the world that I live

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Do not mock the world that I live 

The one between pages, between printed covers 

That feel right in my hand the way I don't feel right in the world most days 

Because my home is in the words printed and spoken and lived 

By people who may not be real to you, but are more real to me

Because they alone has seen my hardships

My struggles, my pain

And they help me forget but they also help me remember 

I am strong and bold and fearless

I am a warrior, a princess 

Someone who goes to get their destiny when I can't even get out of bed some days

When I stumble, they catch me 

When I have questions they have answers

When I want to know them, I can

Real people aren't like that

They aren't words on a page you can learn 

They aren't unwavering 

They aren't infallible 

They are blurred sharp edges that will cut you deeper than any words on a page can dull

The world I live in is safe

A world where muted grays mix into my favorite people 

Because they too have scars their world left them 

Do not mock the world that I live 

For it is the safest I've ever been

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