Decmeber 13th

365 13 4

Gus's POV

I stand outside of Willows house, winter break started today, willow and her parents left for their vacation this morning thankfully I was on time and got to say goodbye. I sigh as I start to walk home, I pass Skaras home and decide to see if Matt's home, I walk up the rock path and knock on the door.

Skara answers the door with a smile "hey Gus, Matt's upstairs, did willow leave already?" she asks I nod she frowns slightly. I walk up stairs and knock on Matt's room "go away Skara, I cant take your teasing today" said matt, "its not Skara, its Gus" I say. I hear footsteps and the door opens, I smile "hey Matt" I

say he smiles and lets me into his room, I've realized recently he does that a lot more now. Matt shuts the door, I sit on the edge of the bed, "Skara said Willow left this morning" Matt says I nod "yeah she did" I say. I lay back on Matts bed my legs hanging off the side, "Matt do you ever wish you could

change something in your life?" I ask and turn my head to see him sitting at his desk, "I mean sometimes" he says and stands up. he lays next to me, I turn my head to face him. "Like I wish I could change the fact my parents only care about themselves, or the fact that Bria keeps trying to threaten

me" he says I sigh "you know, I would change the fact my mom got sick, she was amazing. I miss her so much, but you know what I don't want to ever change?" I say looking at matt, he turned his head "what?" he asks I smile "becoming friends with you" maybe even more than friends. he smiles "I'm glad

were friends too Gus" Matt says I smile and turn my head back towards the ceiling. "hey matt, I have an idea" He turns to me "what is it?" he asks. "how about in a few years you and me just you and me go on an adventure either here in the boiling Isles or in the human realm, what do you say?" I ask he

thinks for a moment "deal, lets do it" we both smile. after a few hours I leave and head back to my house with a weird feeling in my chest, I feel like I'm light as a feather, like I'm flying but I'm still on the ground. I end up back at my house with a big smile plastered on my face, "whats got you so happy

Augustus?" my dad asks I didn't even think before I answered "Matt" I say. once I realize what I said I smacked my hand oven my mouth, "Matt, that boy you brought over the other day?" he asks I nod. my dad smile "ok" he says and walks to the kitchen. I dropped my hand and stand there not saying a

word did he not hear me? or does he just not care? I stand there for a few more seconds before walking to the kitchen. "um dad?" I ask, he turns around "yes Gus?" he says with a smile, "um, this is going to sound weird, but what do you think I meant by saying Matt made me happy?" I ask he

chuckles "come sit down" he says softly. I walk over to the table and sit down, my dad sits across from me, "I know you Gus so did your mother, we both knew you were different since first grade, you constantly would talk about the friends you made, talking about the boys in great detail. when you

became friends with willow we knew that you would always just be friends nothing more, I cant tell you like Matt as more than a friend even if you don't think so. just know I love you no matter what ok?" my dad says. I smile and stand up walking over to hug my dad, "thank you" I say and back up

from the hug, "now that that's sorted, I have to head into town tomorrow for a story about 'the farmers fair' so i'll be heading to bed good night son" he says I smile "good night dad" I say. I lay

awake in my bed starring at the celling I really like Matt that though that single though kept me up, all night, I wish willow and Luz were here to help me, wait their is someone who can help......

words:766 12/13/2021

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