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While Tsuyu was sleeping, Bakugo practically kicked open her door.

"Tsuyu, wake up!" He shouted before rushing towards her bed.

"Kero?.." Tsuyu sat up from her sleeping position before rubbing her tired eyes, "What is it?"

"The hell are you doing sleeping? It's five in the fucking afternoon, jeez." He rolled his eyes as he sat on the edge of her bed.

She yawned, "Gosh, I can't take a nap? Now on with it. What do you want?"

Bakugo smirked as he leaned towards her, "I have.. a challenge for you."

Tsuyu raised an eyebrow, "A challenge?"

"Yes. A challenge." Bakugo repeated.

"What kind of challenge?"

"You. Will be my servant. For twenty four hours." His smirk grew as he raised an eyebrow.

"Me? Be your 'servant' for a day?" She crossed her arms, "Hard pass."

"Aww," Bakugo's smirk turned into a pout, "please? C'mon, baby. For me?" He pouted his lower lip as he looked at her with his puppy eyes.

Tsuyu's cheeks tinted pink before sighing, "Jeez, you know I can't say no to that look! Fine."

His expression quickly changed into a sincere smile, "Good froggy."

"Yeah, yeah. Are we starting now?" She questioned.

"Hell yeah." He smirked as he swiftly pulled her into his lap. "First, I'm doing your hair. It's an absolute mess, by the way."

Tsuyu rolled her eyes, "Jee, thanks."

He used his index finger to tuck her sea green hair behind her ear, "You're welcome."


After at least an hour of Bakugo brushing out Tsuyu's hair, he finally managed to make her hair into pigtails, with small green bows at the ends.

"There, finished." Bakugo handed her a small mirror.

Tsuyu looked at her reflection in amazement, "Aw, it looks great, Katsuki!" She smiled.

He rolled his eyes, "Tsk, obviously."

Tsuyu yawned, "What now, kero?"

Bakugo smirked, he stood up with no response. He grabbed her hand and before she knew it she was being dragged out her dorm.

She tried to catch her balance, "Where we going?"

"Oh, you'll see." He quickened his pace to run into the common room.

Bakugo then let go of her wrist before flopping onto one of the empty couches, slouching slightly.

"Hey, come on. Sit in my lap." He smirked as he patted his left leg.

"Kero?" Tsuyu did a quick glance of her fellow classmates that were around before looking back at Bakugo. "Katsuki, no. Not here."

"Hey, hey. You're supposed to do what I tell you." He raised an eyebrow, "Remember?"

"Yeah, but—!" She was interrupted.

"No buts. C'mon." Bakugo patted his leg again.

Tsuyu sighed, before slowly sitting herself in her boyfriends lap.

Bakugo smirked slightly as he places his hands on her waist. "C'mon, aren't you enjoying this?"

"No," she mumbled, "but you sure are."

//Kᴀᴛsᴜʏᴜ Bᴏᴏᴋ//Where stories live. Discover now