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It was Friday, five pm as the students of class 1a we're heading back to the dorms.

"Katsuki, wait!" Tsuyu shouted as she caught up to Bakugo.

Bakugo kept walking, his hands stuffed inside his pockets.

"You okay, Katsuki?" Tsuyu asked.

"I'm fine," Bakugo grumbled, "just in a shit mood since Deku beat me in training."

"Oh? Well, I think you did great!" She smiled as she continued to follow beside him.

"Tsk," Bakugo smacked his lips, "I know I did great!! But I still couldn't beat that damn nerd."

"Yeah, but—" Before Tsuyu could finish her sentence, out of nowhere she lost her balance, accidentally bumping into Bakugo and knocking him down.

Luckily for her, Tsuyu caught her balance, before turning to look at Bakugo, face planted on the floor.

"Woah, Katsuki! Are you okay?!"

Bakugo groaned, slowly sitting up as his hand rose up towards his nose.

His fingers touched his upper lip and when he pulled his hand away he could see that his nose bled.

He growled, "Shit. Damn it!" He shouted before turning towards her, "You dumb frog!!"

"Kero?" Tsuyu eyes widened as she gripped slightly onto the straps of her backpack.

Bakugo quickly realized what he said, "Wait. Shit! Damn it. Tsuyu, I'm—"

"I'll see you later, Katsuki." She interrupted him, before she started to walk off.

Bakugo's eyes widened, "Wait, Tsuyu!"

He watched her walk off. He saw water droplets fall to the ground, which he knew were her tears and she walked away faster.

He sighed before facepalming, "Damn it. I'm the dummy."


After a quick visit to Recovery Girls office, Bakugo rushed to Tsuyu's dorm.

He didn't hesitate to open the door without knocking.

"Tsuyu?" He spoke once he stepped inside.

He heard a faint voice coming from the bathroom.

He gently closed the door and made his way into the bathroom.

He opened the door to see Tsuyu on the floor, her legs pulled towards her chest and a waterfall of tears flowing down her cheeks.

His eyes widened, "Tsuyu.." he spoke softly as he walked inside and sat down next to her.

Tsuyu sniffled as she wipes her tears with her arm, "I'm sorry, Katsuki. I didn't mean to bump into you.."

"No, Tsuyu. You're not the one who should be apologizing. I am." He took a deep breath, "I'm sorry. I was just.. mad, at Deku, maybe a little at myself, and I took that anger out on you. I'm sorry."

"No, but you were right." she sniffled, "I am a dumb frog.." More tears ran down her cheeks as she nuzzled her face into her knees.

"Tsuyu, no. You're not a dumb frog. Okay?"

"Kero." Tsuyu sniffled.

"Hey," Bakugo grabbed her jaw and pulled her face towards him, "look at me. You are not a dumb frog. You hear me?"

Tsuyu slowly nodded her head as she sniffled.

Bakugo squished her cheeks, "You're a brilliant, beautiful, funny, and adorable froggy. And most importantly, you're my froggy. And I love you very much. Understand?"

Tsuyu sniffled, nodding her head, "Kero."

"Good." He kissed her forehead, before standing up and scooping her up as well, "Now c'mon."

Bakugo made sure to turn of the bathroom light before climbing into Tsuyu's bed, laying down and laying her onto his chest.

"Kero." Tsuyu croaked as she nuzzled her head into his chest.

Bakugo sighed, "C'mon, I apologized already. What else do you want?"

Tsuyu sniffled while she lifted her head, "Can you say it again?"

Bakugo raised an eyebrow in confusion, "Say what again?"

"That you love me.." she mumbled.

A small blush formed across his face as he huffed, "Yeah? Fine." He lifted her chin with his index finger and looked at her.



"I love you." He spoke gently, before leaving a small kiss on her forehead.

Tsuyu smiled quickly wiping her tears away, "I love you too, Katsuki."

Bakugo huffed as his cheeks tinted red, "Yeah, yeah. Whatever." He grumbled.

"Kero." Tsuyu laid her head on his chest and wrapped her arms around his waist.

Bakugo sighed as he placed his hand on her hand, "You're such an adorable froggy."

//Kᴀᴛsᴜʏᴜ Bᴏᴏᴋ//Where stories live. Discover now