November 27th

531 17 3

I wake up in the morning with a terrible headache, "Dad!!" I yell with a scratchy throat. he walks into the room "yes sport?" he says "I think I'm sick" I say my dad walks over and places his hand on my

head, "you seem to have a fever, just stay home to day and call me if you need me to come home ok?" I nod and go back under the covers.

Mattholomule's POV

I sigh as I enter school, I hate it here the teachers, the lessons but most of all the people. there is one exception though I don't despise Augustus I would never tell him that but, I cant lie to myself. "Matty!!!" I roll my eyes I know exactly whos voice that is, "what do you want Bria" I said she smiled

"cant a friend just hang out with you" she said in a sweet tone, I rolled my eyes "yes a friend could, but last time I checked we weren't friends, if I remember correctly you almost got me and Gus killed" I said shit I said Gus "Gus? hmm it seems your fond of him now" I walk away before w she can get

anymore black mail on me. I finish class and head to lunch where I didn't see Augustus I walk up to his group the couple whispering to each other while the one named willow looked angry, "Hi...." I say timidly the three girls looked at me "oh hey matt..... do you need something?" the human asked I

sigh I was wondering if you knew where Augustus is?" I asked they smiled "sorry Mattholomule, he's sick today and wont be coming" Willow said I look at the ground disappointed, willow seemed to notice. "how about you come with me after school to go see him, I need to bring his homework

anyway" she said my face lit up "Yes! I mean um yeah sure what ever" I say mentally face palming myself for being to enthusiastic Willow laughed "I've never seen you so excided, well see you later Mattholomule" she says and walks to her next class, I decide to skip the rest of my classes not like my

parents will notice. I sit against the walls of the green house waiting for will, I see her exit the green house. "ready to go Matt?" she says I cringe at the name "just Mattholomule, Matt is only for people I like" she smirked "like Gus?" my face heats up "l-lets just go" I say frustrated. she laughed before

following close behind me, we make it to his house and knock on the door, Gus's dad smiles at willow and gives me a weird look before moving out of the way so we can head upstairs, when we walk in Gus is siting up on his bed reading a book that I think I saw in the H.A.C. when we had a club. "hey

Willow and Matt" he says looking up from his book, willow looks at me and smirks, faint blush covers my cheeks before I glare at her. a few minutes go by before I look back at Gus who has his nose back in a book, I smile slightly and walk over to the edge of the bed to sit down, causing the bed to dip.

Gus looks at me and smiles "I'm glad *cough* you both came *cough cough*" I nod and so does Willow "well I have to meet my dads in like ten minutes so here's the homework and I sent you a video of the lesson I seriously don't get why you cant skip school for one day" I look over at Gus who

shrugs "hey if I want to be able to join more than one track next year then I have to study all tracks that includes the plant coven and the healing coven which you happen to be in both" Gus says. Willow rolls her eyes "what ever you say, bye boys" she says and walks out of the room shutting the

door behind her leaving me and Gus alone. "so you want to take multiple tracks next year?" I ask he nods "yep, i'm hopping I can take all of them, but if not my main ones are illusions, Healing, Plant and maybe potions or abominations, also I'm learning glyphs from Luz. I want to learn it all" he says I can

help but smile at his enthusiasm. after an hour or so I leave and head home or as I like to call it the hell hole, I open the door yelling escaping the kitchen. I ignore it and head upstairs passing my older sisters room, "Little bro is that you?" she asks I sigh and turn around walking back towards her room.

"yes its me, Ally" I say she smiles, Anastasia is 16, she is hardly home but when she is my parents fight less not never but just less. "so what did my short ass brother do today" I groan and roll my eyes "just wait till I'm taller than you then who will be the short one" I snap back, she laughs "relax grumpy

pants I'm just teasing" Ally is one of those people who can find the light in any dark situation. unlike me who hates most things and doesn't care to be here, she pats a spot on her bed I roll my eyes and

walk into her room shutting the door behind me "so tell me about your day?" she said your lucky I don't smack you on the side of the head...

Words:940 11/29/2021

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