~Bullied Pt2~

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As Tsu walking down the hall she was followed by another female student.

She immediately rushed in front of Tsu,blocking her way. "Why,hello! It's nice to see you again!"

It was the same female student who bullied Tsu for being a 'frog freak'.

Tsu's eyes widened. "Nice to see me? But.. the last time I saw you,you were bullying me."

"Oh,I know! And I'm terribly sorry for that!" She gave a fake sincere smile. "I'd like to apologize." She offered her hand.

Tsu smiled,shaking her hand.

The girl laughed. "Perfect."

All of a sudden,Tsu felt to the ground before things went dark. When she awoke,she felt slightly different. She looked around to find the girl. But what she found instead was.. herself.

She saw her own body lying on the floor.

Tsu looked at her hands. 'This.. this isn't my body!' She thought,her head spinning.

Soon,Tsu's body stared to move. Her body let out a laugh.

"Ha! I fooled you!" Her body stood up.

"This is my quirk. Neat,isn't it?"

Kaito Fumiko. Quirk: Body Swap.
She can swap bodies with whomever she touches. For her quirk to end,she must place her hands together.

Tsu's eyes widen. "What.. why would you do this?!" She yelled.

"Kero! Because! It's the only way for me to separate you from you boyfriend! Katsuki.." She sighed lovingly.

"Besides,he deserves better than you,Frog freak." She laughed,as she walked off in Tsu's body.

"W-wait!" Tsu stood there.

'There has to be a way for me to end the quirk!' She thought for a moment. 'I know,I'll go to Aizawa.' She quickly rushed to the teacher lounge.

——————With Fumiko——————

She noticed Bakugo walking in the hallway and blushed. She rushed over. "Afternoon Katsuki!" She smiled.

"Hey Tsu." He chuckled.

"So.. I have something I should tell you."

"Hm? What is it?"

She sighed. "Katsuki.. I think we should break up."

His eyes widened. "W-what.. why?!" He yelled.

"I'm sorry! I'm just not good enough for you!" She turned away and cried dramatically.

He scoffed. "Your.. your kidding right? Right?!"

"Hm?" She looked at him. "No,sorry babe. I'm not."

'Yes! I'm finally getting him to leave this frog freak!' She thought.

He turned around. "Fine.. l-like a care!" He yelled,walking off with tears of anger and sadness running down his cheek.

'Ha! Yes!!' She silently cheered,walking in the opposite direction looking for Tsu.

——————With Tsuyu——————

"Mr.Aizawa!" Tsuyu yelled,running into the teachers lounge.

"Huh?" Aizawa looked at the unfamiliar student.

"Who are you,and what do you need?" He sighed.

"I need help! It's this body swap quirk!"

"Body swap.. wait. Isn't that your quirk? Your name's Kaito Fumiko,correct?"

//Kᴀᴛsᴜʏᴜ Bᴏᴏᴋ//Where stories live. Discover now