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Bakugo sat up in his bed, before coughing hard and covering his mouth with his arm.

"Katsuki, drink the cough medicine already." Tsuyu sat in a chair next to the bed.

Bakugo sniffed. "Hell no. That shit tastes terrible."

"But still, it'll help you feel better."

"I said no!" He crossed his arms.

Tsuyu sighed, before standing up from her chair.

"Oi, where're you going?"

"Nowhere, just lie down till I come back."

He growled slightly, before laying down and pulling his blanket over him. "Fine." He grumbled.

Tsuyu then left his dorm, softly closing the door.

About ten minutes later, she came back into his dorm, holding a jar of jelly.

Once she sat back down in the chair, she could see Bakugo curled into a ball, and clenching tightly onto his pillow.

"Cold?" She asked.

His teeth clattered. "Y-Yes."

Tsuyu unscrewed the lid on her jar and placed it aside, before using her plastic spoon to scoop out a bit of the reddish jelly.

"Open wide." She smiled as she motioned the spoon towards his mouth.

Bakugo glanced at the spoon and back towards her. "What is it?"

"It's jelly, I made it for you. It has some spices, and the cough medicine. C'mon, eat it. You'll feel better."

He sighed, before opening his mouth and allowing her to feed him.

His eyes widened at the amazing taste.

He immediately sat up, taking the jar and plastic spoon, before devouring his food hungrily.

"Mmh, so good! I'll devour you till you're dead, damn jelly!!" He shouted before continuing to devour his delicious jelly.

Tsuyu smiled. "It's that good?"

Bakugo nodded, setting down the finished jar of jelly on his nightstand.

"Feel any better?" She asked.

He shook his head. "Not really."

"Don't worry, you should be better tomorrow. After you get some sleep."

Bakugo sighed, before laying down again and pulling the blanket over him.

Tsuyu then placed her hand onto his forehead to feel his temperature.

Bakugo sniffed, his nose runny.

She caressed his cheek. "You'll be better soon."

Bakugo groaned. "Fuck, damn headaches.."

Tsuyu tangled her fingers into his hair, and pet his head gently.

Bakugo closed his eyes slightly before nuzzling his face into his pillow.

"Are you gonna sleep now?"

He sighed. "Fine, but don't you dare leave."

"I wont, promise." She smiled.

"Good.." He slowly closed his eyes before nuzzling his face into his pillow.

"Night Katsuki." She kissed his head.

"Mm, night." He mumbled.

——————1 Hour Later——————

Tsuyu played games on her phone as Bakugo slept.

His teeth clattered as he clenched tightly onto his pillow. "F-Fucking cold." He muttered angrily.

"Aw, Katsuki." Tsuyu rubbed his head.

Bakugo opened his eyes slightly. "Idiot" he mumbled, "come lay down with me."

"I might get sick Katsuki."

He looked right at her with his puppy eyes while pouting his bottom lip. "Please?"

Her cheeks tinted pink. "Aw, c'mon. You know I can't say no to that look."

She sighed before climbing into the bed and laying beside him.

He scowled at her. "Scoot closer, damn it."

"Kero." She scooted closer into him.

"Good." He rested his cheek on her breasts. "Mmh, your warm.." His arms wrapped around her waist, before pulling her even closer to him.

Tsuyu smiled. "That's good. Now get some rest."

He frowned. "But why?"

"You know why. You're sick."

He groaned. "Aw, fine. But first, how about a kiss?" He smirked slightly before puckering his lips.

She sighed before lifting his chin and kissing his lips softly.

Bakugo sighed. "Good enough."

"Will you sleep now?" Tsuyu caressed his cheek.

"Yeah, yeah. Fine." He snuggled his head into her breasts before closing his eyes slowly.

"Night Katsuki." She smiled before kissing his forehead.

"Mhm, night." He mumbled.

//Kᴀᴛsᴜʏᴜ Bᴏᴏᴋ//Where stories live. Discover now