December 25th

411 11 2

Mattholomule's POV

me and Gus walk back to the party its around midnight at this point so I'm not sure whos still here, I look over at Gus and smile. he kissed me and likes me back I squezze his hand as we walk into the build, i see my sister and her partner and Skara and Kat. they turn towards us when the door shuts, "Ha! i knew it! who told who first?" Skara says I sratch my neck "oh Matt did" Gus says smiling at me. "Damm i though you'd chicken out, heres your money Ally"

Skara says haning Ally five snails. "you bet on us?" I say both girls shurg "thats what sisters do when their brothers end up dating" Skara say, i smile wider Skara sees me as i brother and I dont think this day can get better. Gus turns to me "Hey matt if you want, do you want to spend the night at my house?" Gus asks I nod my head fanticly "Yes! I mean um yes" I say, everyone but Gus starts laughing "I like that your excided" Gus whispers. I blush "well we

should go, bye Skara bye Ally" Gus says and grabs my hand "wait i need to talk to Ally first, do you mind waiting?" I ask Gus nods "of course" he says and lets go of my hand. i walk over to my sister, "so my little bro has a boyfriend now, congrates" she says I smile "i guess i do, I'm glad you gave me that great advice" i say she laughs "i guess your BF's cringness is already rubbing off on you" she says punching me in the shoulder "Ow! love you too sis" I say she

laughs "come here" she says and grabs my shoulders squezzing me in a hug. "now go have fun, but not to much fun" she says I blush "I'm fourteen" i say she scoffs "exacly, now go" she says. I walk away I wave to Skara whos on the phone with i assume is willow. I make it outside and see Gus sitting on the steps, "hey..." I say he stands up "ready to go?" I nod and follow him to his house, "I texted my dad that you were spending the night, he said he's out on a

date then he'll be back" Gus says and opens the door. "upstairs? or watch a movie on the couch?" he asks I shrug "Movie?" i question, "movie" Gus repets. i sit on the couch, Gus sits on the oposit end, he turns on a random movie. it feels akward i dont know why but when i kissed Gus i though everything would just magically work on it own, but i guess i was wrong. "whats wrong Matt?" Gus asks I sigh "i just- i dont know i feel- like you know what never mind" i

say and stand up walking towards the door "Matt?" Gus asks i turn around feeling tears fall down my eyes. Gus sighs and stands up walking over to me not touching me just looking at me "we can slow down we dont have to go to fast i can drop you off at Skaras or you can go to bed or you can do what ever you feel like dont feel like your being presured into anything ok?" Gus says i nod and hug him. "I want to watch the moive" I say Gus smiles "ok" we walk back

over to the couch and cuddle next to each other i lay on Gus's Shoulder and slowly close my eyes very tired from the day. "do you want to go to bed?" he asks i nod we both walk upstairs "do you want to sleep int he guest room or in my room?" Gus asks I Hug Gus tighter "right here, with you" I say half asleep Gus nods, we lay on his bed hugging eachother. i smile try to get closer to Gus he raps his arms around my body and pulls me close. we both fall asleep, in

the morning i wake up alone in the bed. I stand up and strech heading down stairs i hear Gus and his dad talking "Dad! stop please dont tease him when he comes downstairs" Gus says to his dad i hold in a laugh. I walk into the kitchen "hello Mr. Porter" I say Mr. Porter smiles "hello Mattholomule, would you like some breakfast?" he ask i nod. I walk over to a seat next to Gus "hey" I say Gus looks at me and smiles "goodmorning, Luz told me theres a phrase

you say oh Merry christmas" Gus says I laugh. "aww look at you too so cute" Gus's dad says my face turns a slight pink while Gus's face was red "Dad!!" he says I laugh "its not like he's lying you are cute" i say "not helping" Gus says i smile. we finish eating and head to the owl house Luz is suppose to get back today is what Gus said and Skara is meeting us there after Willow gets here. we make it to the owl house, Gus and me walk over to say hi to Hunter and

Edric who are there waiting as well as the other blight twin Emria with Viney who Ive only seen a couple of times in school. "hey guys" Skara voice rings out, I smile and walk over to her i give her a hug while we both watch the two best friends reconect "so how was your sleep over with your Boyfriend" Skara asks I blush "it was good" i say looking at Gus and Willow ramble on about the christmas party. out of the coner of my eye i see yhe door portal apear 

Gus keeps telling me about. "there here!" yelled Willow. me and Skara shruged walking over to the door. the door opens and in steps Luz and Amity everyone but me Skara and Viney hung the two girls. "oh i wasnt exspecing this many people" Luz said I wave Gus walks back over to me and holds my hand Willow does the same to Skara, Luz's Face lights up "yes, new couples, do you see it Amity?" Luz says Amity nods "lets go" luz says we all walk

towards the front door. we walk in i sit between Gus's legs his arms wrapped around me when i would look up he would kiss my forehead. I cuddle into him i went from no friends to a whole bunch very quickly as well as a boyfriend i cant wait for new years.........

words:1110 12/27/21

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