0

Mattholomule's POV

"hey willow have you seen Gus today?" I ask, he left the room after he touched my hand and I haven't seen him all day. she shrugs "I haven't seen him either, I went over to his house but Mr. porter said Gus hasn't left his room since he got home, I'm going over to see him again later today because he

wanted to talk but he hasn't told me why" she says I sigh I guess I'm to blame. "ok thanks willow" I say, she places a hand on my shoulder "Its not your fault, Gus just sometimes gets like this, he doesn't exactly like to show when he's upset, he like to pretend he's happy all the time. everyone has flaws his

just effects him mentally, Gus thinks I don't notice but I do. he needs someone to help him through it, between you and me I think you might be that person, well I have to get to class don't want to miss hanging out with Skara, byeee" Willow says and runs off to the plant coven. I stand in the hallway of

hexside for a few seconds thinking over what willow said, "I think you might be the person", I some how end up in class. after a few minutes I got bored so I asked to go to the bathroom. I walk down the hall to the bathroom seeing a bitch in the hallway, "aww little matty looks un happy to see me" the

purpled haired witch says. I roll my eyes "Bria, fuck off" I say, she smirks "look matty you can take that back and I wont beat your ass, or you can continue and I will hurt you worse than you can imagine" before I could answer the bell screamed, we both looked at each other before Skara and Willow came

up behind me, Bria was gone but I had a feeling that it wouldn't be the last time I would see her. "hey me and Skara are going to lunch, do you want to join us?" Willow asked I shock my head "thanks for the offer but I have some stuff I need to get done" I say they smile and nod leaving the school early. I

walk out of school and end up at the porters house, I take a deep breath and walk to the front door knocking twice I wait a few minutes and the door slowly opens, I gulp when I see Gus's father at the door. "Mattholomule if I'm not mistaken?" he asks I nod "Um I-I came to see if Gus is ok, he wasn't at

school so I was a little worried" I say, Mr. Porters face softened "he's ok, but he hasn't left his room" he says I relax "could iii try to talk to him?" I ask Mr. Porter nods. "yeah, sure I'll bein the kitchen" he says. I walk in and shut the door behind me watching Mr. Porter walk away. I take a deep breath and walk

up the stairs, pictures on the walls some of Gus when he was younger others of him and his dad and one of him and the human as well as willow and Amity. nothing like my house I make t to the top of the stairs and find the room with a sigh on the door labeled 'Gus' in blue letters surrounded by little

microphone stickers, I knock on the door I lean close and hear rustling come from the other side. I hear the door unlock and it creak open a crack, "Mattholomule? I was expecting Willow" he says. I sigh "oh yeah, Willow is going to come over later, I um just wanted to make sure you were ok" I say he

sighs and opens the door letting me in, I follow him to his bed and sit next to the boy, he had dried tear stains on his face, his eyes were red over all he just looked very upset. "Gus whats wrong?" I ask he sighs "I cant tell you" he says firmly I feel offended "but I want to help you feel better" I say he

shakes his head and looks at the wall, " don't want you to think of me differently" he says pulling his legs up to his chest. I move closer to him and place a hand on his back, I'm not very good at comforting people, I start to draw circles in his back. he hums a little so I continue "you don't have to

tell me if you don't want to" I calmly say. he looks away from the wall and smiles at me "thanks Matt" he say and wraps his arms around my waist I tense up but quickly relax to make sure Gus is comfortable. my family isn't big on physical affection the only hugs I've ever gotten were from my

sister and usually they were a protection hug to protect me from my parents cruelness. Gus sits up and wipes his eyes "well that was embarrassing" he says with a chuckle, "well I should probably start heading to Skara's house, I'll see you at school tomorrow, right?" I ask he nods "yep, see you there"

and just like that the smiling happy Gus was back, Willow was right he does hide his emotions, I make it outside and start walk towards the Blane house. Jane greets me as I walk upstairs I fall on the bed a weird feeling filling my chest joy I made Gus's day better now I just hope he shows up tomorrow...


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