December 22nd

354 11 1

Mattholomule's POV

Its been five days 11 hours 15 minutes and 4 seconds since I've seen or talked to Gus, not like I was counting or anything because that would be weird right? what was that moment, he's my friend and were just friends right? "Ugh!!!" I sigh loudly falling back on my bed in my room. It feels nice to say that Skaras parents are in the process of getting me out of my families custody at least until I'm old enough to move out, they said that the guest room can be

my room for as long as I want even forever, "bro, whats with the sigh?" Skara asks coming in my room with her crutches, turns out she broke her leg during grugby and now wont be able to do any sport for the next year. "aren't you supost to be relaxing?" I ask she scoffs "ok first of all I wouldn't be in the situation if my moms would just use a healing spell on me but nooo" she says the last part very loud. "sweetie you know why we cant, healing spells don't

work like that. they cant heal bones in seconds like skin" Jane says Skara groans "i know mom" Skara says "anyway, whats got the gay down?" Skara says
"first off, rude second i think you know" I say and fall back on my bed. she walks over and lays next to me. "look Matt, Gus weather he likes you or not he's not the kind of person to just quit talking to you, i mean Luz and Willow have messed up millions of times, does he stop talking to them?" Skara asks. I sigh "thats the think Skara, they dont want their friendship with gus to be more, I just- I Dont know ok" she smiles "it your life not mine, but a few words of

advice, if you dont tell him soon you might regret it later" Skara says and get up leving the room. I look at the celling I pick up my scroll and call ally, "hey bro, whats wrong?" she asks I sigh "can you meet me at the school in a few hours?" I ask, "of course see you soon" she hangs up and i sigh. why does Gus have to be so cute? I finally get up and head to the school, "hey bro!!!" I hear my sisters voice call out. I smile "hey sis" I say she frezzes "who are you and

what have you done with my brother?" I give her a confused exspression "its me ally? what do you mean?" she laughed "Matt, you have a smile of all things on your face and you look heathyer and less tired, The Blane people must be taking good care of you" she said i scoff "yeah their pretty great, but I'm hear to talk about" before ic could get the rest of my sentnce out she spooke over me "Gus, your hear to talk about Gus, i knew it" I blush "how did you

know?" she laughs "its not a secert squirt, thats all you talk about plus the other day you texted a long text about how much you love him" she said. I feel my face turn a dark shade of red, "so have you asked him out yet?" she says I shake my head "oh no I wish i could but i have all these nervous and i cant, what if what if he says no or worse what if he laughs at me, I just ugh!!!" I sigh and lean against the school wall sliding down the floor. my sister sits next

to me, "hey look at me" she says I look at her she sighs "she broke up with me, she said i was to clingy and too much for her. well guess who i met? i met my self a partner who cares about me now, they are so sweet and kind and love when I'm clingy, but you want to know the best thing?" she asks. I sit there waiting for the answer, "they helped me after i was dumped, they put the pecies back togeather, my point being if gus says something or laughs at you just

know me and other people like Skara, will be there to pick you back up and you will alaways find another, so just take a deep breath and tell him how you feel ok?" she asks I nod and give her a hug. I felt her take a sharp breath because i dont exacly do this often, but she soon held me close. "thanks sis" I say

she smiles and messes up my hair "no problem bro, you want to go get something to eat?" she says I nod we leave, i hope her advice works, at the  christmas party I'm going to tell him how i feel.......

words:820 12/26/2021

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